Защищенные члены | |
Event methods | |
Event method stubs. Reimplement these in inherited entities to receive event calls | |
void | EOnTouch (IEntity other, int extra) |
EntityEvent.TOUCH. | |
void | EOnInit (IEntity other, int extra) |
EntityEvent.INIT. | |
void | EOnExtra (IEntity other, int extra) |
EntityEvent.EXTRA. | |
void | EOnNotVisible (IEntity other, int extra) |
EntityEvent.NOTVISIBLE. | |
void | EOnFrame (IEntity other, float timeSlice) |
EntityEvent.FRAME. | |
int | EOnVisible (IEntity other, int extra) |
EntityEvent.VISIBLE. | |
void | EOnPostFrame (IEntity other, int extra) |
EntityEvent.POSTFRAME. | |
void | EOnWorldProcess (IEntity other, int extra) |
EntityEvent.WORLDPROCESS. | |
void | EOnAnimEvent (IEntity other, AnimEvent extra) |
EntityEvent.ANIMEVENT. | |
void | EOnSoundEvent (IEntity other, SoundEvent extra) |
EntityEvent.SOUNDEVENT. | |
void | EOnSimulate (IEntity other, float dt) |
EntityEvent.SIMULATE. | |
void | EOnPostSimulate (IEntity other, float timeSlice) |
EntityEvent.POSTSIMULATE. | |
void | EOnJointBreak (IEntity other, int extra) |
EntityEvent.JOINTBREAK. | |
void | EOnPhysicsMove (IEntity other, int extra) |
EntityEvent.PHYSICSMOVE. | |
void | EOnContact (IEntity other, Contact extra) |
EntityEvent.CONTACT. | |
void | EOnUser0 (IEntity other, int extra) |
EntityEvent.EV_USER+0. | |
void | EOnUser1 (IEntity other, int extra) |
EntityEvent.EV_USER+1. | |
void | EOnEnter (IEntity other, int extra) |
EntityEvent.ENTER. | |
void | EOnLeave (IEntity other, int extra) |
EntityEvent.LEAVE. | |
void | EOnUser4 (IEntity other, int extra) |
EntityEvent.EV_USER+4. | |
void | EOnDummy020 (IEntity other, int extra) |
Placeholder. | |
void | EOnDummy021 (IEntity other, int extra) |
Placeholder. | |
void | EOnDummy022 (IEntity other, int extra) |
Placeholder. | |
void | EOnDummy023 (IEntity other, int extra) |
Placeholder. | |
void | EOnDummy024 (IEntity other, int extra) |
Placeholder. | |
void | EOnDummy025 (IEntity other, int extra) |
Placeholder. | |
void | EOnDummy026 (IEntity other, int extra) |
Placeholder. | |
void | EOnDummy027 (IEntity other, int extra) |
Placeholder. | |
void | EOnDummy028 (IEntity other, int extra) |
Placeholder. | |
void | EOnDummy029 (IEntity other, int extra) |
Placeholder. | |
void | EOnDummy030 (IEntity other, int extra) |
Placeholder. | |
void | EOnDummy031 (IEntity other, int extra) |
Placeholder. | |
Transformation methods | |
Setting and getting of entity transformation | |
proto external void | GetTransform (out vector mat[]) |
Returns transformation of Entity. It returns only so much vectors as array is big. | |
proto external void | GetRenderTransform (out vector mat[]) |
Returns render transformation of Entity. Must pass in vector array size of 4. | |
proto external void | GetLocalTransform (out vector mat[]) |
Returns local transformation of Entity. It returns only so much vectors as array is big. | |
proto native external vector | GetTransformAxis (int axis) |
Returns one row of Entity transformation matrix. | |
proto native external void | SetTransform (vector mat[4]) |
Sets entity transformation. | |
proto native external vector | GetOrigin () |
Returns origin of Entity. | |
proto external vector | GetLocalPosition () |
Returns local position of Entity. | |
proto native external vector | GetYawPitchRoll () |
Returns orientation of Entity in world space (Yaw, Pitch, Roll) | |
proto native external vector | GetAngles () |
Same as GetYawPitchRoll, but returns rotation vector around X, Y and Z axis. | |
proto native external vector | GetLocalYawPitchRoll () |
Returns local orientation when it's in hierarchy (Yaw, Pitch, Roll) | |
proto native external vector | GetLocalAngles () |
Same as GetLocalYawPitchRoll, but returns rotation vector around X, Y and Z axis. | |
proto native external void | SetYawPitchRoll (vector angles) |
Sets angles for entity (Yaw, Pitch, Roll) | |
proto native external void | SetAngles (vector angles) |
Same as SetYawPitchRoll, but sets rotation around X, Y and Z axis. | |
proto native external void | SetOrigin (vector orig) |
