float | ConvertNonlethalDamage (float damage, DamageType damageType) |
float | ConvertNonlethalDamage (float damage) |
| DEPRECATED - for legacy purposes.
DamageZoneMap | GetEntityDamageZoneMap () |
map< int, string > | GetEntityDamageDisplayNameMap () |
bool | CanDisplayWeight () |
| 'displayWeight' in item config
void | Log (string msg, string fnc_name="n/a") |
| Log.
void | LogWarning (string msg, string fnc_name="n/a") |
| LogWarning.
void | LogError (string msg, string fnc_name="n/a") |
| LogError.
bool | HasFlammableMaterial () |
| Override this method to return TRUE when this item has or can provide fire. Evaluated on server and client.
bool | CanBeIgnitedBy (EntityAI igniter=NULL) |
| Override this method so it checks whenever this item can be ignited right now or not. Evaluated on Server and Client.
bool | CanIgniteItem (EntityAI ignite_target=NULL) |
| Override this method and check if the given item can be ignited right now by this one. Evaluated on Server and Client.
bool | IsIgnited () |
| Override this method and make it so it returns whenever this item is on fire right now or not. Evaluated on Server and Client.
bool | DisassembleOnLastDetach () |
bool | IsBasebuildingKit () |
bool | IsCookware () |
bool | PlacementCanBeRotated () |
| Should return false if you want to disable hologram rotation.
void | OnIgnitedTarget (EntityAI target_item) |
| Executed on Server when this item ignites some target item.
void | OnIgnitedThis (EntityAI fire_source) |
| Executed on Server when some item ignited this one.
void | OnIgnitedTargetFailed (EntityAI target_item) |
| Executed on Server when this item failed to ignite target item.
void | OnIgnitedThisFailed (EntityAI fire_source) |
| Executed on Server when some item failed to ignite this one.
bool | IsTargetIgnitionSuccessful (EntityAI item_target) |
| Final evaluation just before the target item is actually ignited. Evaluated on Server.
bool | IsThisIgnitionSuccessful (EntityAI item_source=NULL) |
| Final evaluation just before this item is actually ignited from fire source. Evaluated on Server.
void | OnPlacementStarted (Man player) |
void | OnHologramBeingPlaced (Man player) |
void | OnPlacementComplete (Man player, vector position="0 0 0", vector orientation="0 0 0") |
void | OnPlacementCancelled (Man player) |
bool | CanBePlaced (Man player, vector position) |
string | CanBePlacedFailMessage (Man player, vector position) |
| Method which returns message why object can't be placed at given position.
bool | DoPlacingHeightCheck () |
| Do the roof check when placing this?
float | HeightCheckOverride () |
| used as script-side override of distance for specific height checks
float | HeightStartCheckOverride () |
| used as script-side override of start pos for specific height checks
bool | IsEmpty () |
| is this container empty or not, checks both cargo and attachments
bool | IsSplitable () |
| returns just the configured 'canBeSplit' bool
bool | CanBeSplit () |
| returns current splitability
bool | HasAnyCargo () |
| is this container empty or not, checks only cargo
array< EntityAI > | GetAttachmentsWithCargo () |
array< EntityAI > | GetAttachmentsWithAttachments () |
bool | IsRoofAbove () |
void | SetRoofAbove (bool state) |
void | CheckForRoofLimited (float timeTresholdMS=3000) |
| Roof check for entity, limited by time (anti-spam solution)
int | GetAgents () |
void | RemoveAgent (int agent_id) |
void | RemoveAllAgents () |
void | RemoveAllAgentsExcept (int agent_to_keep) |
void | InsertAgent (int agent, float count=1) |
override bool | IsEntityAI () |
bool | IsInventoryVisible () |
bool | IsPlayer () |
bool | IsAnimal () |
bool | IsZombie () |
bool | IsZombieMilitary () |
bool | IsIgnoredByConstruction () |
bool | CanBeTargetedByAI (EntityAI ai) |
bool | CanBeBackstabbed () |
override void | Delete () |
| Delete this object in next frame.
void | DeleteOnClient () |
void | DeleteSafe () |
void | DeleteSave () |
bool | IsSetForDeletion () |
override bool | CanBeActionTarget () |
void | SetPrepareToDelete () |
bool | IsPreparedToDelete () |
void | CheckForDestroy () |
bool | IsPrepareToDelete () |
bool | TryDelete () |
void | OnBeforeTryDelete () |
proto native EntityAI | GetHierarchyRoot () |
| Returns root of current hierarchy (for example: if this entity is in Backpack on gnd, returns Backpack)
proto native Man | GetHierarchyRootPlayer () |
| Returns root of current hierarchy cast to Man.
