DayZ 1.26
DayZ Explorer by KGB
This Option Selector handles a Slider Marker, which basically has 2 sliders One slider is for selecting the value, and the other slider is for displaying some other value/ information. Подробнее...
Защищенные члены | |
void | OptionSelectorLevelMarker (Widget parent, float value, ScriptedWidgetEventHandler parentMenu, bool disabled, float min, float max) |
override void | Enable () |
override void | Disable () |
void | SetSlider2Value (float value) |
override bool | OnUpdate (Widget w) |
Защищенные данные | |
SliderWidget | m_Slider2 |
Закрытые члены | |
void | OptionSelectorSlider (Widget parent, float value, ScriptedWidgetEventHandler parent_menu, bool disabled, float min, float max) |
This Option Selector handles a Slider Marker, which basically has 2 sliders One slider is for selecting the value, and the other slider is for displaying some other value/ information.
m_Slider2 | other slider value, which can be used to convery some other info to the player |
Используется в OptionSelectorLevelMarker() и OptionSelectorSlider().
inlineprotected |
Перекрестные ссылки Enable(), GetGame(), m_MaxValue, m_MinValue, m_Parent, m_Root, SetSlider2Value() и SetValue().
inlineprivate |
Перекрестные ссылки Enable(), GetGame(), m_MaxValue, m_MinValue, m_Parent, m_Root и SetValue().
Используется в OptionSelectorLevelMarker().
protected |