Sets origin for entity. | |
proto native external float | GetScale () |
proto native external void | SetScale (float scale) |
proto native external vector | VectorToParent (vector vec) |
Transforms local vector to world space. | |
proto native external vector | CoordToParent (vector coord) |
Transforms local position to world space. | |
proto native external vector | VectorToLocal (vector vec) |
Transforms world space vector to local space. | |
proto native external vector | CoordToLocal (vector coord) |
Transforms world space position to local space. | |
Name/ID methods | |
proto native int | GetID () |
Return unique entity ID. | |
proto native void | SetID (int id) |
Set unique entity ID. | |
proto native void | SetName (string name) |
proto native external owned string | GetName () |
Hierarchy methods | |
Scene hierarchy management | |
proto native external bool | AddChild (notnull IEntity child, int pivot, bool positionOnly=false) |
Adds child entity to this entity. | |
proto native external bool | RemoveChild (notnull IEntity child, bool keepTransform=false) |
Removes child entity from hierarchy. | |
proto native bool | IsHierarchyPositionOnly () |
Returns if the hierarchy component was created with positionOnly. | |
proto native int | GetHierarchyPivot () |
Returns the hierarchy component pivot. | |
proto native IEntity | GetParent () |
Returns pointer to parent Entity in hierarchy. | |
proto native IEntity | GetChildren () |
Returns pointer to first child Entity in hierarchy. | |
proto native IEntity | GetSibling () |
Returns pointer to next child Entity on the same hierarchy. | |
proto external void | GetBounds (out vector mins, out vector maxs) |
Returns local bounding box of model on Entity. | |
proto external void | GetWorldBounds (out vector mins, out vector maxs) |
Returns quantized world-bound-box of Entity. | |
Simulation/handling properties | |
Flags that affects simulation and entity handling behavior | |
proto native external EntityFlags | GetFlags () |
Returns Entity flags. | |
proto native external bool | IsFlagSet (EntityFlags flags) |
Test if one or more of specified flags are set. | |
proto native external EntityFlags | SetFlags (EntityFlags flags, bool recursively) |
Sets Entity flags. It's OR operation, not rewrite. Returns previous flags. | |
proto native external EntityFlags | ClearFlags (EntityFlags flags, bool recursively) |
Clear Entity flags. Returns cleared flags. | |
proto native external EntityEvent | GetEventMask () |
Returns current event mask. | |
proto native external EntityEvent | SetEventMask (EntityEvent e) |
Sets event mask. | |
proto native external EntityEvent | ClearEventMask (EntityEvent e) |
Clears event mask. | |
proto external volatile void | SendEvent (notnull IEntity actor, EntityEvent e, void extra) |
Dynamic event invokation. Parameters are the same as in IEntity::EOnXXXX() methods. | |
Visual component methods | |
Manipulation with visual component - model, particle effect etc | |
proto native external void | SetObject (vobject object, string options) |
proto native vobject | GetVObject () |
Returns visual object set to this Entity. No reference is added. | |
proto native external int | Animate (float speed, int loop) |
Updates animation (either xob, or particle, whatever) | |
proto native external int | AnimateEx (float speed, int loop, out vector lin, out vector ang) |
Updates animation (either xob, or particle, whatever) | |
proto native external int | SetCameraMask (int mask) |
Sets visibility mask for cameras, where Entity will be rendered. | |
proto native external void | FilterNextTrace () |
When called, the Entity is excluded from consequent TraceMove/TraceLine. | |
proto native external int | Update () |
Закрытые члены | |
void | ~Object () |
void | Object () |
bool | CanBeSkinned () |
void | Delete () |
Delete this object in next frame. | |
proto native void | AddProxyPhysics (string proxySelectionName) |
proto native void | RemoveProxyPhysics (string proxySelectionName) |
void | OnEnterTrigger (ScriptedEntity trigger) |
