Закрытые члены | |
void | HumanCommandMelee2 () |
void | ~HumanCommandMelee2 () |
proto native void | ContinueCombo (bool pHeavyHit, float pComboValue, EntityAI target=null, vector hitPos=vector.Zero) |
marks command to continue to combo | |
proto native bool | IsInComboRange () |
returns true if hit is in range, where person can continue to combo | |
proto native bool | WasHit () |
is true only once after hit event | |
proto native void | Cancel () |
cancels command melee and goes to HumanCommandMove | |
proto native bool | IsOnBack () |
is on back in prone stance? | |
proto native int | GetComboCount () |
proto native int | GetCurrentHitType () |
proto native bool | IsFinisher () |
Закрытые статические данные | |
static const int | HIT_TYPE_LIGHT = 0 |
static const int | HIT_TYPE_HEAVY = 1 |
static const int | HIT_TYPE_FINISHER = 2 |
static const int | HIT_TYPE_FINISHER_NECK = 3 |