void | ComponentEnergyManager () |
void | ~ComponentEnergyManager () |
override void | Event_OnInit () |
void | DebugUpdate () |
Shape | DrawArrow (vector from, vector to, float size=0.5, int color=0xFFFFFFFF, float flags=0) |
EntityAI | GetThisEntityAI () |
override void | Event_OnAwake () |
override int | GetCompType () |
void | OnDeviceDestroyed () |
void | RefreshDebug () |
bool | GetDebugPlugs () |
void | SetDebugPlugs (bool newVal) |
void | SwitchOn () |
| Energy manager: Switches ON the device so it starts doing its work if it has enough energy.
void | SwitchOff () |
| Energy manager: Switches OFF the device.
void | SetPassiveState (bool state=true) |
| Energy manager: Changes the status of this device. When it's passive (true), the main timer and OnWork events are not used.
void | UnplugDevice (EntityAI device_to_unplug) |
| Energy manager: Unplugs the given device from this one.
void | UnplugThis () |
| Energy manager: Unplugs this device from its power source.
void | UnplugAllDevices () |
| Energy manager: Unplugs everything directly connected to this device.
void | RestorePlugState (bool state) |
void | SetEnergy (float new_energy) |
| Energy manager: Sets stored energy for this device. It ignores the min/max limit!
void | SetEnergy0To1 (float energy01) |
| Energy manager: Sets stored energy for this device between 0 and MAX based on relative input value between 0 and 1.
void | UpdateSelections () |
| Energy manager: Shows/Hides all selections this system works with. Call this if something is wrong with selections (like during Init and Restore event in config)
void | UpdatePlugState () |
| Energy manager: Unplugs this device when it's necesarry.
void | GetCompatiblePlugTypes (out TIntArray IDs) |
void | StoreEnergySourceIDs (int b1, int b2, int b3, int b4) |
void | SetEnergyMaxPristine (float new_limit) |
| Energy manager: Changes the maximum amount of energy this device can store (when pristine).
void | SetCordLength (float new_length) |
| Energy manager: Changes the length of the virtual power cord.
void | SetPlugType (int new_type) |
void | SetAttachmentAction (int new_action_type) |
void | SetEnergyUsage (float new_usage) |
| Energy manager: Changes the energy usage per second.
void | ResetEnergyUsage () |
| Energy manager: Resets energy usage to default (config) value.
void | SetCordTextureFile (string new_path) |
void | SetEnergySourceClient (EntityAI source) |
void | SetDeviceBySocketID (int id, EntityAI plugged_device) |
| Energy manager: Stores the device which is plugged into the given socket ID.
void | SetElectricityIconVisibility (bool make_visible) |
| Energy manager: Sets visibility of the electricity icon (bolt).
void | UpdateCanWork () |
void | HandleMoveInsideCargo (EntityAI container) |
void | SetUpdateInterval (float value) |
| Energy manager: Sets the interval of the OnWork(...) calls. Changing this value does not change the rate of energy consumption.
bool | GetRestorePlugState () |
bool | PlugThisInto (EntityAI energy_source, int socket_id=-1) |
| Energy manager: Attempts to plug this device into the energy_source. Returns true if the action was successfull, or false if not (due to plug incompatibility or no free socket on the receiver). The ID of the power socket is chosen automatically unless optional parameter socket_id is used (starting from 0). If the given ID is not free then a free socket is found.
bool | CanSwitchOn () |
| Energy manager: Checks if the device can be switched ON.
bool | CanWork (float test_energy=-1) |
| Energy manager: Checks whenever this device can do work or not.
bool | CheckWetness () |
| Energy manager: Checks if this device is being stopped from working by its wetness level. Returns true when its wetness is not blocking it, false when its to owet to work.
bool | CanSwitchOff () |
| Energy manager: Checks if the device can be switched OFF.
bool | GetPreviousSwitchState () |
bool | IsSwitchedOn () |
| Energy manager: Returns state of the switch. Whenever the device is working or not does not matter. Use IsWorking() to account for that as well.
bool | IsCordFolded () |
| Energy manager: Returns true if the cord of this device is folded. Returns false if it's plugged.
bool | IsPassive () |
| Energy manager: Returns true if this device is set to be passive. False if otherwise.
bool | IsPlugged () |
| Energy manager: Returns true if this device is plugged into some other device (even if they are OFF or ruined). Otherwise it returns false.
bool | ConsumeEnergy (float amount) |
| Energy manager: Consumes the given amount of energy. If there is not enough of stored energy in this device, then it tries to take it from its power source, if any exists. Returns true if the requested amount of energy was consumed. Otherwise it returns false.
bool | IsWorking () |
| Energy manager: Returns true if this device is working right now.
bool | HasEnoughStoredEnergy () |
| Energy manager: Returns true if this device has enough of stored energy for its own use.
bool | HasFreeSocket (int socket_id=-1) |
| Energy manager: Returns true if this device has any free socket to receive a plug. If optional parameter socket_id is provided then only that socket ID is checked.
bool | IsPlugCompatible (int plug_ID) |
| Energy manager: Checks if the given plug is compatible with this device's socket. Used by CanReceivePlugFrom() method.
bool | CanReceivePlugFrom (EntityAI device_to_plug) |
| Energy manager: Returns true if this device can receive power plug of the other device.
bool | CanBePluggedInto (EntityAI potential_energy_provider) |
| Energy manager: Returns true if this device can be plugged into the given energy source. Otherwise returns false.
