DayZ 1.26
DayZ Explorer by KGB
InventoryLocation. Подробнее...
Закрытые члены | |
proto native bool | IsValid () |
verify current set inventory location | |
proto native int | GetType () |
returns type of InventoryLocation | |
proto native EntityAI | GetParent () |
returns parent of current inventory location | |
proto native EntityAI | GetItem () |
returns item of current inventory location | |
proto native int | GetSlot () |
returns slot id if current type is Attachment | |
proto native int | GetIdx () |
returns index of cargo if current type is Cargo / ProxyCargo | |
proto native int | GetRow () |
returns row of cargo if current type is Cargo / ProxyCargo | |
proto native int | GetCol () |
returns column of cargo if current type is Cargo / ProxyCargo | |
proto native bool | GetFlip () |
returns flip status of cargo | |
proto native vector | GetPos () |
returns position of item in world if type is Ground | |
proto native void | GetDir (out float dir[4]) |
returns direction of item in world if type is Ground | |
proto native void | SetGround (EntityAI e, vector mat[4]) |
sets current inventory location type to Ground with transformation mat | |
proto native void | SetGroundEx (EntityAI e, vector pos, float dir[4]) |
sets current inventory location type to Ground with transformation mat | |
proto native void | SetAttachment (notnull EntityAI parent, EntityAI e, int slotId) |
sets current inventory location type to Attachment with slot id set to <slotId> | |
proto native void | SetCargoAuto (notnull CargoBase cargo, EntityAI e, int row, int col, bool flip) |
based on Cargo.IsProxyCargo uses SetProxyCargo or SetCargo respectively | |
proto native void | SetCargo (notnull EntityAI parent, EntityAI e, int idx, int row, int col, bool flip) |
sets current inventory location type to Cargo with coordinates (idx, row, col) | |
proto native void | SetProxyCargo (notnull EntityAI parent, EntityAI e, int idx, int row, int col, bool flip) |
sets current inventory location type to ProxyCargo with coordinates (idx, row, col) @NOTE: typical usage is in building-like dummy structures, where furniture with cargo is part of the model, and is not a physical entity (like person or bag). | |
proto native void | SetHands (notnull EntityAI parent, EntityAI e) |
sets current inventory location type to Hands | |
proto native void | SetVehicle (notnull EntityAI parent, EntityAI e, int idx) |
proto native void | SetParent (notnull EntityAI parent) |
proto native void | SetItem (notnull EntityAI item) |
proto native void | SetSlot (int slotId) |
proto native void | SetIndex (int idx) |
proto native void | SetRow (int row) |
proto native void | SetCol (int col) |
proto native void | SetFlip (bool flip) |
proto native void | Reset () |
proto native bool | CompareLocationOnly (notnull InventoryLocation other) |
proto native bool | CollidesWith (notnull InventoryLocation rhs) |
checks if inventory locations collides each with other | |
proto native InventoryLocation | Copy (notnull InventoryLocation rhs) |
copies location data to another location | |
proto native InventoryLocation | CopyLocationFrom (notnull InventoryLocation rhs, bool copyFlip) |
copies location to another location without m_item member | |
string | DumpToString () |
bool | ReadFromContext (ParamsReadContext ctx) |
bool | WriteToContext (ParamsWriteContext ctx) |
Закрытые статические члены | |
static string | DumpToStringNullSafe (InventoryLocation loc) |
private |
checks if inventory locations collides each with other
private |
private |
copies location data to another location
@NOTE it copies all data (except enforce internal data)
Используется в InventoryItem::EEItemLocationChanged().
private |
copies location to another location without m_item member
@NOTE it does NOT do a copy of m_item member!
inlineprivate |
Перекрестные ссылки GetCol(), GetDir(), GetFlip(), GetIdx(), GetItem(), GetParent(), GetPos(), GetRow(), GetSlot() и GetType().
