DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
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Иерархия классов
Иерархия классов.
[уровень детализации 12345678]
 CAbilityRecordPair ( action, actionType )
 CAmmoEffectsStatic data holder for certain ammo config values
 CAnimCommandBaseBase class of all commands exposed to script to provide common functionality over animations
 CAreaDamageEventsEvents used across AreaDamage API, calling of these needs to be handled by parent
 CarrayResult for an object found in CGame.IsBoxCollidingGeometryProxy
 Carray< Class T >
 Carray< ref CallQueueContext >CallQueue Class provide "lazy" calls - when we don't want to execute function immediately but later during frame update (used mainly in UI)
 Carray< ref TSelectableActionInfo >
 Carray< TimerBase >TimerQueue Class using for system purpose only
 CAttachNewMagazineAttach mag in LH into weapon
 CBacklitBacklit effect class
 CBiosCheckUpdateResultBiosCheckUpdateResult represent result of the PromptUpdateAsync request
 CBiosClientServicesBiosClientServices class provides individual online services
 CBiosFriendInfoBiosFriendInfo represents friend information
 CBiosPrivacyPermissionResultBiosPrivacyPermissionResult represents the per permission result of the GetPermissionsAsync reqeust
 CBiosPrivacyServiceBiosPrivacyService is used to query privacy permissions for a target user/s
 CBiosPrivacyUidResultBiosPrivacyUidResult represents the per user result of the GetPermissionsAsync request
 CBiosSocialServiceBiosSocialService is used to query friend list and other social features for the current user
 CBoltRifle_BaseBase for bolt action rifles @NOTE name copies config base class
 CBotActionBaseAction executed on transition just between OnExit from old state and OnEntry to new state
 CBotEventBaseEvent that triggers transition from state to state
 CBotFSMBot Finite State Machine (Hierarchical)
 CBotGuardBaseGuard on a transition from state to state
 CBotStateBaseRepresent weapon state base
 CBoxCollidingParamsClass that holds parameters to feed into CGame.IsBoxCollidingGeometryProxy
 CCallQueueDragQueue Class provide callbacks while mouse is dragging. Callback function must have exact arguments:
 CCarControllerDEPRECATED class left for backwards compatibility, methods are available on car itself now
 CCfgGameplayJsonContents of this class will be transfered to client upon connecting, with the variables in either initial state as set through the 'InitServer..()' call, or replaced with contents of the json configuration file if such file is both present and reading is enabled in server.cfg
 CChainedDropAndKillPlayerLambdaDrops weapon in hands to ground and then calls kill
 CClassSuper root of all classes in Enforce script
 CContentDLCContentDLC is for query installed DLC (only as entitlement keys, not content)
 CCraftingManagerClient only - manage set up crafting on client
 CDayZAIHitComponentHolds hit components and its weights for attack from AI (used on each type - DayZPlayerType, DayZAnimalType, etc.)
 CDayZCreatureAIDo not process rotations !
 CDayZPlayerCameraBaseThis is main camera class
 CDbgBleedingIndicationStaticInfoStatic info (non-constants)
 CDetachOldMagazineDetaches old magazine from weapon and stores it in left hand (LH)
 CEasingInput value between 0 and 1, returns value adjusted by easing, no automatic clamping of input(do your own !!)
 CEconomyLogCategoriesCategories for CEApi.EconomyLog
 CEconomyOutputStringsSpecial strings for CEApi.EconomyOutput
 CEnProfilerSet of methods for accessing script profiling data
 CErrorHandlerModuleDefinition and API of an ErrorHandlerModule - Do not insert any logic here! (as this class is not moddable)
 CErrorModuleHandlerThe error handler itself, for managing and distributing errors to modules Manages the ErrorHandlerModule instances inserted in Init. API comes with several functions to Create, Throw and extract data from error codes. The format used is an int which is made up of two shorts, one that holds the category and one that holds the code. Therefore when looking at an error code, it is much easier to identify when looking at the hex value
 CErrorPropertiesClass which holds the properties and handling of an error
 CFSMBaseBase class for finite state machine
 CFSMBase< Class FSMStateBase, Class FSMEventBase, Class FSMActionBase, Class FSMGuardBase >
 CFSMTransitionTransition src -— event[guard]/action -—|> dst
 CFSMTransition< Class FSMStateBase, Class FSMEventBase, Class FSMActionBase, Class FSMGuardBase >
 CFullTimeDataStruct that keeps Time relevant information for future formatting
 CGameInventoryScript counterpart to engine's class Inventory
 CGameplayEffectsDataManages all bleeding indicators and their updates
 CGameplayEffectWidgets_baseGrouped gameplay effect widgets and their handling
 CGetFirstServerWithEmptySlotInputGetServersInput the input structure of the GetServers operation
 CGetServersInputGetServersInput the input structure of the GetServers operation
 CGetServersResultGetServersResult the output structure of the GetServers operation
 CGetServersResultRowGetServersResultRow the output structure of the GetServers operation that represents one game server
 CHandEventBaseAbstracted event, not to be used, only inherited
 CHandFSMHand finite state machine
 CHandGuardBaseTODO(kumarjac): This guard is unused but it has a fault and doesn't conform with maximimal/minimal checks on "Juncture"/"Remote"