Object entered trigger. | |
void | OnLeaveTrigger (ScriptedEntity trigger) |
Object left trigger. | |
proto native bool | GetLODS (notnull out array< LOD > lods) |
Retrieve all LODS. | |
proto native owned string | GetLODName (LOD lod) |
Retrieve LOD name. | |
proto native vector | GetBoundingCenter () |
LOD | GetLODByName (string name) |
Retrieve LOD by given name. | |
TStringArray | GetHiddenSelections () |
Returns the hiddenSelections array from the object's config. | |
TStringArray | GetHiddenSelectionsTextures () |
Returns the hiddenSelectionsTextures array from the object's config. | |
TStringArray | GetHiddenSelectionsMaterials () |
Returns the hiddenSelectionsMaterials array from the object's config. | |
void | Explode (int damageType, string ammoType="") |
Creates an explosion on this object by its ammoType in config. | |
void | SynchExplosion () |
void | OnExplodeClient () |
Called on clients when this object explodes. | |
void | OnExplosionEffects (Object source, Object directHit, int componentIndex, string surface, vector pos, vector surfNormal, float energyFactor, float explosionFactor, bool isWater, string ammoType) |
proto native owned string | GetActionComponentName (int componentIndex, string geometry="") |
returns action component name by given component index, 'geometry' can be "fire" or "view" (default "" for mixed/legacy mode) | |
proto native owned vector | GetActionComponentPosition (int componentIndex, string geometry="") |
returns action component position by given component index, 'geometry' can be "fire" or "view" (default "" for mixed/legacy mode) | |
proto native owned int | GetActionComponentNameList (int componentIndex, TStringArray nameList, string geometry="") |
outputs action component name list by given component index, 'geometry' can be "fire" or "view" (default "" for mixed/legacy mode). Returns -1 (not found), 0 (found default component only), or 1 (found named component) | |
proto native bool | IsActionComponentPartOfSelection (int componentIndex, string selectionName, string geometry="") |
return true if selection containts action component, 'geometry' can be "fire" or "view" (default "" for mixed/legacy mode) | |
proto void | GetActionComponentsForSelectionName (int level, string selectionName, TIntArray componentIndices) |
outputs action component index list by given selection, 'geometry' can be "fire" or "view" (default "" for mixed/legacy mode) | |
proto vector | GetActionComponentCenter (int level, int componentIndex) |
The center of the component, in model space. | |
proto vector | GetActionComponentCenterOOB (int level, int componentIndex) |
The center of the component, in model space. | |
proto void | GetActionComponentMinMax (int level, int componentIndex, out vector min, out vector max) |
The AABB of the component. | |
proto native bool | ToDelete () |
Flag to determine this object is marked to be deleted soon. | |
proto native bool | IsPendingDeletion () |
proto native int | GetGeometryLevel () |
Native functions for getting the level used for calculating the pivot. | |
proto native int | GetFireGeometryLevel () |
proto native int | GetViewGeometryLevel () |
proto native int | GetMemoryLevel () |
proto int | GetBonePivot (int level, int component) |
Get the pivot point of the bone from the component index in the LOD, level can be geometry, fire, view or memory. | |
proto native void | GetBonePivotsForAnimationSource (int level, string animationSource, out TIntArray pivots) |
Get the pivots assigned to the animation source at the specified LOD. | |
proto native vector | GetBonePositionLS (int pivot) |
returns local space, model space, world space position of the bone | |
proto native vector | GetBonePositionMS (int pivot) |
proto native vector | GetBonePositionWS (int pivot) |
proto native void | GetBoneRotationLS (int pivot, out float quaternion[4]) |
returns local space, model space, world space orientation (quaternion) of a bone | |
proto native void | GetBoneRotationMS (int pivot, out float quaternion[4]) |
proto native void | GetBoneRotationWS (int pivot, out float quaternion[4]) |