proto native EntityAI | GetHierarchyParent () |
| Returns direct parent of current entity.
proto native CEItemProfile | GetEconomyProfile () |
| Get economy item profile (if assigned, otherwise null)
int | GetHierarchyLevel (int lvl=0) |
void | OnInventoryInit () |
void | EEInit () |
| Called upon object creation.
void | EEDelete (EntityAI parent) |
| Called right before object deleting.
override void | OnExplosionEffects (Object source, Object directHit, int componentIndex, string surface, vector pos, vector surfNormal, float energyFactor, float explosionFactor, bool isWater, string ammoType) |
void | OnItemLocationChanged (EntityAI old_owner, EntityAI new_owner) |
void | OnChildItemRemoved (InventoryItem item) |
void | OnChildItemReceived (InventoryItem item) |
void | OnItemAttachmentSlotChanged (notnull InventoryLocation oldLoc, notnull InventoryLocation newLoc) |
void | EEItemLocationChanged (notnull InventoryLocation oldLoc, notnull InventoryLocation newLoc) |
void | EEParentedTo (EntityAI parent) |
| Called from 'IEntity.AddChild'.
void | EEParentedFrom (EntityAI parent) |
| Called from 'IEntity.RemoveChild' or 'IEntity.AddChild' when hierarchy changes.
void | EEInventoryIn (Man newParentMan, EntityAI diz, EntityAI newParent) |
void | EEInventoryOut (Man oldParentMan, EntityAI diz, EntityAI newParent) |
void | EEAmmoChanged () |
void | EEHealthLevelChanged (int oldLevel, int newLevel, string zone) |
void | OnDamageDestroyed (int oldLevel) |
| Called when the health gets to the min value, 'oldLevel' is previous health level, 'oldLevel' -1 means this entity was just spawned.
void | AttemptDestructionBehaviour (int oldLevel, int newLevel, string zone) |
void | SetTakeable (bool pState) |
void | EEKilled (Object killer) |
| called on server when the entity is killed
bool | ReplaceOnDeath () |
string | GetDeadItemName () |
bool | KeepHealthOnReplace () |
void | DeathUpdate () |
void | OnAttachmentRuined (EntityAI attachment) |
| Called when some attachment of this parent is ruined. Called on server and client side.
void | EEHitBy (TotalDamageResult damageResult, int damageType, EntityAI source, int component, string dmgZone, string ammo, vector modelPos, float speedCoef) |
void | EEHitByRemote (int damageType, EntityAI source, int component, string dmgZone, string ammo, vector modelPos) |
void | EEItemAttached (EntityAI item, string slot_name) |
void | SwitchItemSelectionTexture (EntityAI item, string slot_name) |
void | SwitchItemSelectionTextureEx (EItemManipulationContext context, Param par=null) |
void | EEItemDetached (EntityAI item, string slot_name) |
void | EECargoIn (EntityAI item) |
void | EECargoOut (EntityAI item) |
void | EECargoMove (EntityAI item) |
ScriptInvoker | GetOnItemAttached () |
ScriptInvoker | GetOnItemDetached () |
ScriptInvoker | GetOnItemAddedIntoCargo () |
ScriptInvoker | GetOnItemRemovedFromCargo () |
ScriptInvoker | GetOnItemMovedInCargo () |
ScriptInvoker | GetOnItemFlipped () |
ScriptInvoker | GetOnViewIndexChanged () |
ScriptInvoker | GetOnSetLock () |
ScriptInvoker | GetOnReleaseLock () |
ScriptInvoker | GetOnAttachmentSetLock () |
ScriptInvoker | GetOnAttachmentReleaseLock () |
ScriptInvoker | GetOnHitByInvoker () |
ScriptInvoker | GetOnKilledInvoker () |
void | OnMovedInsideCargo (EntityAI container) |
| Called when this item enters cargo of some container.
void | OnRemovedFromCargo (EntityAI container) |
| Called when this item exits cargo of some container.
void | OnMovedWithinCargo (EntityAI container) |
| Called when this item moves within cargo of some container.
void | EEOnAfterLoad () |
| Called when entity is part of "connected system" and being restored after load.
void | EEOnCECreate () |
| Called when entity is being created as new by CE/ Debug.
