DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
Не найдено
Класс MissionBase

Защищенные члены

void MissionGameplay ()
void ~MissionGameplay ()
InventoryMenu GetInventory ()
override void OnInit ()
UIManager GetUIManager ()
override void OnMissionStart ()
void InitInventory ()
void TickScheduler (float timeslice)
void SendMuteListToServer (map< string, bool > mute_list)
override void UpdateInputDevicesAvailability ()
override void OnMissionFinish ()
override void OnUpdate (float timeslice)
override void OnKeyPress (int key)
override void OnKeyRelease (int key)
override void OnEvent (EventType eventTypeId, Param params)
override void OnItemUsed (InventoryItem item, Man owner)
override void PlayerControlEnable (bool bForceSupress)
 Deprecated; removes last input exclude and associated controls restrictions.
override void PlayerControlDisable (int mode)
 Deprecated; simple input restrictions.
override void RemoveActiveInputExcludes (array< string > excludes, bool bForceSupress=false)
 Removes one or more exclude groups and refreshes excludes.
override void RemoveActiveInputRestriction (int restrictor)
 Removes one restriction (specific behaviour oudside regular excludes, defined below)
override void AddActiveInputExcludes (array< string > excludes)
 Adds one or more exclude groups to disable and refreshes excludes.
override void AddActiveInputRestriction (int restrictor)
 Adds one input restriction (specific behaviour oudside regular excludes, defined below)
override void RefreshExcludes ()
 queues refresh of input excludes
void PerformRefreshExcludes ()
 applies queued excludes (0 == clear excludes)
override void EnableAllInputs (bool bForceSupress=false)
 Removes all active input excludes and restrictions.
override bool IsControlDisabled ()
 returns if ANY exclude groups, restriction (or deprecated disable, if applicable) is active
override bool IsInputExcludeActive (string exclude)
 Returns true if the particular input exclude group had been activated via script and is active.
override bool IsInputRestrictionActive (int restriction)
 Returns true if the particular 'restriction' (those govern special behaviour outside regular input excludes, EInputRestrictors) is active.
override int GetControlDisabledMode ()
 (mostly)DEPRECATED; only set on the old 'PlayerControlDisable' method
void CloseAllMenus ()
void DestroyAllMenus ()
void MoveHudForInventory (bool inv_open)
override void ShowInventory ()
override void HideInventory ()
void DestroyInventory ()
override void ResetGUI ()
override void ShowChat ()
override void HideChat ()
void ShowVehicleInfo ()
void HideVehicleInfo ()
override Hud GetHud ()
HudDebug GetHudDebug ()
override void RefreshCrosshairVisibility ()
override void HideCrosshairVisibility ()
override bool IsPaused ()
override void Pause ()
override void Continue ()
override bool IsMissionGameplay ()
override void AbortMission ()
override void CreateLogoutMenu (UIMenuPanel parent)
override void StartLogoutMenu (int time)
override void CreateDebugMonitor ()
override void HideDebugMonitor ()
void HandleMapToggleByKeyboardShortcut (Man player)
bool IsMapUnfoldActionRunning (ActionBase pAction)
void UpdateDebugMonitor ()
void SetActionDownTime (int time_down)
void SetActionUpTime (int time_up)
int LocalPressTime ()
int LocalReleaseTime ()
float GetHoldActionTime ()
void DisplayHairDebug ()
void ShowHairDebugValues (bool state)
override void UpdateVoiceLevelWidgets (int level)
override ImageWidget GetMicrophoneIcon ()
override WidgetFadeTimer GetMicWidgetFadeTimer ()
override map< int, ImageWidget > GetVoiceLevelWidgets ()
override map< int, ref WidgetFadeTimer > GetVoiceLevelTimers ()
override bool IsVoNActive ()
override void SetVoNActive (bool active)
override void HideVoiceLevelWidgets ()
override UIScriptedMenu GetNoteMenu ()
override void SetNoteMenu (UIScriptedMenu menu)
override void OnPlayerRespawned (Man player)
override void SetPlayerRespawning (bool state)
override bool IsPlayerRespawning ()
override array< vectorGetActiveRefresherLocations ()
override void SetRespawnModeClient (int mode)
override int GetRespawnModeClient ()
override GameplayEffectWidgets GetEffectWidgets ()
ScriptInvoker GetConnectivityInvoker ()
void OnInputBufferEvent (bool state)
void InputBufferCheck ()
void MissionServer ()
void ~MissionServer ()
override void OnInit ()
override void OnMissionStart ()
override void OnUpdate (float timeslice)
override void OnGameplayDataHandlerLoad ()
void RandomArtillery (float deltaTime)
override bool IsServer ()
override bool IsPlayerDisconnecting (Man player)
void UpdatePlayersStats ()
void AddNewPlayerLogout (PlayerBase player, notnull LogoutInfo info)
void UpdateLogoutPlayers ()
override void OnEvent (EventType eventTypeId, Param params)
void InvokeOnConnect (PlayerBase player, PlayerIdentity identity)
void InvokeOnDisconnect (PlayerBase player)
void OnClientPrepareEvent (PlayerIdentity identity, out bool useDB, out vector pos, out float yaw, out int preloadTimeout)
void ControlPersonalLight (PlayerBase player)
void SyncGlobalLighting (PlayerBase player)
bool ProcessLoginData (ParamsReadContext ctx)
 returns whether received data is valid, ctx can be filled on client in StoreLoginData()
PlayerBase CreateCharacter (PlayerIdentity identity, vector pos, ParamsReadContext ctx, string characterName)
void EquipCharacter (MenuDefaultCharacterData char_data)
 Spawns character equip from received data. Checks validity against config, randomizes if invalid value and config array not empty.
void StartingEquipSetup (PlayerBase player, bool clothesChosen)
 can be overriden to manually set up starting equip. 'clothesChosen' is legacy parameter, does nothing.
bool VerifyAttachmentType (int slot_ID, string attachment_type)
PlayerBase OnClientNewEvent (PlayerIdentity identity, vector pos, ParamsReadContext ctx)
void OnClientReadyEvent (PlayerIdentity identity, PlayerBase player)
void OnClientRespawnEvent (PlayerIdentity identity, PlayerBase player)
void OnClientReconnectEvent (PlayerIdentity identity, PlayerBase player)
void OnClientDisconnectedEvent (PlayerIdentity identity, PlayerBase player, int logoutTime, bool authFailed)
void PlayerDisconnected (PlayerBase player, PlayerIdentity identity, string uid)
bool ShouldPlayerBeKilled (PlayerBase player)
void HandleBody (PlayerBase player)
void TickScheduler (float timeslice)
override bool InsertCorpse (Man player)
void UpdateCorpseStatesServer ()
override void SyncRespawnModeInfo (PlayerIdentity identity)
override RainProcurementHandler GetRainProcurementHandler ()
override array< vectorGetActiveRefresherLocations ()

