DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
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Класс CarController

DEPRECATED class left for backwards compatibility, methods are available on car itself now. Подробнее...

Закрытые члены

void CarController ()
void ~CarController ()
proto float GetSteering ()
 Returns the current steering value in range <-1, 1>.
proto void SetSteering (float in, bool analog=false)
proto float GetThrustTurbo ()
 Returns the current thrust turbo modifier value in range <0, 1>.
proto float GetThrustGentle ()
 Returns the current thrust gentle modifier value in range <0, 1>.
proto float GetThrust ()
 Returns the current thrust value in range <0, 1>.
proto void SetThrust (float in, float gentle=0, float turbo=0)
proto float GetBrake ()
 Returns the current brake value in range <0, 1>.
proto void SetBrake (float in, float panic=0)
proto int GetGear ()
 Returns index of the current gear.
proto void ShiftUp ()
proto void ShiftTo (CarGear gear)
proto void ShiftDown ()

Подробное описание

DEPRECATED class left for backwards compatibility, methods are available on car itself now.

См. определение в файле Car.c строка 478