void | AfterStoreLoad () |
| Called when entity is being loaded from DB or Storage (after all children loaded)
void | OnBinLoadItemsDropped () |
| Called when an item fails to get loaded into the inventory of an entity and gets dropped.
void | HideAllSelections () |
| Sets all animation values to 1, making them INVISIBLE if they are configured in models.cfg in such way. These selections must also be defined in the entity's config class in 'AnimationSources'.
void | ShowAllSelections () |
| Sets all animation values to 0, making them VISIBLE if they are configured in models.cfg in such way. These selections must also be defined in the entity's config class in 'AnimationSources'.
bool | CanReceiveAttachment (EntityAI attachment, int slotId) |
| calls this->CanReceiveAttachment(attachment)
bool | CanLoadAttachment (EntityAI attachment) |
bool | CanPutAsAttachment (EntityAI parent) |
| calls this->CanPutAsAttachment(parent)
bool | CanSwitchDuringAttach (EntityAI parent) |
bool | CanReleaseAttachment (EntityAI attachment) |
| calls this->CanReleaseAttachment(attachment)
bool | CanDetachAttachment (EntityAI parent) |
| calls this->CanDetachAttachment(parent)
bool | CanBeFSwaped () |
bool | CanCombineAttachment (notnull EntityAI e, int slot, bool stack_max_limit=false) |
bool | CanBeCombined (EntityAI other_item, bool reservation_check=true, bool stack_max_limit=false) |
void | CombineItemsEx (EntityAI entity2, bool use_stack_max=false) |
void | SplitIntoStackMaxEx (EntityAI destination_entity, int slot_id) |
void | CombineItemsClient (EntityAI entity2, bool use_stack_max=false) |
void | SplitIntoStackMaxClient (EntityAI destination_entity, int slot_id) |
bool | CanReceiveItemIntoCargo (EntityAI item) |
| calls this->CanReceiveItemIntoCargo(item)
bool | CanLoadItemIntoCargo (EntityAI item) |
| calls this->CanLoadItemIntoCargo(item), is called on server start when loading in the storage
bool | CanPutInCargo (EntityAI parent) |
| calls this->CanPutInCargo(parent)
bool | CanSwapItemInCargo (EntityAI child_entity, EntityAI new_entity) |
| calls this->CanSwapItemInCargo(child_entity, new_entity)
bool | CanReleaseCargo (EntityAI cargo) |
| calls this->CanReleaseCargo(cargo)
bool | CanRemoveFromCargo (EntityAI parent) |
| calls this->CanRemoveFromCargo(parent)
bool | CanReceiveItemIntoHands (EntityAI item_to_hands) |
| calls this->CanReceiveItemIntoHands(item_to_hands)
bool | AreChildrenAccessible () |
bool | IsBeingPlaced () |
override bool | IsHologram () |
bool | CanSaveItemInHands (EntityAI item_in_hands) |
bool | CanPutIntoHands (EntityAI parent) |
| calls this->CanPutIntoHands(parent)
bool | CanReleaseFromHands (EntityAI handheld) |
| calls this->CanReleaseFromHands(handheld)
bool | CanRemoveFromHands (EntityAI parent) |
| calls this->CanRemoveFromHands(parent)
bool | CanDisplayAttachmentSlot (string slot_name) |
bool | CanDisplayAttachmentSlot (int slot_id) |
bool | CanDisplayAnyAttachmentSlot () |
bool | CanDisplayAttachmentCategory (string category_name) |
bool | CanDisplayCargo () |
bool | CanAssignToQuickbar () |
bool | CanAssignAttachmentsToQuickbar () |
bool | IgnoreOutOfReachCondition () |
void | OnWasAttached (EntityAI parent, int slot_id) |
void | OnWasDetached (EntityAI parent, int slot_id) |
void | OnCargoChanged () |
bool | IsTakeable () |
proto native GameInventory | GetInventory () |
proto native void | CreateAndInitInventory () |
proto native void | DestroyInventory () |
int | GetSlotsCountCorrect () |
EntityAI | FindAttachmentBySlotName (string slot_name) |
bool | IsSlotReserved (int slotID) |
bool | IsLockedInSlot () |
bool | PredictiveTakeEntityToInventory (FindInventoryLocationType flags, notnull EntityAI item) |
| Put item anywhere into this entity (as attachment or into cargo, recursively)
bool | LocalTakeEntityToInventory (FindInventoryLocationType flags, notnull EntityAI item) |
bool | ServerTakeEntityToInventory (FindInventoryLocationType flags, notnull EntityAI item) |
bool | PredictiveTakeEntityToTargetInventory (notnull EntityAI target, FindInventoryLocationType flags, notnull EntityAI item) |
bool | LocalTakeEntityToTargetInventory (notnull EntityAI target, FindInventoryLocationType flags, notnull EntityAI item) |
bool | ServerTakeEntityToTargetInventory (notnull EntityAI target, FindInventoryLocationType flags, notnull EntityAI item) |
bool | PredictiveTakeEntityToCargo (notnull EntityAI item) |
| Put item into into cargo.
