DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
Не найдено
Класс HumanCommandMove

Закрытые члены

void HumanCommandMove ()
void ~HumanCommandMove ()
proto native float GetCurrentMovementAngle ()
proto bool GetCurrentInputAngle (out float pAngle)
proto native float GetCurrentMovementSpeed ()
 0,1,2..3 idle, walk, run, sprint
proto native bool IsChangingStance ()
 returns true if character is changing stance
proto native bool IsOnBack ()
 return true if prone is on back
proto native bool IsInRoll ()
 return true if character barrel rolling
proto native bool IsLeavingUncon ()
 return true if character transitions out of uncon
proto native bool IsStandingFromBack ()
 return true if prone on back is chaning to crounch/stand
proto native void StartMeleeEvade ()
 marks command to continue to combo
proto native void StartMeleeEvadeA (float pDirAngle)
 marks command to continue to combo, pDirAngle specifies angle
proto native bool IsMeleeEvade ()
 this is true when in melee evade
proto native void SetMeleeBlock (bool pBlock)
 this enables/disables block
proto native void ForceStance (int pStanceIdx)
proto native void ForceStanceUp (int pStanceIdx)
proto native void SetRunSprintFilterModifier (float value)
 sets the multiplier for SHumanCommandMoveSettings::m_fRunSpringTimeout
proto native void SetDirectionFilterModifier (float value)
 sets the multiplier for SHumanCommandMoveSettings::m_fDirFilterTimeout
proto native void SetDirectionSprintFilterModifier (float value)
 sets the multiplier for SHumanCommandMoveSettings::m_fDirFilterSprintTimeout
proto native void SetTurnSpanModifier (float value)
 sets the multiplier for HumanItemBehaviorCfg::m_fMoveHeadingFilterSpan
proto native void SetTurnSpanSprintModifier (float value)
 sets the multiplier for HumanItemBehaviorCfg::m_fMoveHeadingSprintFilterSpan
proto native void SetCurrentWaterLevel (float value)
 sets water level (depth)

Подробное описание

См. определение в файле human.c строка 433