proto native void | GetBoneTransformLS (int pivot, out vector transform[4]) |
returns local space, model space, world space transformations of a bone | |
proto native void | GetBoneTransformMS (int pivot, out vector transform[4]) |
proto native void | GetBoneTransformWS (int pivot, out vector transform[4]) |
proto native void | GetTightlyPackedCorners (ETransformationAxis axis, out vector corners[4]) |
Get corner positions in worldspace aligned to the orientation of the object (currently only TOP/BOTTOM supported) | |
proto native vector | GetPosition () |
Retrieve position. | |
proto native vector | GetWorldPosition () |
proto native void | SetPosition (vector vPos) |
Set position. | |
proto native void | PlaceOnSurface () |
Place object on surface. | |
proto native vector | GetOrientation () |
Retrieve orientation (yaw, pitch, roll) in degrees | |
proto native void | SetOrientation (vector vOrientation) |
Set orientation (yaw, pitch, roll) in degrees | |
proto native vector | GetDirection () |
Retrieve direction vector. | |
proto native void | SetDirection (vector vPos) |
Set direction of object. | |
proto native vector | GetDirectionUp () |
Retrieve direction up vector. | |
proto native vector | GetDirectionAside () |
Retrieve direction aside vector. | |
proto native vector | GetLocalPos (vector vPos) |
Calculate local position of other entity to this entity. | |
proto native vector | GetGlobalPos (vector vPos) |
Calculate global position to this entity from local position. | |
proto native vector | GetSpeed () |
Retrieve object's speed in global space. | |
proto native vector | GetModelSpeed () |
Retrieve object's speed in local space. | |
proto native bool | CanAffectPathgraph () |
Returns true if object's geometry can affect pathgraph generation. | |
proto native void | SetAffectPathgraph (bool fromConfig, bool affect) |
Sets if object's geometry affects pathgraph generation. If first parameter is true, it ignores second parameter and sets affecting pathgraph by parameter set in object's config. | |
proto float | ClippingInfo (out vector minMax[2]) |
Get Clipping info. | |
proto native bool | GetCollisionBox (out vector minMax[2]) |
Gets collision bounding box. | |
proto native float | GetCollisionRadius () |
Gets collision radius (bounding sphere) | |
proto native float | GetDamage () |
Get total damage (clipped to range 0..1) | |
proto native void | GetSelectionList (out TStringArray selectionList) |
float | GetSurfaceNoise () |
Returns noise multiplier of surface under object. | |
string | GetSurfaceType () |
Returns type of surface under object. | |
bool | HasSelection (string selection) |
Returns true if the given selection was found in the p3d file. False if otherwise. | |
bool | HasAnimation (string anim_name) |
Searches object's config for the given animation name. Returns true if it was found, or false if not. | |
proto native int | GetMemoryPointIndex (string memoryPointName) |
If Returns true if this item has EnergyManager in its config. Otherwise returns false. | |
proto native vector | GetMemoryPointPos (string memoryPointName) |
proto native vector | GetMemoryPointPosByIndex (int pointIndex) |
proto native bool | MemoryPointExists (string memoryPoint) |
proto native void | CreateDynamicPhysics (int interactionLayers) |
proto native void | EnableDynamicCCD (bool state) |
proto native void | SetDynamicPhysicsLifeTime (float lifeTime) |
void | OnTreeCutDown (EntityAI cutting_entity) |
Called when tree is chopped down. 'cutting_entity' can be tool, or player, if cutting bush with bare hands. | |
string | GetType () |
Get config class of object. | |
string | GetDisplayName () |
Get display name of entity. | |
bool | DisplayNameRuinAttach () |
string | GetModelName () |
Returns name of the model of this object without the '.p3d' suffix. | |
proto native owned string | GetShapeName () |
Return path and name of the model. | |
int | Release () |
bool | IsKindOf (string type) |
Check config class name of the object. | |
bool | IsAlive () |
bool | IsMan () |