bool | LocalTakeEntityToCargo (notnull EntityAI item) |
bool | ServerTakeEntityToCargo (notnull EntityAI item) |
bool | PredictiveTakeEntityToTargetCargo (notnull EntityAI target, notnull EntityAI item) |
bool | LocalTakeEntityToTargetCargo (notnull EntityAI target, notnull EntityAI item) |
bool | ServerTakeEntityToTargetCargo (notnull EntityAI target, notnull EntityAI item) |
bool | PredictiveTakeEntityToCargoEx (notnull EntityAI item, int idx, int row, int col) |
| Put item into into cargo on specific cargo location.
bool | LocalTakeEntityToCargoEx (notnull EntityAI item, int idx, int row, int col) |
bool | PredictiveTakeEntityToTargetCargoEx (notnull CargoBase cargo, notnull EntityAI item, int row, int col) |
bool | LocalTakeEntityToTargetCargoEx (notnull CargoBase cargo, notnull EntityAI item, int row, int col) |
bool | ServerTakeEntityToTargetCargoEx (notnull CargoBase cargo, notnull EntityAI item, int row, int col) |
bool | PredictiveTakeEntityAsAttachmentEx (notnull EntityAI item, int slot) |
| Returns if item can be added as attachment on specific slot. Note that slot index IS NOT slot ID! Slot ID is defined in DZ/data/config.cpp.
bool | LocalTakeEntityAsAttachmentEx (notnull EntityAI item, int slot) |
bool | ServerTakeEntityAsAttachmentEx (notnull EntityAI item, int slot) |
bool | PredictiveTakeEntityToTargetAttachmentEx (notnull EntityAI target, notnull EntityAI item, int slot) |
bool | LocalTakeEntityToTargetAttachmentEx (notnull EntityAI target, notnull EntityAI item, int slot) |
bool | ServerTakeEntityToTargetAttachmentEx (notnull EntityAI target, notnull EntityAI item, int slot) |
bool | PredictiveTakeEntityToTargetAttachment (notnull EntityAI target, notnull EntityAI item) |
bool | LocalTakeEntityToTargetAttachment (notnull EntityAI target, notnull EntityAI item) |
bool | ServerTakeEntityToTargetAttachment (notnull EntityAI target, notnull EntityAI item) |
bool | PredictiveTakeToDst (notnull InventoryLocation src, notnull InventoryLocation dst) |
bool | LocalTakeToDst (notnull InventoryLocation src, notnull InventoryLocation dst) |
bool | ServerTakeToDst (notnull InventoryLocation src, notnull InventoryLocation dst) |
bool | PredictiveTakeEntityAsAttachment (notnull EntityAI item) |
| Put item into as attachment.
bool | LocalTakeEntityAsAttachment (notnull EntityAI item) |
bool | ServerTakeEntityAsAttachment (notnull EntityAI item) |
bool | PredictiveDropEntity (notnull EntityAI item) |
bool | LocalDropEntity (notnull EntityAI item) |
bool | ServerDropEntity (notnull EntityAI item) |
EntityAI | GetAttachmentByType (typename type) |
| Get attached entity by type.
EntityAI | GetAttachmentByConfigTypeName (string type) |
| Get attached entity by config type name.
bool | CanDropEntity (notnull EntityAI item) |
| Returns if item can be dropped out from this entity.
