DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
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Класс HumanCommandClimb

command itself Подробнее...

Закрытые члены

void HumanCommandClimb ()
void ~HumanCommandClimb ()
proto native int GetState ()
 returns the state of climb (enum value of ClimbStates);
proto native vector GetGrabPointWS ()
 returns world space position of climbing grab point
proto native vector GetClimbOverStandPointWS ()
 returns world space position of landspot after climbing over

Закрытые статические члены

proto static native bool DoClimbTest (Human pHuman, SHumanCommandClimbResult pResult, int pDebugDrawLevel)
proto static native bool DoPerformClimbTest (Human pHuman, SHumanCommandClimbResult pResult, int pDebugDrawLevel)
proto static native bool DebugDrawClimb (Human pHuman, int pLevel)

Подробное описание

command itself

См. определение в файле human.c строка 772