Returns if this entity is Man. | |
bool | IsDayZCreature () |
Checks if this instance is of type DayZCreature. | |
bool | IsEntityAI () |
Returns if this entity is EntityAI. | |
bool | IsStaticTransmitter () |
Returns if this entity is Static Transmitter. | |
bool | IsTransmitter () |
Returns if this entity is a non-static Transmitter. | |
bool | IsItemBase () |
Returns if this entity is ItemBase. | |
bool | IsContainer () |
bool | IsMagazine () |
Returns if this entity is Magazine. | |
bool | IsAmmoPile () |
Returns if this entity is Ammo Pile. | |
bool | IsInventoryItem () |
Returns if this entity is InventoryItem. | |
bool | IsClothing () |
Returns if this entity is Clothing. | |
bool | IsFireplace () |
Returns if this entity is fireplacebase. | |
bool | IsTree () |
Returns if this entity is tree. | |
bool | IsRock () |
Returns if this entity is rock. | |
bool | IsWoodBase () |
Returns whether object is PlanBase. | |
bool | IsBush () |
Returns if this entity is bush. | |
bool | IsCuttable () |
bool | IsPeltBase () |
Returns if this entity is Pelt_Base. | |
bool | IsWeapon () |
Returns if this entity is Weapon. | |
bool | IsMeleeWeapon () |
returns if this entity is Melee Weapon | |
bool | IsBuilding () |
Returns if this entity is Building. | |
EWaterSourceObjectType | GetWaterSourceObjectType () |
int | GetLiquidSourceType () |
bool | IsWell () |
bool | ShootsExplosiveAmmo () |
Returns if this entity is a weapon which can shoot explosive ammo. | |
bool | IsFuelStation () |
Returns if this entity is Fuel Station (extends Building) | |
bool | IsTransport () |
Returns if this entity is transport. | |
bool | IsElectricAppliance () |
Returns if this is an appliance, that can be plugged into electric circuit (== not energy source) | |
bool | CanUseConstruction () |
Returns if this entity can be constucted,deconstructed (e.g. fence,watchtower) | |
bool | CanUseConstructionBuild () |
Returns if this entity can be built, specifically. | |
bool | CanUseHandConstruction () |
Returns if this entity can be constructed without tools. | |
bool | IsBeingBackstabbed () |
void | SetBeingBackstabbed (int backstabType) |
bool | IsFood () |
Returns if this entity if a food item. | |
bool | IsFruit () |
bool | IsMeat () |
bool | IsCorpse () |
bool | IsMushroom () |
bool | IsHealthVisible () |
Returns if the health of this entity should be displayed (widgets, inventory) | |
bool | ShowZonesHealth () |
Returns true if the health of damage zones should be displayed (instead of global HP of the entity) ( action widgets) | |
bool | IsParticle () |
bool | IsItemTent () |
bool | IsScriptedLight () |
bool | IsHologram () |
bool | HasProxyParts () |
bool | CanObstruct () |
bool | CanProxyObstruct () |
bool | CanProxyObstructSelf () |
can the object's own proxy geometry obstruct it? Currently checking 'ObjIntersectView' | |
bool | CanBeIgnoredByDroppedItem () |
bool | CanBeAutoDeleted () |
bool | DisableVicinityIcon () |
Disables icon in the vicinity, useful for large, immovable items, that are not buildings. | |
proto void | GetNetworkID (out int lowBits, out int highBits) |
string | GetNetworkIDString () |
override string | GetDebugName () |
proto string | GetDebugNameNative () |
native GetDebugName which is internally overloaded where needed | |
void | RPC (int rpc_type, array< ref Param > params, bool guaranteed, PlayerIdentity recipient=NULL) |
Remote procedure call shortcut, see CGame.RPC / CGame.RPCSingleParam. | |
void | RPCSingleParam (int rpc_type, Param param, bool guaranteed, PlayerIdentity recipient=NULL) |
Remote procedure call shortcut, see CGame.RPCSingleParam / CGame.RPC. | |
void | OnRPC (PlayerIdentity sender, int rpc_type, ParamsReadContext ctx) |
Called after remote procedure call is recieved for this object. | |
vector | GetSelectionPositionOld (string name) |
vector | GetSelectionPositionLS (string name) |
vector | GetSelectionPositionMS (string name) |
vector | GetSelectionPositionWS (string name) |
vector | ModelToWorld (vector modelPos) |
vector | WorldToModel (vector worldPos) |