EntityAI | SpawnInInventoryOrGroundPos (string object_name, GameInventory inv, vector pos) |
EntityAI | SpawnEntityOnGroundPos (string object_name, vector pos) |
EntityAI | SpawnEntityOnGround (string object_name, vector mat[4]) |
bool | CanSwapEntities (EntityAI otherItem, InventoryLocation otherDestination, InventoryLocation destination) |
void | SetWet (float value, bool allow_client=false) |
void | AddWet (float value) |
void | SetWetMax () |
float | GetWet () |
float | GetWetMax () |
float | GetWetMin () |
float | GetWetInit () |
bool | HasWetness () |
void | OnWetChanged (float newVal, float oldVal) |
void | OnWetLevelChanged (EWetnessLevel newLevel, EWetnessLevel oldLevel) |
EWetnessLevel | GetWetLevel () |
bool | HasQuantity () |
bool | SetQuantity (float value, bool destroy_config=true, bool destroy_forced=false, bool allow_client=false, bool clamp_to_stack_max=true) |
float | GetQuantity () |
float | GetQuantityNormalized () |
int | GetQuantityMax () |
int | GetQuantityMin () |
void | SetQuantityToMinimum () |
int | GetTargetQuantityMax (int attSlotID=-1) |
int | GetQuickBarBonus () |
bool | UseConfigInitTemperature () |
void | InitTemperature () |
void | SetTemperatureDirect (float value, bool allow_client=false) |
void | SetTemperature (float value, bool allow_client=false) |
| not really deprecated, but missing context info from TemperatureData. Default values used instead.
void | AddTemperature (float value) |
void | SetTemperatureEx (TemperatureData data) |
| sets temperature, handles base overheating and freezing state progression logics
void | RefreshTemperatureAccess (TemperatureData data) |
| refreshes access without setting temperature, keeps the source locked in
void | InterpolateTempData (TemperatureDataInterpolated data) |
void | SetTemperatureMax () |
| presumably for debug purposes?
float | GetTemperature () |
float | GetTemperatureInit () |
float | GetTemperatureMin () |
float | GetTemperatureMax () |
bool | GetCookingTargetTemperature (out float temperature) |
| specifically for cooking system, to get heat source target temperatures
float | GetHeatPermeabilityCoef () |
| Returns temperature change speed multiplier for this item and all its children (multiplicative interaction)
float | GetTemperatureFreezeThreshold () |
float | GetTemperatureThawThreshold () |
float | GetTemperatureFreezeTime () |
float | GetTemperatureThawTime () |
float | GetFreezeThawProgress () |
| on server only
bool | IsFreezeThawProgressFinished () |
| on server only
void | SetFreezeThawProgress (float val) |
| 0->1 when freezing, 1->0 when thawing
bool | CanFreeze () |
bool | GetIsFrozen () |
void | SetFrozen (bool frozen) |
void | HandleFreezingProgression (float deltaHeat, TemperatureData data) |
void | OnFreezeStateChangeClient () |
void | OnFreezeStateChangeServer () |
bool | CanItemOverheat () |
| Overheat time CAN be 0, GameConstants.TEMPERATURE_TIME_OVERHEAT_MIN is ignored if so.
float | GetItemOverheatThreshold () |
| if undefined, max temperature used as default
float | GetItemOverheatTime () |
| any configured value >= 0 will simulate overheating
bool | IsItemOverheated () |
float | GetItemOverheatProgress () |
void | SetItemOverheatProgress (float val, float deltaTime=0) |
void | OnItemOverheatStart () |
| override to implement desired overheat behavior on entity
void | OnItemOverheat (float deltaTime) |
void | OnItemOverheatEnd () |
| note, that the deltaTime could be reverse-calculated and not totally accurate
void | HandleItemOverheating (float deltaHeat, TemperatureData data) |
void | SetLiquidType (int value, bool allow_client=false) |
int | GetLiquidType () |
void | SetColor (int r, int g, int b, int a) |
void | GetColor (out int r, out int g, out int b, out int a) |
void | SetStoreLoad (bool value) |
bool | IsStoreLoad () |
void | SetStoreLoadedQuantity (float value) |
float | GetStoreLoadedQuantity () |
void | SetCleanness (int value, bool allow_client=false) |
int | GetCleanness () |
bool | IsServerCheck (bool allow_client) |
HiddenSelectionsData | GetHiddenSelectionsData () |
int | GetHiddenSelectionIndex (string selection) |
| Returns index of the string found in cfg array 'hiddenSelections'. If it's not found then it returns -1.
override TStringArray | GetHiddenSelections () |
| Returns the hiddenSelectionsTextures array from the object's config.
override TStringArray | GetHiddenSelectionsTextures () |
| Returns the hiddenSelectionsTextures array from the object's config.
override TStringArray | GetHiddenSelectionsMaterials () |
| Returns the hiddenSelectionsMaterials array from the object's config.
