DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
Не найдено
Класс HumanCommandMelee2

Закрытые члены

void HumanCommandMelee2 ()
void ~HumanCommandMelee2 ()
proto native void ContinueCombo (bool pHeavyHit, float pComboValue, EntityAI target=null, vector hitPos=vector.Zero)
 marks command to continue to combo
proto native bool IsInComboRange ()
 returns true if hit is in range, where person can continue to combo
proto native bool WasHit ()
 is true only once after hit event
proto native void Cancel ()
 cancels command melee and goes to HumanCommandMove
proto native bool IsOnBack ()
 is on back in prone stance?
proto native int GetComboCount ()
proto native int GetCurrentHitType ()
proto native bool IsFinisher ()

Закрытые статические данные

static const int HIT_TYPE_LIGHT = 0
static const int HIT_TYPE_HEAVY = 1
static const int HIT_TYPE_FINISHER = 2
static const int HIT_TYPE_FINISHER_NECK = 3

Подробное описание

См. определение в файле human.c строка 536