Защищенные данные

UIManager m_UIManager
Widget m_HudRootWidget
ImageWidget m_MicrophoneIcon
ref InventoryMenu m_InventoryMenu
ref Chat m_Chat
ref ActionMenu m_ActionMenu
ref IngameHud m_Hud
ref HudDebug m_HudDebug
ref LogoutMenu m_Logout
ref DebugMonitor m_DebugMonitor
ref Watermark m_Watermark
ref ScriptInvoker m_OnConnectivityChanged
ref GameplayEffectWidgets m_EffectWidgets
ref Timer m_ChatChannelHideTimer
ref WidgetFadeTimer m_ChatChannelFadeTimer
ref WidgetFadeTimer m_MicFadeTimer
Widget m_ChatChannelArea
TextWidget m_ChatChannelText
NoteMenu m_Note
ref Timer m_ToggleHudTimer
const int HOLD_LIMIT_TIME = 300
int m_ActionDownTime
int m_ActionUpTime
bool m_InitOnce
bool m_ControlDisabled
int m_ControlDisabledMode
ref array< stringm_ActiveInputExcludeGroups
ref array< intm_ActiveInputRestrictions
bool m_ProcessInputExcludes
bool m_QuickbarHold
bool m_PlayerRespawning
int m_RespawnModeClient
bool m_PauseQueued
bool m_VoNActive
Widget m_VoiceLevels
ref map< int, ImageWidget > m_VoiceLevelsWidgets
ref map< int, ref WidgetFadeTimer > m_VoiceLevelTimers
bool m_InputBufferFull
UIScriptedMenu m_ConnectionMenu
bool m_PlayArty = false
float m_ArtyDelay = 0
int m_MinSimultaneousStrikes = 0
int m_MaxSimultaneousStrikes = 0
ref array< vectorm_FiringPos
const ref array< vectorCHERNARUS_STRIKE_POS
const ref array< vectorLIVONIA_STRIKE_POS
PlayerBase m_player
MissionBase m_mission
PluginAdditionalInfo m_moduleDefaultCharacter

Закрытые члены

override void OnInit ()
override void Reset ()
DayZIntroScenePC GetIntroScenePC ()
DayZIntroSceneXbox GetIntroSceneXbox ()
void CreateIntroScene ()
override void UpdateInputDevicesAvailability ()
override void OnMissionStart ()
override void OnMissionFinish ()
override void OnUpdate (float timeslice)
void OnMenuEnter (int menu_id)
void OnInputDeviceChanged (int device)
int SortedInsert (array< int > list, int number)
void PlayMusic ()
void StopMusic ()
AbstractWave GetMenuMusic ()

Закрытые данные

int m_LifeState
bool m_Initialized
UIScriptedMenu m_mainmenu
CreditsMenu m_CreditsMenu
ref DayZIntroScenePC m_IntroScenePC
ref DayZIntroSceneXbox m_IntroSceneXbox
bool m_NoCutscene
AbstractWave m_MenuMusic
ref array< Man > m_Players
ref array< ref CorpseDatam_DeadPlayersArray
ref map< PlayerBase, ref LogoutInfom_LogoutPlayers
ref map< PlayerBase, ref LogoutInfom_NewLogoutPlayers
ref RainProcurementHandler m_RainProcHandler
int m_currentPlayer
int m_RespawnMode
float m_ArtyBarrageTimer = 0

Подробное описание

См. определение в файле missionGameplay.c строка 1