proto native void | PlaceOnSurfaceRotated (out vector trans[4], vector pos, float dx=0, float dz=0, float fAngle=0, bool align=false) |
proto native void | RegisterNetSyncVariableBool (string variableName) |
| registers bool variable synchronized over network
proto native void | RegisterNetSyncVariableBoolSignal (string variableName) |
| when bool variable is true, it's sent to clients and become false again
proto native void | RegisterNetSyncVariableInt (string variableName, int minValue=0, int maxValue=0) |
| registers int variable synchronized over network
proto native void | RegisterNetSyncVariableFloat (string variableName, float minValue=0, float maxValue=0, int precision=1) |
| registers float variable synchronized over network
proto native void | RegisterNetSyncVariableObject (string variableName) |
| registers object variable synchronized over network, only synchronizes if network id is assigned. Doesn't handle object despawn on client
proto native void | UpdateNetSyncVariableInt (string variableName, float minValue=0, float maxValue=0) |
proto native void | UpdateNetSyncVariableFloat (string variableName, float minValue=0, float maxValue=0, int precision=1) |
proto native void | SwitchLight (bool isOn) |
proto native void | SetSimpleHiddenSelectionState (int index, bool state) |
| Simple hidden selection state; 0 == hidden.
proto native bool | IsSimpleHiddenSelectionVisible (int index) |
proto native void | SetObjectTexture (int index, string texture_name) |
| Change texture in hiddenSelections.
proto native owned string | GetObjectTexture (int index) |
proto native void | SetObjectMaterial (int index, string mat_name) |
| Change material in hiddenSelections.
proto native owned string | GetObjectMaterial (int index) |
proto native bool | IsPilotLight () |
proto native void | SetPilotLight (bool isOn) |
void | OnStoreSave (ParamsWriteContext ctx) |
| Engine calls this function to collect data from entity to store for persistence (on server side).
bool | OnStoreLoad (ParamsReadContext ctx, int version) |
| Called when data is loaded from persistence (on server side).
proto native void | SetSynchDirty () |
| Sets object synchronization dirty flag, which signalize that object wants to be synchronized (take effect only in MP on server side)
void | OnVariablesSynchronized () |
| Called on clients after receiving synchronization data from server.
bool | IsVariableSet (int variable) |
| 'true' if this variable has ever been changed from default
void | SetVariableMask (int variable) |
void | RemoveItemVariable (int variable) |
| Removes variable from variable mask, making it appear as though the variable has never been changed from default.
void | TransferVariablesFloat (array< float > float_vars) |
array< float > | GetVariablesFloat () |
void | SaveVariables (ParamsWriteContext ctx) |
bool | LoadVariables (ParamsReadContext ctx, int version=-1) |
void | WriteVarsToCTX (ParamsWriteContext ctx) |
| Writes to storage CTX.
bool | ReadVarsFromCTX (ParamsReadContext ctx, int version=-1) |
| Reads from storage CTX.
void | SerializeNumericalVars (array< float > floats_out) |
void | DeSerializeNumericalVars (array< float > floats) |
proto native void | SetAITargetCallbacks (AbstractAITargetCallbacks callbacks) |
override void | EOnFrame (IEntity other, float timeSlice) |
string | GetDebugText () |
void | GetDebugButtonNames (out string button1, out string button2, out string button3, out string button4) |
void | OnDebugButtonPressClient (int button_index) |
void | OnDebugButtonPressServer (int button_index) |
Shape | DebugBBoxDraw () |
void | DebugBBoxSetColor (int color) |
void | DebugBBoxDelete () |
Shape | DebugDirectionDraw (float distance=1) |
void | DebugDirectionSetColor (int color) |
void | DebugDirectionDelete () |
void | HideSelection (string selection_name) |
| Hides selection of the given name. Must be configed in config.cpp and models.cfg.
void | ShowSelection (string selection_name) |
| Shows selection of the given name. Must be configed in config.hpp and models.cfg.
proto void | GetPersistentID (out int b1, out int b2, out int b3, out int b4) |
proto native void | SetLifetime (float fLifeTime) |
| Set (override) remaining economy lifetime (seconds)
proto native float | GetLifetime () |
| Get remaining economy lifetime (seconds)
proto native void | IncreaseLifetime () |
| Reset economy lifetime to default (seconds)
proto native void | SetLifetimeMax (float fLifeTime) |
| Set (override) max economy lifetime per entity instance (seconds)
proto native float | GetLifetimeMax () |
| Get max economy lifetime per instance - default is from DB (seconds)
void | IncreaseLifetimeUp () |
| Reset economy lifetime to default across entity hierarchy all the way to the topmost entity.