bool | HasElectricityIcon () |
| Energy manager: Returns true if the electricity icon (bolt) is supposed to be visible for this device. False if not.
bool | HasConversionOfEnergyToQuantity () |
| Energy manager: Returns true if this item automatically converts its energy to quantity.
bool | IsEnergySourceAtReach (vector from_position, float add_tolerance=0, vector override_source_position="-1 -1 -1") |
| Energy manager: Returns true if this device's virtual power cord can reach its energy source at the given position, depending on its cordLength config parameter. Otherwise returns false.
bool | HasVisibleSocketsInInventory () |
bool | IsSelectionAPlug (string selection_to_test) |
| Energy manager: Returns true if this selection is a plug that's plugged into this device. Otherwise returns false.
int | GetSocketsCount () |
| Energy manager: Returns the count of power sockets (whenever used or not)
int | GetPlugType () |
| Energy manager: Returns plug type. Check \DZ\data\basicDefines.hpp OR \Scripts\Classes\Component_constants.h files for types of plugs.
int | GetAttachmentAction () |
int | GetEnergySourceStorageIDb1 () |
int | GetEnergySourceStorageIDb2 () |
int | GetEnergySourceStorageIDb3 () |
int | GetEnergySourceStorageIDb4 () |
int | GetEnergySourceNetworkIDLow () |
int | GetEnergySourceNetworkIDHigh () |
int | GetPluggedDevicesCount () |
| Energy manager: Returns the number of devices plugged into this one.
int | GetEnergy0To100 () |
| Energy manager: Returns % of stored energy this device has as integer (from 0 to 100)
float | GetEnergy0To1 () |
| Energy manager: Returns % of stored energy this device has as float (from 0.0 to 1.0)
float | GetUpdateInterval () |
| Energy manager: Returns the update interval of this device.
float | GetWetnessExposure () |
| Returns wetness exposure value defined in config.
float | GetEnergyUsage () |
| Energy manager: Returns the number of energy this device needs to run itself (See its config >> energyUsagePerSecond)
float | GetEnergy () |
| Energy manager: Returns the amount of stored energy this device has.
float | AddEnergy (float added_energy) |
| Energy manager: Adds energy to this device and clamps it within its min/max storage limits. Returns the amount of energy that was clamped. Negative value is supported, but you should still use ConsumeEnergy(...) for propper substraction of energy.
float | GetEnergyMax () |
| Energy manager: Returns the maximum amount of energy this device can curently store. If parameter 'reduceMaxEnergyByDamageCoef' is used in the config of this device then the returned value will be reduced by damage.
float | GetEnergyMaxPristine () |
| Energy manager: Returns the maximum amount of energy this device can store. It's damage is NOT taken into account.
float | GetEnergyAtSpawn () |
float | GetCordLength () |
| Energy manager: Returns the length of the virtual power cord.
EntityAI | GetEnergySource () |
| Energy manager: Returns the energy source this device is plugged into.
EntityAI | GetDeviceBySocketID (int id) |
| Energy manager: Returns the device which is plugged into the given socket ID.
EntityAI | GetPlugOwner (string plug_selection_name) |
| Energy manager: Returns the device to which the given plug selection belongs to.
EntityAI | GetPluggedDevice () |
| Energy manager: Returns a device which is plugged into this one. If there are more devices to choose from then it returns the first one that is found.
string | GetCordTextureFile () |
| Energy manager: Returns path to the cord texture file.
array< EntityAI > | GetPluggedDevices () |
| Energy manager: Returns an array of devices which are plugged into this one.
array< EntityAI > | GetPoweredDevices () |
| Energy manager: Returns an array of devices which are plugged into this one and are turned on.
void | OnWork (float consumed_energy) |
void | OnIsPlugged (EntityAI source_device) |
void | OnIsUnplugged (EntityAI last_energy_source) |
void | OnOwnSocketTaken (EntityAI device) |
void | OnOwnSocketReleased (EntityAI device) |
void | OnAttachmentAdded (EntityAI elec_device) |
void | OnAttachmentRemoved (EntityAI elec_device) |
void | StartUpdates () |
void | OnEnergyConsumed () |
| Energy manager: Called when energy was consumed on this device.
void | OnEnergyAdded () |
| Energy manager: Called when energy was added on this device.
void | StopUpdates () |
void | InteractBranch (EntityAI originalCaller, Man player=null, int system=0) |
void | OnInteractBranch (EntityAI originalCaller, Man player, int system) |
| Called when the player is interacting with an item containing this energy component, or when interacting with an item this device is connected to.
void | WakeUpWholeBranch (EntityAI original_caller) |
void | PlugCordIntoSocket (EntityAI device_to_plug, int socket_id=-1) |
void | UpdateSocketSelections (int socket_id, EntityAI device_to_plug) |
void | SetEnergySource (EntityAI source) |
bool | PlugInDevice (EntityAI device_to_plug, int socket_id=-1) |
void | SetPlugOwner (string selection_name, EntityAI device) |
void | UnplugCordFromSocket (int socket_to_unplug_ID) |
void | SetPowered (bool state) |
bool | FindAndConsumeEnergy (EntityAI original_caller, float amount, bool ignore_switch_state=false) |
int | GetMySocketID () |
void | SetMySocketID (int slot_ID) |
void | Synch () |
void | ClearLastUpdateTime () |
void | RememberLastUpdateTime () |
float | GetCurrentUpdateTime () |
void | DeviceUpdate () |