DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
Не найдено
Класс BiosSessionService

Защищенные члены

proto native EBiosError EnterGameplaySessionAsync (string session_address, int session_port)
 Enter a gameplay session.
proto native EBiosError LeaveGameplaySessionAsync (string session_address, int session_port)
 Leave a gameplay session.
proto native void OnSessionPlayerListUpdate (array< string > newPlayers)
 Alerts engine that players in current session have changed.
void TryGetSession (string join_handle="")
 Gets a session from a join handle.
proto native EBiosError GetSessionAsync (string join_handle)
 Gets a session from a join handle.
proto native EBiosError SetGameplayActivityAsync (string session_address, int session_port)
 Sets the activity to a gameplay session.
proto native EBiosError ClearActivityAsync ()
 not implemented
proto native EBiosError ShowInviteToGameplaySessionAsync (string session_address, int session_port)
 Show system UI to invite friends to current gameplay session.
proto native EBiosError InviteToGameplaySessionAsync (string session_address, int session_port, array< string > invitee_list)
 Send invite to list of users.
proto native void SetMultiplayState (bool is_active)
 Notifiy about interactive multiplayer state.
void OnSetActivity (EBiosError error)
 Callback function.
void OnClearActivity (EBiosError error)
 Callback function.
void OnGetGameplaySession (string session_address, int session_port)
 Callback function.
void OnGetSessionError (EBiosError error)
 //! Callback function, not implemented
void OnEnterGameplaySession (string session_address, int session_port, EBiosError error)
 Callback function.
void OnLeaveGameplaySession (EBiosError error)
 Callback function.
void OnShowInviteToGameplaySession (EBiosError error)
 Callback function.
void OnInviteToGameplaySession (EBiosError error)
 Callback function.
array< stringGetSessionPlayerList ()
void GetSessionPlayerListEx (TStringArray outPlayerList)
 Native callback function to retrieve the session player list.

Защищенные данные

int m_GetSessionAttempts
string m_CurrentHandle

Подробное описание

См. определение в файле BiosSessionService.c строка 1