inlinestaticprivate |
Используется в CGame::AddInventoryJunctureEx(), GameInventory::AddInventoryReservationEx(), HandEventBase::CheckRequestSrc(), GameInventory::ClearInventoryReservationEx(), ManBase::CreateCopyOfItemInInventory(), DumpToString(), HandEventBase::DumpToString(), ReplaceItemWithNewLambdaBase::Execute(), GameInventory::ExtendInventoryReservationEx(), HumanInventory::ForceSwapEntities(), ForceSwapEntities(), HandGuardBase::GuardCondition(), HandleForceSwapEntities(), HandleSwapEntities(), HandleTakeToDst(), HumanInventory::OnEntityInHandsCreated(), HumanInventory::OnEntityInHandsDestroyed(), WeaponStateBase::OnEntry(), ActionDigInStash::OnFinishProgressServer(), ManBase::OnQuickBarSingleUse(), GameInventory::OnServerInventoryCommandStatic(), ReplaceItemWithNewLambdaBase::RemoveOldItemFromLocation(), SelectAnimationOfForceSwapInHands(), InventoryInputUserData::SendInputUserDataDestroy(), InventoryInputUserData::SendInputUserDataMove(), InventoryInputUserData::SendInputUserDataSwap(), SendServerHandEventViaJuncture(), InventoryInputUserData::SendServerMove(), InventoryInputUserData::SendServerSwap(), ActionBase::SetupAction(), HumanInventory::SwapEntities(), HumanInventory::TakeToDst(), TakeToDst(), EntityAI::TakeToDstImpl(), TryAcquireInventoryJunctureFromServer(), TryAcquireTwoInventoryJuncturesFromServer(), ReplaceItemWithNewLambdaBase::UndoRemoveOldItemFromLocation(), ValidateDestroy(), ValidateSwap() и ValidateSyncMove().
private |
returns column of cargo if current type is Cargo / ProxyCargo
Используется в DumpToString() и WriteToContext().
returns direction of item in world if type is Ground
Используется в DumpToString() и WriteToContext().
private |
private |
returns index of cargo if current type is Cargo / ProxyCargo
Используется в DumpToString() и WriteToContext().
private |
returns item of current inventory location
Item can be null if and only if this is a query for location of item that is about to be created (new spawn).
Используется в DumpToString() и WriteToContext().
private |
returns parent of current inventory location
Parent entity can be null if item is on ground.
Используется в DumpToString() и WriteToContext().
private |
returns position of item in world if type is Ground
Используется в DumpToString() и WriteToContext().
private |
returns row of cargo if current type is Cargo / ProxyCargo
Используется в DumpToString() и WriteToContext().
private |
returns slot id if current type is Attachment
@NOTE: slot id is related to order of entries in DZ/data/config.cpp secton CfgSlots
Используется в DumpToString() и WriteToContext().
private |
returns type of InventoryLocation
Используется в DumpToString() и WriteToContext().
private |
verify current set inventory location
inlineprivate |
Перекрестные ссылки ErrorEx, Debug::Log(), SetAttachment(), SetCargo(), SetGroundEx(), SetHands(), SetProxyCargo() и SetVehicle().
Используется в HandEventRemove::ReadFromContext().
private |
sets current inventory location type to Attachment with slot id set to <slotId>
[in] | parent | parent entity the item <e> will be attached to |
[in] | e | entity with this inventory location (null for new spawns) |
[in] | slotId | slot id where the item will be attached |
Используется в ReadFromContext().
sets current inventory location type to Cargo with coordinates (idx, row, col)
[in] | parent | parent entity that will receive item <e> into cargo |
[in] | e | entity with this inventory location (null for new spawns) |
[in] | idx | index of cargo |
[in] | row | row of the cargo |
[in] | col | column of the cargo |
Используется в ReadFromContext().
based on Cargo.IsProxyCargo uses SetProxyCargo or SetCargo respectively
[in] | cargo | cargo that will receive item <e> into cargo |
[in] | e | entity with this inventory location (null for new spawns) |
[in] | row | row of the cargo |
[in] | col | column of the cargo |
sets current inventory location type to Ground with transformation mat
[in] | e | entity with this inventory location (null for new spawns) |
[in] | mat | transformation matrix |
sets current inventory location type to Ground with transformation mat
[in] | e | entity with this inventory location (null for new spawns) |
[in] | pos | position vector |
[in] | dir | direction quat |
Используется в ReadFromContext().
sets current inventory location type to Hands
[in] | parent | parent entity the item <e> will be attached to. this'd better be inherited from Person |
[in] | e | entity with this inventory location (null for new spawns) |
Используется в ReadFromContext().
sets current inventory location type to ProxyCargo with coordinates (idx, row, col) @NOTE: typical usage is in building-like dummy structures, where furniture with cargo is part of the model, and is not a physical entity (like person or bag).
[in] | parent | parent entity that will receive item <e> into proxy cargo |
[in] | e | entity with this inventory location (null for new spawns) |
[in] | idx | index of cargo |
[in] | row | row of the cargo |
[in] | col | column of the cargo |
Используется в ReadFromContext().
brief sets current inventory location's GetParent
[in] | idx | index of seat |
Используется в ReadFromContext().
inlineprivate |
Перекрестные ссылки Error(), GetCol(), GetDir(), GetFlip(), GetIdx(), GetItem(), GetParent(), GetPos(), GetRow(), GetSlot() и GetType().