Закрытые члены | |
void | SoundObject (SoundParams soundParams) |
proto void | UpdateVariables (notnull array< float > values) |
proto native void | SetParent (IEntity parent, int pivot=-1) |
proto native IEntity | GetParent () |
proto native int | GetHierarchyPivot () |
proto native void | SetPosition (vector position) |
Note: Sets the position locally if parented, retrieves globally with the sound offset. | |
proto native vector | GetPosition () |
proto native void | SetSpeed (vector speed) |
Note: Sets the speed locally if parented, retrieves globally with the parent speed. | |
proto native vector | GetSpeed () |
proto native void | SetOcclusionObstruction (float occlusion, float obstruction) |
proto native void | SetKind (WaveKind kind) |
proto native void | Initialize (SoundParams soundParams) |