void | HumanCommandWeapons () |
void | ~HumanCommandWeapons () |
proto native bool | IsActionFinished () |
proto native int | GetRunningAction () |
| returns -1 when no action is running or RELOAD,MECHANISM, ....
proto native int | GetRunningActionType () |
| returns -1 when no action is running or appropriate action type
proto native void | SetActionProgressParams (float pStart, float pEnd) |
| sets start and end animation position - f.e. for reload clip action
proto native bool | StartAction (WeaponActions pAction, int pActionType) |
| start reload,mechanism,chambering,unjam ...
proto native void | RegisterEvent (string pName, int pId) |
| register events
proto native int | IsEvent () |
| return -1 when there is no event, otherwise it returns pId of event from animation
proto native bool | IsInWeaponReloadBulletSwitchState () |
| returns true when clip visual change is needed for reload clip action
proto native void | SetADS (bool pState) |
| sets head tilt to optics
proto native void | LiftWeapon (bool pState) |
| command for lifting weapon near obstacled (works only when weapon is raised)
proto native float | GetAimingHandsOffsetUD () |
| returns aiming hands up/down (y) offset angle
proto native float | GetAimingHandsOffsetLR () |
| returns aiming hands left/right (x) offset angle
void | RegisterDefaultEvents () |
proto native void | SetInitState (int pFrameIndex) |
proto native float | GetBaseAimingAngleUD () |
| returns base aiming angle UD - without sway/offsets/...
proto native float | GetBaseAimingAngleLR () |
| returns base aiming angle LR - without sway/offsets/...
proto native void | SetThrowingMode (bool pState) |
proto native bool | IsThrowingMode () |
proto native void | ThrowItem (int throwType) |
proto native bool | WasItemLeaveHandsEvent () |
proto native int | DebugIsEvent () |
| return -1 when there is no event, otherwise it returns pId of event from animation
proto native void | DebugResetEvents () |
См. определение в файле human.c строка 993