proto string | ConfigGetString (string entryName) |
proto string | ConfigGetStringRaw (string entryName) |
Get a raw strings from config entry. | |
proto int | ConfigGetInt (string entryName) |
bool | ConfigGetBool (string entryName) |
proto float | ConfigGetFloat (string entryName) |
proto vector | ConfigGetVector (string entryName) |
proto native void | ConfigGetTextArray (string entryName, out TStringArray values) |
Get array of strings from config entry. | |
proto native void | ConfigGetTextArrayRaw (string entryName, out TStringArray values) |
Get array of raw strings from config entry. | |
proto native void | ConfigGetFloatArray (string entryName, out TFloatArray values) |
Get array of floats from config entry. | |
proto native void | ConfigGetIntArray (string entryName, out TIntArray values) |
Get array of integers from config entry. | |
proto native bool | ConfigIsExisting (string entryName) |
Checks if given entry exists. | |
bool | KindOf (string tag) |
Compares config class name to given string. | |
bool | IsAnyInherited (array< typename > typenames) |
proto native bool | IsPlainObject () |
Is this just static object without config? So we can avoid calling unnecessary methods. | |
proto native bool | IsScenery () |
Is this Scenery? (handy for excluding terain when it is not needed) | |
proto native bool | HasDamageSystem () |
Checks if object's DamageSystem has been initialized(despite the name, does not really reliably answer the question whether the object is configured to have damage system or not) | |
proto native bool | IsDamageDestroyed () |
Checks if object is destroyed. | |
proto native void | SetDestructTime (float time) |
Sets the time over which to perform DestructTent/DestructTree. | |
proto native float | GetHealth (string zoneName, string healthType) |
Returns current state of health. | |
proto native float | GetHealth01 (string zoneName, string healthType) |
Returns current state of health in range <0, 1>. | |
proto native float | GetMaxHealth (string zoneName, string healthType) |
Returns maximum value of health. | |
proto native void | SetHealth (string zoneName, string healthType, float value) |
Sets current state of health. | |
proto native void | SetFullHealth () |
Sets full health to all zones and removes fatal damage when applicable. | |
proto native void | AddHealth (string zoneName, string healthType, float value) |
Adds health. | |
proto native void | DecreaseHealth (string zoneName, string healthType, float value) |
Decreases health. | |
proto native bool | GetAdditionalHealthTypes (string zoneName, TStringArray outHealthTypes) |
List of additional health types in given zone. | |
void | DecreaseHealth (string zoneName, string healthType, float value, bool auto_delete) |
Decreases health with the option of auto-deleting the object if its ruined. | |
float | GetHealth () |
Equivalent of GetHealth("", "");. | |
float | GetHealth01 () |
Equivalent of GetHealth01("", "");. | |
float | GetMaxHealth () |
Equivalent of GetMaxHealth("", "");. | |
void | SetHealth (float health) |
Equivalent of SetHealth("", "", float value);. | |
void | SetGlobalHealth (float health) |
Equivalent of SetHealth("", "", float value);. | |
void | SetHealthLevel (int healthLevel, string zone="") |
Sets specific health level. It will use the cutoff value as returned by 'GetHealthLevelValue' as the health value for the given health level, which means it will always be set to the max health as allowed by the given health level. | |
void | AddHealthLevel (int healthLevelDelta, string zone="") |
Similar to 'SetHealthLevel', but allows to jump up/down 'healthLevelDelta' amount of health levels from the current one. Positive values cause health level increase, therefore damage the item, and vice-versa. | |
void | SetHealth01 (string zoneName, string healthType, float coef) |
Sets health relative to its maximum. | |
void | SetHealthMax (string zoneName="", string healthType="") |
Sets health to its maximum (zone or global) | |
void | AddHealth (float add_health) |
Equivalent of AddHealth("", "", float value);. | |
