override event | GetOwnerStateType () |
override event | GetMoveType () |
proto native float | GetThrottle () |
| Returns the actual throttle value in range <0, 1>.
proto native void | SetThrottle (float value) |
| Sets the future throttle value.
proto native float | GetSteering () |
| Returns the actual steering value in range <-1, 1>.
proto native void | SetSteering (float value) |
| Sets the future steering value.
proto native int | GetGearCount () |
| Returns the number of gears.
proto native int | GetNeutralGear () |
| Returns the index of the neutral gear.
proto native int | GetGear () |
| Returns the index of the future gear, -1 if there is no engine.
proto native int | GetCurrentGear () |
| Returns the index of the current gear, -1 if there is no engine.
proto native int | GetClutch () |
| Returns the value of how much the clutch is disengaged.
proto native void | ShiftUp () |
| Shifts the future gear up, triggering gearbox simulation.
proto native void | ShiftTo (int gear) |
| Shifts the future gear to selected gear, triggering gearbox simulation.
proto native void | ShiftDown () |
| Shifts the future gear down, triggering gearbox simulation.
proto native bool | HasEngine () |
| Returns if there is an engine.
proto native float | EngineGetRPMMin () |
| Returns engine's min operating rpm.
proto native float | EngineGetRPMIdle () |
| Returns engine's idle rpm before engine stalls.
proto native float | EngineGetRPMMax () |
| Returns engine's max rpm before engine blows up.
proto native float | EngineGetRPMRedline () |
| Returns engine's maximal working rpm without damaging the engine.
proto native float | EngineGetRPM () |
| Returns engine's rpm value.
proto native bool | EngineIsOn () |
| Returns true when engine is running, false otherwise.
proto native void | EngineStart () |
| Starts the engine.
proto native void | EngineStop () |
| Stops the engine.
proto native vector | PropellerGetPosition () |
| Returns the propeller position in local space.
proto native float | PropellerGetAngularVelocity () |
| Returns the angular velocity of the propeller.
proto native float | GetFluidCapacity (BoatFluid fluid) |
proto native float | GetFluidFraction (BoatFluid fluid) |
proto native void | Leak (BoatFluid fluid, float amount) |
| Removes from the specified fluid the specified amount.
proto native void | LeakAll (BoatFluid fluid) |
| Removes all the specified fluid from vehicle.
proto native void | Fill (BoatFluid fluid, float amount) |
| Adds to the specified fluid the specified amount.
void | OnInput (float dt) |
bool | OnBeforeEngineStart () |
void | OnEngineStart () |
void | OnEngineStop () |
void | OnGearChanged (int newGear, int oldGear) |
void | OnFluidChanged (BoatFluid fluid, float newValue, float oldValue) |
float | OnSound (BoatSoundCtrl ctrl, float oldValue) |
bool | DetectFlippedUsingWheels (VehicleFlippedContext ctx, bool disallowSide) |
proto native float | GetSteering () |
| Returns the current steering value in range <-1, 1>.
proto native void | SetSteering (float in, bool analog=false) |
proto native float | GetThrustTurbo () |
| Returns the current thrust turbo modifier value in range <0, 1>.
proto native float | GetThrustGentle () |
| Returns the current thrust gentle modifier value in range <0, 1>.
proto native float | GetThrust () |
| Returns the current thrust value in range <0, 1>.
proto native void | SetThrust (float in, float gentle=0, float turbo=0) |
proto native float | GetBrake () |
| Returns the current brake value in range <0, 1>.
proto native void | SetBrake (float in, float panic=0, bool gentle=false) |
proto native float | GetHandbrake () |
| Returns the current handbrake value in range <0, 1>.
proto native void | SetHandbrake (float in) |
proto native void | SetBrakesActivateWithoutDriver (bool activate=true) |
proto native float | GetClutch () |
| Returns the current clutch value in range <0, 1>.
proto native void | SetClutchState (bool in) |
proto native int | GetGear () |
| Returns index of the current gear.
proto native void | ShiftUp () |
proto native void | ShiftTo (CarGear gear) |
proto native void | ShiftDown () |
proto native float | GetFluidCapacity (CarFluid fluid) |
proto native float | GetFluidFraction (CarFluid fluid) |
proto native void | Leak (CarFluid fluid, float amount) |
| Removes from the specified fluid the specified amount.
proto native void | LeakAll (CarFluid fluid) |
| Removes all the specified fluid from vehicle.
proto native void | Fill (CarFluid fluid, float amount) |
| Adds to the specified fluid the specified amount.
void | OnFluidChanged (CarFluid fluid, float newValue, float oldValue) |
proto native float | EngineGetRPMMin () |
| Returns engine's min operating rpm.
proto native float | EngineGetRPMIdle () |
| Returns engine's idle rpm before engine stalls.
proto native float | EngineGetRPMMax () |
| Returns engine's max rpm before engine blows up.
proto native float | EngineGetRPMRedline () |
| Returns engine's maximal working rpm without damaging the engine.
proto native float | EngineGetRPM () |
| Returns engine's rpm value.
proto native bool | EngineIsOn () |
| Returns true when engine is running, false otherwise.
proto native void | EngineStart () |
| Starts the engine.
bool | OnBeforeEngineStart () |
void | OnEngineStart () |
| Is called every time the engine starts.
proto native void | EngineStop () |
| Stops the engine.
void | OnEngineStop () |
| Is called every time the engine stops.
proto native vector | GetEnginePos () |
| Get actual position of engine (model space)
proto native void | SetEnginePos (vector pos) |
| Override the position of engine (model space)
proto native int | GetGearsCount () |
| Returns total number of gears.
proto native CarGearboxType | GearboxGetType () |
| Returns gearbox type. See CarGearboxType enum for more info.
proto native CarAutomaticGearboxMode | GearboxGetMode () |
| Returns gearbox mode. This is useful when car has automatic gearbox.
void | OnGearChanged (int newGear, int oldGear) |
proto native bool | WheelIsAnyLocked () |
| Returns true if any of the wheels are locked in terms of its movement.
proto native float | WheelGetAngularVelocity (int wheelIdx) |
proto native bool | WheelHasContact (int wheelIdx) |
proto native vector | WheelGetContactPosition (int wheelIdx) |
proto native vector | WheelGetContactNormal (int wheelIdx) |
proto native vector | WheelGetDirection (int wheelIdx) |
proto native SurfaceInfo | WheelGetSurface (int wheelIdx) |
proto native CarWheelWaterState | WheelGetWaterState (int wheelIdx) |
proto native EntityAI | WheelGetEntity (int wheelIdx) |
proto native bool | WheelIsLocked (int wheelIdx) |
proto native int | WheelCount () |
| How many wheel can be attached to a car (hubs only)
proto native int | WheelCountPresent () |
| Number of actually attached wheels (hubs only)
void | OnContact (string zoneName, vector localPos, IEntity other, Contact data) |
float | OnSound (CarSoundCtrl ctrl, float oldValue) |
void | OnInput (float dt) |
void | OnUpdate (float dt) |
proto native void | ForcePosition (vector pos) |
proto native void | ForceDirection (vector dir) |
Base native class for all motorized wheeled vehicles.
Base native class for helicopter.
См. определение в файле Boat.c строка 27