DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
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Класс EntityLightSource

Защищенные члены

void ScriptedLightBase ()
 Constructor. Everything here is executed before the constructor of all children.
void ~ScriptedLightBase ()
override void EOnInit (IEntity other, int extra)
override bool IsScriptedLight ()
void UpdateMode ()

Защищенные данные

int m_HiddenSelectionID
bool m_IsDebugEnabled = false
Object m_Parent
vector m_LocalPos
vector m_LocalOri
vector m_DancingShadowsLocalPos
ref Timer m_DeleteTimer
ref LightDimming m_LightDimming

Статические защищенные данные

static ref set< ScriptedLightBasem_NightTimeOnlyLights = new set<ScriptedLightBase>()

Закрытые члены

void UpdateLightMode (string slotName)
void DeleteLightWithDelay ()
 Correct way of deleting light from memory. It is necesarry to have this delay due to hierarchy.
void DeleteLightNow ()
void AttachOnObject (Object parent, vector local_pos="0 0 0", vector local_ori="0 0 0")
 Attaches this light on the parent entity, with optional position and orientation offset.
Object GetAttachmentParent ()
 Returns attachment parent.
void AttachOnMemoryPoint (Object parent, string memory_point_start, string memory_point_target="")
 Attaches this light on the parent entity's memory point, with optional direction target memory point.
void DetachFromParent ()
 Detaches this light from its parent entity.
void SetBrightnessTo (float value)
 Sets the brightness of the light.
void CorrectLightPulseDuringDaylight ()
 Call this after using SetBrightness(...) to fix light's intensity during daytime.
void FadeBrightnessTo (float value, float time_in_s)
 Fades the brightness of the light to the given value.
void SetRadiusTo (float value)
 Sets the radius of the light.
void FadeRadiusTo (float value, float time_in_s)
 Fades the radius of the light to the given value.
void Destroy ()
 Switches off the light and deletes it from memory.
void SetLifetime (float life_in_s)
 Makes the light destroy itself after the given time in seconds. The light will fade out if it's set to do so with SetFadeOutTime(...)
void SetFadeOutTime (float time_in_s)
 Sets the fade out time in seconds. Fade out begins automatically as the light nears the end of its life time, or when method FadeOut() is called.
void FadeOut (float time_in_s=-1)
 Starts the fade out process and destroys the light when its done. Optional parameter allows you to set time of this fade out in seconds. If not set, then default value (from SetFadeOutTime(...)) is used.
void FadeIn (float time_in_s)
 Makes the light fade into existence. Works only at the moment the light is created. Consider using FadeBrightnessTo(...) and FadeRadiusTo(...) at anytime later during lifetime.
void AddLifetime (float life_in_s)
 Prolongs the lifetime of the light in seconds. Use negative number to shorten its lifetime.
void OnFrameLightSource (IEntity other, float timeSlice)
 Override this for custom functionality.
override void EOnFrame (IEntity other, float timeSlice)
 On frame event. If you want to control your light within your own rules then override the event OnFrameLightSource and put your code there.
void SetDancingShadowsAmplitude (float max_deviation_in_meters)
 Sets the maximum range of the point light within the dancing shadows effect.
void SetDancingShadowsMovementSpeed (float speed_in_meters_per_frame)
 Sets the maximum speed of the point light within the dancing shadows effect.
float GetDancingShadowsAmplitude ()
 Returns max movement range of pointlight within the dancing shadow effect.
float GetDancingShadowsMovementSpeed ()
 Returns max movement speed of pointlight within the dancing shadow effect.
void SetSelectionID (int id)
void UpdateLightSourceMaterial (string path)
void EnableDebug (bool state)
 Enables some debug functionality of this light.
void HandleDancingShadows (float time, float timeSlice)
void HandleFlickering (float time, float timeSlice)
void SetFlickerSpeed (float speed)
 Sets speed of light flickering (random brightness coefficient change per second)
void SetFlickerAmplitude (float coef)
 Sets the change coefficient of flickering light. (0.0 - 1.0 values, result of greater values are period time of light off )
void SetFlickerAmplitudeMax (float coef)
void SetFlickerAmplitudeMin (float coef)
float GetFlickerSpeed ()
 Returns flicker speed.
float GetFlickerAmplitudeCoefMax ()
 Returns flicker amplitude maximum.
float GetFlickerAmplitudeCoefMin ()
 Returns flicker amplitude minimum.
void TryShadowOptimization ()
 Optimizes shadows by disabling them on this light source while it's within the given radius around the camera.
void SetDisableShadowsWithinRadius (float radius_in_m)
 When the light source gets within this radius (radius_in_m) around the camera, then it's shadows are disabled.
float GetDisableShadowsWithinRadius ()
 Returns the range you put inside SetDisableShadowsWithinRadius(...)
void CheckIfParentIsInCargo ()
bool CheckLifetime (int current_time)
void CheckFadeOut (int current_time)
void HandleBrightnessFadeing (float timeSlice)
void HandleRadiusFadeing (float timeSlice)
void SetBlinkingSpeed (float _speed)
 Sets blinking speed (no blinking if speed <= 0)
float GetBlinkingSpeed ()
 Returns the speed of blinks.
void HandleBlinking (float time)
void EnableDimming (float baseBrightness, DimmingConfig dimCfg)
LightDimming GetDimming ()
void StopDimming ()

Закрытые статические члены

static ScriptedLightBase CreateLightAtObjMemoryPoint (typename name, notnull Object target, string memory_point_start, string memory_point_target="", vector global_pos="0 0 0", float fade_in_time_in_s=0)
static ScriptedLightBase CreateLight (typename name, vector global_pos="0 0 0", float fade_in_time_in_s=0)
 Creates an instance of light on the given position. Optionally, use fade_in_time_in_s parameter to make the light fade into existence.

Закрытые данные

float m_LifetimeStart
float m_LifetimeEnd = -1
float m_FadeOutTime = -1
float m_FadeInTime = -1
float m_Radius
float m_RadiusTarget
float m_Brightness
float m_BrightnessPulse
float m_BrightnessPulseSpeed
float m_BrightnessPulseAmplitudeMax
float m_BrightnessPulseAmplitudeMin
float m_BrightnessTarget
float m_BrightnessSpeedOfChange = 1
float m_RadiusSpeedOfChange = 1
float m_OptimizeShadowsRadius = 0
float m_DancingShadowsAmplitude
float m_DancingShadowsSpeed
float m_BlinkingSpeed

Подробное описание

См. определение в файле ScriptedLightBase.c строка 10