DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
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Класс AmmoEffects

Static data holder for certain ammo config values. Подробнее...

Закрытые статические члены

Ammo particles

Methods regarding getting/playing ammo particle

static int GetAmmoParticleID (string ammoType)
 Get the ParticleList ID for the particle for this ammoType.
static bool PlayAmmoParticle (string ammoType, vector pos)
 Attempt to play the ammo particle at pos if found, returns true on success.
Ammo effects

Methods regarding getting/playing ammo effect

static GetAmmoEffectTypename (string ammoType)
 Get the typename for the effect for this ammoType.
static bool PlayAmmoEffect (string ammoType, vector pos)
 Attempt to play the ammo effect at pos if found, returns true on success.

Creation and cleanup

static void Init ()
 Initialize the containers: this is done this way, to have these not exist on server.
static void Cleanup ()
 Clean up the data.

Закрытые статические данные

static ref map< string, intm_AmmoParticles
 Key: Ammo class name; Data: ParticleList ID.
static ref map< string, typenamem_AmmoEffects
 Key: Ammo class name; Data: ParticleList ID.

Подробное описание

Static data holder for certain ammo config values.

Kept the names similar to what is in config, but it might be a little deceiving as this is mainly used for explosives

См. определение в файле AmmoEffects.c строка 5