void | DecreaseHealth (float dec_health, bool auto_delete=true) |
Equivalent of DecreaseHealth("", "", float value, bool auto_delete);. | |
void | DecreaseHealthCoef (float dec_health_coef, bool auto_delete=true) |
Decreases health by the given coeficient. | |
proto native void | ProcessDirectDamage (int damageType, EntityAI source, string componentName, string ammoName, vector modelPos, float damageCoef=1.0, int flags=0) |
Applies damage on object. | |
bool | EEOnDamageCalculated (TotalDamageResult damageResult, int damageType, EntityAI source, int component, string dmgZone, string ammo, vector modelPos, float speedCoef) |
Event called from C++ right before damage is applied. | |
proto native void | GetDamageZones (out TStringArray dmgZones) |
Obtains a list of nammes of all object's damage zones. | |
proto native vector | GetDamageZonePos (string zoneName) |
Obtains middle position of damage zone based on it's name. | |
proto native owned string | GetDamageZoneNameByComponentIndex (int componentIndex) |
Obtains name of damage zone based on index of specific component. | |
proto native int | GetHealthLevel (string zone="") |
Returns global health level specified in object's config class parameter healthLevels (range is usually 0..4, 0 = pristine, 1 = worn, 2 = damaged, 3 = badly damaged, 4 = ruined but can be changed). | |
proto native int | GetNumberOfHealthLevels (string zone="") |
Returns global number of health levels specified in object's config class parameter healthLevels (range is usually 0..4, 0 = pristine, 1 = worn, 2 = damaged, 3 = badly damaged, 4 = ruined but can be changed). | |
proto native float | GetHealthLevelValue (int healthLevel, string zone="") |
Returns cutoff value for health level specified in object's config class parameter healthLevels. | |
proto native bool | GetAllowDamage () |
Returns if object can receive damage. | |
proto native void | SetAllowDamage (bool val) |
Enable or disable object to receive damage. | |
proto native bool | GetCanBeDestroyed () |
Returns if object is destroyable. | |
proto native void | SetCanBeDestroyed (bool val) |
Enable or disable destruction of object (after health is depleated) | |
bool | IsRuined () |
Returns whether the object is ruined (0 Health). | |
void | OnSimulationEnabled () |
Event called from C++ when simulation is enabled. | |
void | OnSimulationDisabled () |
Event called from C++ when simulation is disabled. | |
void | GetActions (typename action_input_type, out array< ActionBase_Basic > actions) |
SoundOnVehicle | PlaySound (string sound_name, float range, bool create_local=true) |
Plays the given sound once on this object's instance. Range is in meters. Created sound is only local, unless create_local is set to false. Returns the sound itself. | |
SoundOnVehicle | PlaySoundLoop (string sound_name, float range, bool create_local=true) |
Plays the given sound in loop on this object's instance. Range is in meters. Created sound is only local, unless create_local is set to false. Returns the sound itself. | |
bool | PlaySoundSet (out EffectSound sound, string sound_set, float fade_in, float fade_out, bool loop=false) |
EffectSound - plays soundset on this object and returns state of the sound (true - played, false - not played) | |
bool | PlaySoundSetLoop (out EffectSound sound, string sound_set, float fade_in, float fade_out) |
EffectSound - plays soundset on this object in loop and returns state of the sound (true - played, false - not played) | |
bool | PlaySoundSetAtMemoryPointLoopedSafe (out EffectSound sound, string soundSet, string memoryPoint, float play_fade_in=0, float stop_fade_out=0) |
Same as PlaySoundSetAtMemoryPointLooped, only requests stoppage of the currently playing EffectSound if it already exists and playing, before playing the new sound. | |
bool | PlaySoundSetAtMemoryPointLooped (out EffectSound sound, string soundSet, string memoryPoint, float play_fade_in=0, float stop_fade_out=0) |
bool | PlaySoundSetAtMemoryPoint (out EffectSound sound, string soundSet, string memoryPoint, bool looped=false, float play_fade_in=0, float stop_fade_out=0) |
