DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
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Класс SoundObject

Закрытые члены

void SoundObject (SoundParams soundParams)
proto void UpdateVariables (notnull array< float > values)
proto native void SetParent (IEntity parent, int pivot=-1)
proto native IEntity GetParent ()
proto native int GetHierarchyPivot ()
proto native void SetPosition (vector position)
 Note: Sets the position locally if parented, retrieves globally with the sound offset.
proto native vector GetPosition ()
proto native void SetSpeed (vector speed)
 Note: Sets the speed locally if parented, retrieves globally with the parent speed.
proto native vector GetSpeed ()
proto native void SetOcclusionObstruction (float occlusion, float obstruction)
proto native void SetKind (WaveKind kind)
proto native void Initialize (SoundParams soundParams)

Подробное описание

См. определение в файле Sound.c строка 111