Закрытые члены | |
proto volatile Class | Spawn () |
Dynamic variant to 'new' keyword. It creates new instance of class. | |
proto owned string | GetModule () |
Get the name of the module the typename belongs to. | |
proto native owned string | ToString () |
Returns type name of variable as string. | |
proto native bool | IsInherited (typename baseType) |
Returns true when type is the same as 'baseType', or inherited one. | |
proto native int | GetVariableCount () |
proto native owned string | GetVariableName (int vIdx) |
proto native | GetVariableType (int vIdx) |
proto bool | GetVariableValue (Class var, int vIdx, out void val) |
Закрытые статические члены | |
static string | EnumToString (typename e, int enumValue) |
Return string name of enum value. | |
static int | StringToEnum (typename e, string enumName) |
Return enum value from string name. | |
См. определение в файле EnConvert.c строка 508