ComponentBodyStaging | GetCompBS () |
| Use this to access Body Staging component on dead character. Returns NULL if the given object lacks such component.
override void | OnRPC (PlayerIdentity sender, int rpc_type, ParamsReadContext ctx) |
float | GetWetWeightModifier () |
float | GetConfigWeightModified () |
int | GetWeight () |
void | ClearWeightDirty () |
void | SetWeightDirty () |
float | GetInventoryAndCargoWeight (bool forceRecalc=false) |
float | GetWeightSpecialized (bool forceRecalc=false) |
| returns weight of the entity in a way that's specific to the entity type and is internal to the weight system calculation, to obtain entity's weight, use the 'GetWeightEx' method instead
float | GetWeightEx (bool forceRecalc=false) |
| returns overall weight of the entity, 'forceRecalc = true' is meant to be used only when debugging, using it in gameplay code is higly inadvisable as it bypasses the weight caching and has adverse effect on performance
void | UpdateWeight (WeightUpdateType updateType=WeightUpdateType.FULL, float weightAdjustment=0) |
float | GetSingleInventoryItemWeightEx () |
void | GetDebugActions (out TSelectableActionInfoArrayEx outputList) |
bool | OnAction (int action_id, Man player, ParamsReadContext ctx) |
string | GetHitComponentForAI () |
| Returns hit component for the Entity (overriden for each Type - PlayerBase, DayZInfected, DayZAnimal, etc.)
string | GetDefaultHitComponent () |
| returns default hit component for the Entity (overriden for each Type - PlayerBase, DayZInfected, DayZAnimal, etc.)
string | GetDefaultHitPositionComponent () |
| returns default hit position component name for the Entity (overriden by type if needed - used mainly as support for impact particles)
array< string > | GetSuitableFinisherHitComponents () |
vector | GetDefaultHitPosition () |
int | GetMeleeTargetType () |
| value is related to EMeleeTargetType
string | GetAttachmentSoundType () |
| returns sound type of attachment (used for clothing and weapons on DayZPlayerImplement, paired with Anim*Type enum from DayZAnimEvents)
bool | IsHeavyBehaviour () |
| returns item behaviour of item (more in ItemBase)
bool | IsOneHandedBehaviour () |
| returns item behaviour of item (more in ItemBase)
bool | IsTwoHandedBehaviour () |
| returns item behaviour of item (more in ItemBase)
string | ChangeIntoOnAttach (string slot) |
string | ChangeIntoOnDetach () |
bool | CanHaveTemperature () |
| returns true used on selected items that have a temperature effect and can processes temperature changes
bool | IsSelfAdjustingTemperature () |
void | OnCEUpdate () |
| Central economy calls this function whenever going over all the entities.
void | ProcessVariables () |
void | OnDebugSpawnEx (DebugSpawnParams params) |
void | OnDebugSpawn () |
override EntityAI | ProcessMeleeItemDamage (int mode=0) |
float | GetLiquidThroughputCoef () |
| Returns liquid throughput coeficient.
string | GetInvulnerabilityTypeString () |
void | ProcessInvulnerabilityCheck (string servercfg_param) |
void | SetBayonetAttached (bool pState, int slot_idx=-1) |
bool | HasBayonetAttached () |
int | GetBayonetAttachmentIdx () |
void | SetButtstockAttached (bool pState, int slot_idx=-1) |
bool | HasButtstockAttached () |
int | GetButtstockAttachmentIdx () |
void | SetInvisibleRecursive (bool invisible, EntityAI parent=null, array< int > attachments=null) |
void | SoundHardTreeFallingPlay () |
void | SoundSoftTreeFallingPlay () |
void | SoundHardBushFallingPlay () |
void | SoundSoftBushFallingPlay () |
void | RegisterTransportHit (Transport transport) |
bool | GetInventoryHandAnimation (notnull InventoryLocation loc, out int value) |
bool | TranslateSlotFromSelection (string selection_name, out int slot_id) |
bool | IsUniversalTemperatureSource () |
| Universal Temperature Sources Helpers.