 CHandStableStateStable state (i.e. the basic states that the fsm will spend the most time in)
 CHandStartActionSimple class starting animation action specified by m_action and m_actionType
 CHandStateBaseRepresent hand state base
 CHelicopterNative implementatin with auto hover funcionality
 CHFSMBaseBase class for hierarchic finite state machine
 CHFSMBase< BotStateBase, BotEventBase, BotActionBase, BotGuardBase >
 CHFSMBase< Class FSMStateBase, Class FSMEventBase, Class FSMActionBase, Class FSMGuardBase >
 CHFSMBase< HandStateBase, HandEventBase, HandActionBase, HandGuardBase >
 CHFSMBase< WeaponStateBase, WeaponEventBase, WeaponActionBase, WeaponGuardBase >
 CHumanCommandClimbCommand itself
 CHumanCommandScriptHumanCommandScript fully scriptable command
 CInventoryActionHandlerClient only - manage set up crafting on client
 CInventorySlotsAccess to slot configuration
 CIzh18_BaseBase for Izh18 @NOTE name copies config base class
 CJsonFileLoader< Class T >
 CLink< Class T >
 CLODLOD class
 CLoginQueueBaseLoginQueue position when using -connect since mission is not created yet
 CLoginTimeBaseLoginTime when using -connect since mission is not created yet
 CManagedTODO doc
 Cmap< Class TKey, Class TValue >Associative array template
 CMissionMission class
 CMosin9130Base for Mosin @NOTE name copies config base class
 CmultiMap< Class K, Class V >Associative array template, with multiple values per key
 CNonlethal_BaseBase "helper" class for nonlethal ammo handling
 CNonSerializedTODO doc
 COFSMBaseBase class for Orthogonal Finite State Machine
 COFSMBase< Class FSMStateBase, Class FSMEventBase, Class FSMActionBase, Class FSMGuardBase >
 COptionsAccessEventsInvokers for ParticleManager events
 COptionSelectorSliderSetupThis Option Selector handles a Slider Marker, which basically has 2 sliders One slider is for selecting the value, and the other slider is for displaying some other value/ information
 CParticleEventsInvokers for ParticleBase events, called from events
 CParticleManagerConstantsClass simply to have easily modded constants
 CParticleManagerEventsInvokers for ParticleManager events
 CPistol_BaseBase for semi auto weapons @NOTE name copies config base class
 CPPEClassBaseCreated once, on manager init. Script-side representation of C++ material class, separate handling
 CPPEffectsDeprecated; 'PPEManager' used instead
 CPPEManagerStaticStatic component of PPE manager, used to hold the instance
 CPPERequester_GameplayBaseBase, not to be used directly, would lead to layering collisions!
 CPPERequestParamDataBaseData for one material parameter, requester side
 CRainProcurementManagerDEPRECATED, done through the RainProcurementHandler / component instead
 CReplaceItemWithNewLambdaBaseBase class for transformation operations (creating one item from another)
 CRifle_BaseBase for rifles @NOTE name copies config base class
 CSawedoffIzh18ShotgunBase for SawedoffIzh18Shotgun @NOTE name copies config base class
 CScriptCallQueueScriptCallQueue Class provide "lazy" calls - when we don't want to execute function immediately but later during frame update (used mainly in UI)
 CScriptInvokerScriptInvoker Class provide list of callbacks
 CScriptModuleModule containing compiled scripts
 CSEffectManagerManager class for managing Effect (EffectParticle, EffectSound)
 CSelectionSelection class
 Cset< Class T >
 CSimpleCircularBuffer< Class T >
 CSimpleMovingAverage< Class T >
 CSpawnDataConverterUtility class that converts init.c format type of spawn commands to a json file, fill in the SpawnInit() with your data and call SpawnDataConverter.SpawnObjects() through script editor console, result is a json file
 CStaminaHolds information about Stamina Consumer
 CSwapOldAndNewMagazineOld magazine to inventory, new to left hand
 CTestAttribute used for tests annotation and assignment to Suites
 CTimerBaseSimple class for fading Widgets
 CTraceContactCollision and tracing WARNING: Non-managed, needs manual delete call, should not be ref'd
 CTransportBase native class for all motorized wheeled vehicles
 CTrialServiceTrialService is used to query if the game is trial version or not
 CTriggerInsiderThe object which is in a trigger and its metadata
 CVicinityObjectsObjects in vicinity - extended with secondary object which is parent of that Object
 CVONManagerManager class which handles Voice-over-network functionality while player is connected to a server
 CWeaponScript counterpart to engine's class Weapon
 CWeaponActionBaseAction executed on transition just between OnExit from old state and OnEntry to new state
 CWeaponChargingCharging of weapon without ammo to be chambered
 CWeaponEventBaseSignalize mechanism manipulation
 CWeaponFSMWeapon finite state machine
 CWeaponGuardBaseGuard on a transition from state to state
 CWeaponReplacingMagAndChamberNextReplace current magazine with new one
 CWeaponStableStateWeapon's stable state (i.e. the basic states that the weapon will spend the most time in)
 CWeaponStartActionSimple class starting animation action specified by m_action and m_actionType
 CWeaponStateBaseRepresent weapon state base
 CWeaponStateJammedHandle jamming state set jam/unjam state for weapon
 CWeaponUnjammingUnjam submachine
 CWorldDataKeeps information about currently loaded world, like temperature
 CZombieMaleBaseBase class for eatch Infected type