TODO doc. Подробнее...
Закрытые члены | |
void | IncreaseMaskUpdateCount () |
void | ResetMaskUpdateCount () |
bool | IsAnyEffectRunning () |
bool | AreEffectsSuspended () |
void | AddActiveEffects (array< int > effects) |
void | RemoveActiveEffects (array< int > effects) |
void | StopAllEffects () |
void | AddSuspendRequest (int request_id) |
void | RemoveSuspendRequest (int request_id) |
void | ClearSuspendRequests () |
int | GetSuspendRequestCount () |
void | UpdateWidgets (int type=-1, float timeSlice=0, Param p=null, int handle=-1) |
void | Update (float timeSlice) |
void | OnVoiceEvent (float breathing_resistance01) |
void | SetBreathIntensityStamina (float stamina_cap, float stamina_current) |
void | RegisterGameplayEffectData (int id, Param p) |
Закрытые статические члены | |
static void | Init () |
static void | Cleanup () |
static PPERequesterBase | GetRequester (typename type) |
Returns an instance (singleton) of a requester based on typename. | |
static PPERequesterBase | GetRequester (int index) |
Returns an instance (singleton) of a requester based on index. | |
static int | GetRequesterID (typename type) |
Returns an ID of a requester type. | |
static | GetRequesterTypename (int index) |
Returns a typename from a requester ID. | |
static int | RegisterRequester (typename type) |
Registers new requester type. | |
static bool | VerifyRequester (PPERequesterBase req) |
Verifies the instance. | |
Закрытые данные | |
int | m_MaskWidgetUpdateCount |
const int | TYPE_HEALTH = 1 |
const int | TYPE_BLOOD = 2 |
const float | VALUE_CHECK_INTERVAL = 5 |
const float | SENSITIVTY_PERCENTAGE = 1 |
const int | BLOOD_THRESHOLD_LOW = 3000 |
PlayerBase | m_Player |
float | m_TimeSinceLastTick = VALUE_CHECK_INTERVAL + 1 |
float | m_LastHealthUpdate |
float | m_LastBloodUpdate |
float | m_HealthMaxValue |
float | m_BloodMaxValue |
float | m_BloodClient |
float | m_HealthClient |
int | m_AnimType |
float | m_HitDir |
float | m_HealthDamage |
bool | m_Fullbody |
bool | m_HasSource |
Закрытые статические данные | |
static ref map< int, ref PPERequesterBase > | m_Instances |
static bool | m_Initialized = false |
static int | m_lastID = -1 |
static const int | INVALID = -1 |
static const int | REQ_INVENTORYBLUR = RegisterRequester(PPERequester_InventoryBlur) |
static const int | REQ_CONTROLLERDISCONNECT = RegisterRequester(PPERequester_ControllerDisconnectBlur) |
static const int | REQ_GLASSESSPORTBLACK = RegisterRequester(PPERequester_GlassesSportBlack) |
static const int | REQ_GLASSESSPORTBLUE = RegisterRequester(PPERequester_GlassesSportBlue) |
static const int | REQ_GLASSESSPORTGREEN = RegisterRequester(PPERequester_GlassesSportGreen) |
static const int | REQ_GLASSESSPORTORANGE = RegisterRequester(PPERequester_GlassesSportOrange) |
static const int | REQ_GLASSESAVIATOR = RegisterRequester(PPERequester_GlassesAviator) |
static const int | REQ_GLASSESDESIGNER = RegisterRequester(PPERequester_GlassesDesignerBlack) |
static const int | REQ_GLASSESTACTICAL = RegisterRequester(PPERequester_TacticalGoggles) |
static const int | REQ_MOTOHELMETBLACK = RegisterRequester(PPERequester_MotoHelmetBlack) |
static const int | REQ_GLASSESWELDING = RegisterRequester(PPERequester_WeldingMask) |
static const int | REQ_CAMERANV = RegisterRequester(PPERequester_CameraNV) |
static const int | REQ_CAMERAADS = RegisterRequester(PPERequester_CameraADS) |
static const int | REQ_BLOODLOSS = RegisterRequester(PPERequester_BloodLoss) |
static const int | REQ_DEATHEFFECTS = RegisterRequester(PPERequester_DeathDarkening) |
static const int | REQ_UNCONEFFECTS = RegisterRequester(PPERequester_UnconEffects) |
static const int | REQ_TUNELVISSION = RegisterRequester(PPERequester_TunnelVisionEffects) |
static const int | REQ_BURLAPSACK = RegisterRequester(PPERequester_BurlapSackEffects) |
static const int | REQ_INTROCHROMABB = RegisterRequester(PPERequester_IntroChromAbb) |
static const int | REQ_FEVEREFFECTS = RegisterRequester(PPERequester_FeverEffects) |
static const int | REQ_FLASHBANGEFFECTS = RegisterRequester(PPERequester_FlashbangEffects) |
static const int | REQ_SHOCKHITEFFECTS = RegisterRequester(PPERequester_ShockHitReaction) |
static const int | REQ_HEALTHHITEFFECTS = RegisterRequester(PPERequester_HealthHitReaction) |
static const int | REQ_MENUEFFECTS = RegisterRequester(PPERequester_MenuEffects) |
static const int | REQ_CONTROLLERBLUR = RegisterRequester(PPERequester_ControlsBlur) |
static const int | REQ_SERVERBROWSEREFFECTS = RegisterRequester(PPERequester_ServerBrowserBlur) |
static const int | REQ_TUTORIALEFFECTS = RegisterRequester(PPERequester_TutorialMenu) |
static const int | REQ_CONTAMINATEDAREA = RegisterRequester(PPERequester_ContaminatedAreaTint) |
static const int | REQ_SPOOKYAREA = RegisterRequester(PPERequester_SpookyAreaTint) |
static const int | REQ_PAINBLUR = RegisterRequester(PPERequester_PainBlur) |
static const int | REQ_UNDERGROUND = RegisterRequester(PPERUndergroundAcco) |
static const int | REQ_DROWNING = RegisterRequester(PPERequester_Drowning) |
static const int | REQ_HMP_GHOST = RegisterRequester(PPERequester_HMPGhosts) |
static const int | REQ_LATENCYBLUR = RegisterRequester(PPERequester_LatencyBlur) |
static const int | REQ_FEEDBACKBLUR = RegisterRequester(PPERequester_FeedbackBlur) |
static ref PPERequesterRegistrations | m_Registrations |
TODO doc.
generic metadata class
indicator wrapper for a specific bleeding source.
extendable type to allow for smarter hit data syncing
Requester bank contains all registered type instances as singletons. Creating new instances outside of bank might be a bad idea (and a way to memory leakage)
См. определение в файле EnScript.c строка 117