UTemperatureSource | GetUniversalTemperatureSource () |
void | SetUniversalTemperatureSource (UTemperatureSource uts) |
vector | GetUniversalTemperatureSourcePosition () |
RemotelyActivatedItemBehaviour | GetRemotelyActivatedItemBehaviour () |
| Remotely controlled devices helpers.
void | PairRemote (notnull EntityAI trigger) |
void | UnpairRemote () |
EntityAI | GetPairDevice () |
void | SetPersistentPairID (int id) |
bool | HasTurnableValveBehavior () |
| Turnable Valve behaviour.
bool | IsValveTurnable (int pValveIndex) |
int | GetTurnableValveIndex (int pComponentIndex) |
void | ExecuteActionsConnectedToValve (int pValveIndex) |
set< int > | GetAttachmentExclusionInitSlotValue (int slotId) |
| override this to modify slot behavior for specific items, or just set 'm_AttachmentExclusionMaskGlobal' value for simple items
void | InitLegacyConfigExclusionValues () |
bool | InitLegacyExclusionCheck () |
void | InitLegacySlotExclusionValuesImplicit () |
| adding base one-directional relations between headgear, masks, eyewear, and headstraps (exception)
void | InitLegacySlotExclusionValuesDerived () |
void | InitGlobalExclusionValues () |
| override to init part of the mask, independent of slot-specific behavior
void | AddSingleExclusionValueGlobal (EAttExclusions value) |
| to help with item staging exclusions
void | ClearSingleExclusionValueGlobal (EAttExclusions value) |
| to help with item staging exclusions
void | SetAttachmentExclusionMaskGlobal (set< int > values) |
void | SetAttachmentExclusionMaskSlot (int slotId, set< int > values) |
| sets values for specific slot
bool | IsExclusionFlagPresent (set< int > values) |
| checks 'this' if the incoming flag is present for the current state (slot behavior and others)
bool | IsExclusionFlagPresentRecursive (set< int > values, int targetSlot) |
| Gets flag from what is effectively an owner.
bool | CheckExclusionAccessCondition (int occupiedSlot, int targetSlot, set< int > value, inout set< int > adjustedValue) |
void | AdjustExclusionAccessCondition (int occupiedSlot, int testedSlot, set< int > value, inout set< int > adjustedValue) |
| if we want to filter
bool | CheckExclusionAccessPropagation (int occupiedSlot, int targetSlot, set< int > value, inout set< int > adjustedValue) |
| special propagation contition
void | AdjustExclusionAccessPropagation (int occupiedSlot, int testedSlot, set< int > value, inout set< int > adjustedValue) |
| if we want to filter propagation specifically; DO NOT override unless you know what you are doing.
bool | CheckAttachmentReceiveExclusion (EntityAI attachment, int slotId) |
| checks specifically for att. exclusion conflicts before att. receive
bool | IsManagingArrows () |
ArrowManagerBase | GetArrowManager () |
void | SetFromProjectile (ProjectileStoppedInfo info) |
void | ClearInventory () |
bool | IsSkinned () |
| Skinning.
void | SetAsSkinned () |
bool | CanBeSkinnedWith (EntityAI tool) |
float | GetSkinningBloodInfectionChance (eAgents type) |
void | CacheSkinningBloodInfectionChance (eAgents type) |
ComponentEnergyManager | GetCompEM () |
bool | HasEnergyManager () |
| If this item has class EnergyManager in its config then it returns true. Otherwise returns false.
void | OnWorkStart () |
| Energy manager event: Called only once when this device starts doing its work.
void | OnWork (float consumed_energy) |
| Energy manager event: Called every device update if its supposed to do some work. The update can be every second or at random, depending on its manipulation.
void | OnWorkStop () |
| Energy manager event: Called when the device stops working (was switched OFF or ran out of energy)
void | OnSwitchOn () |
| Energy manager event: Called when the device is switched on.
void | OnSwitchOff () |
| Energy manager event: Called when the device is switched OFF.
void | OnIsPlugged (EntityAI source_device) |
| Energy manager event: Called when this device is plugged into some energy source.
void | OnIsUnplugged (EntityAI last_energy_source) |
| Energy manager event: Called when this device is UNPLUGGED from the energy source.
void | OnOwnSocketTaken (EntityAI device) |
| Energy manager event: When something is plugged into this device.
void | OnOwnSocketReleased (EntityAI device) |
| Energy manager event: When something is UNPLUGGED from this device.
void | OnInitEnergy () |
| Energy manager event: Object's initialization. Energy Manager is fully initialized by this point.
void | OnEnergyConsumed () |
| Energy manager event: Called when energy was consumed on this device. ALWAYS CALL super.OnEnergyConsumed() !!!
void | OnEnergyAdded () |
| Energy manager event: Called when energy was added on this device. ALWAYS CALL super.OnEnergyAdded() !!!