bool | StopSoundSet (out EffectSound sound) |
EffectSound - stops soundset and returns state of the sound (true - stopped, false - not playing) | |
void | PostAreaDamageActions () |
void | PreAreaDamageActions () |
void | SpawnDamageDealtEffect () |
void | OnReceivedHit (ImpactEffectsData hitData) |
void | OnPlayerRecievedHit () |
bool | HasNetworkID () |
bool | NameOverride (out string output) |
bool | DescriptionOverride (out string output) |
EntityAI | ProcessMeleeItemDamage (int mode=0) |
bool | CanBeRepairedToPristine () |
vector | GetCenter () |
void | AddArrow (Object arrow, int componentIndex, vector closeBonePosWS, vector closeBoneRotWS) |
bool | CanBeActionTarget () |
bool | HasFixedActionTargetCursorPosition () |
void | OnSpawnByObjectSpawner (ITEM_SpawnerObject item) |
![]() | |
void | IntroSceneCharacter () |
void | ~IntroSceneCharacter () |
bool | IsDefaultCharacter () |
void | SetToDefaultCharacter () |
void | SetCharacterID (int char_id) |
int | GetCharacterID () |
PlayerBase | GetCharacterObj () |
TStringArray | GetCharGenderList () |
TStringArray | GetCharList (ECharGender gender) |
TStringArray | GetCharShirtsList () |
TStringArray | GetCharPantsList () |
TStringArray | GetCharShoesList () |
void | SetCharacterGender (ECharGender gender) |
bool | IsCharacterFemale () |
ECharGender | GetCharacterGender () |
vector | GetPosition () |
int | GetNextCharacterID () |
int | GetPrevCharacterID () |
void | CreateNewCharacterRandom () |
void | CreateNewCharacterById (int character_id) |
void | CreateNewCharacterByName (string character_name, bool randomize_equip=true) |
void | CreateDefaultCharacter () |
void | GetLastPlayedServer (int characterID, out string address, out string name, out int port) |
void | GetLastPlayedServerEx (int characterID, out string address, out string name, out int port, out int steamQueryPort) |
void | CreateNewCharacter () |
void | LoadCharacterData (vector char_pos, vector char_rot, bool default_char=false) |
Generates random equip for the new IntroSceneCharacter, whatever is defined in 'cfgCharacterCreation'. | |
void | CharacterUnload () |
void | CharacterLoad (int character_id, vector char_pos, vector char_rot) |
void | SetupPlayerName (bool new_name) |
void | SetAttachment (string type, int slot) |
string | GetCharacterNameById (int char_id) |
string | GetCharacterName () |
void | SaveCharName (string name) |
void | SaveDefaultCharacter () |
void | TransferValues (PlayerBase player) |
void | Init () |
void | OnScheduledTick (float deltatime) |
void | CheckValues () |
float | GetBlood () |
float | GetHealth () |
void | CheckHealth () |
void | CheckBlood () |
void | SendInitValues () |
Sends values on object creation. | |
void | SendValue (int value_type, float value) |
void | ReceiveValue (int value_type, float value) |
void | OnRPC (ParamsReadContext ctx) |
void | ShowDebugValues (bool show) |
void | BleedingIndicator (int source_ID, int severity, GameplayEffectsDataBleeding parent) |
void | InitIndicator (vector position) |
void | StopIndicator (bool instant=false) |
void | StartRunningDrops () |
bool | IsRunningDrops () |
Are any drops currently being animated? | |
void | TrySpawnNextDrop () |
void | ResetSequence () |
void | ResetIndicator () |
void | Update (float timeSlice) |
bool | GetEndNow () |
int | GetSeverity () |
void | GameplayEffectsData (array< ref Widget > input, int type, int user_override=-1) |
void | Init (array< ref Widget > input, int type, Widget layout_root, int user_override=-1) |
array< ref Widget > | GetWidgetSet () |
int | GetWidgetSetType () |
int | GetWidgetSetID () |
bool | HasDefinedHandle () |
Returns 'true' if this class contains update info. | |
bool | DataInitialized () |
void | UpdateVisibility (bool state) |
void | RegisterData (Param p) |
void | Update (float timeSlice=0, Param p=null, int handle=-1) |
void | ForceStop () |
Закрытые статические члены | |
static string | GetDebugName (Object o) |
Internal ancestor of all Entity implementations.
См. определение в файле EnEntity.c строка 164