DayZ 1.26
DayZ Explorer by KGB
Returns the currently selected user.
Используется в OnGameNameChanged(), OnLoggedOn(), OnSignedOut() и SelectUserEx().
Gets the initiatior of the title.
Перекрестные ссылки GetUserList().
private |
Call async function to get database ID.
Gets the currently present list of users.
Fills in the array. Expected errors: BAD_PARAMETER - user_list is NULL,
Используется в GetUser().
private |
Display a system dependant ui for log-on.
Используется в OnPartyHost().
Callback function.
Called when display info of a signed in user changed.
user | the user affected by the change. |
Перекрестные ссылки g_Game, GetGame() и GetSelectedUser().
Используется в OnUserPicked().
inlineprivate |
Callback function.
Called when a join is parsed or when a runtime join is accepted from the system UI.
type | the type of join. Undefined on error. |
joiner | the user that is joining. NULL on error. |
handle | join handle for a session. Empty on error. |
joinee | uid of the user that is being joined. Empty on error. |
error | indicating if parsing failed. OK if not a result of ParseJoinAsync. |
Перекрестные ссылки DISCONNECT_SESSION_FLAGS_JOIN, OnlineServices::ErrorCaught(), g_Game, GetGame(), OnlineServices::GetSession(), MENU_TITLE_SCREEN, SelectUserEx(), OnlineServices::SetBiosUser() и OnlineServices::SetSessionHandle().
Callback function.
Перекрестные ссылки OnSignedOut().
inlineprivate |
Callback function.
Called when a party is parsed or when a party is hosted from the system UI.
host | the user that is hosting the party. NULL on error. |
invitee_list | list of party members. |
error | indicating if parsing failed. OK if not a result of ParsePartyAsync. |
Перекрестные ссылки g_Game, GetGame(), GetID(), LogOnUserAsync(), MENU_MAIN, MENU_TITLE_SCREEN, SelectUserEx() и OnlineServices::SetPendingInviteList().
Callback function.
Called when a new user signed in
user | the user that signed in. Cannot be NULL. |
Callback function.
Called when a new user signed out
user | the user that signed out. Cannot be NULL. |
Перекрестные ссылки DISCONNECT_SESSION_FLAGS_FORCE, g_Game, GetGame(), GetSelectedUser() и SelectUserEx().
Используется в OnLoggedOff().
inlineprivate |
Callback function.
dbID | user database ID. If something went wrong, then it is empty string. |
error | indicating correct state. |
Перекрестные ссылки OnlineServices::ErrorCaught() и g_Game.
inlineprivate |
Callback function.
error | error indicating success or fail of the async operation. |
Перекрестные ссылки DISCONNECT_SESSION_FLAGS_FORCE, OnlineServices::ErrorCaught(), g_Game и GetGame().
inlineprivate |
Callback function.
user | picked user. NULL on fail. |
error | error indicating success or fail of the async operation. |
Перекрестные ссылки OnlineServices::ErrorCaught(), g_Game, GetGame(), OnGameNameChanged() и SelectUserEx().
private |
Parse the join data from from command line parameters.
The async result is returned in the OnJoin callback. The OnJoin callback is called also during runtime when a join is accepted. Expected errors: BAD_PARAMETER - join_data could not be parsed,
join_data | the startup join data from command line parameters. |
private |
Parse the party data from from command line parameters.
The async result is returned in the OnPartyHost callback. The OnPartyHost callback is called also during runtime when a player hosts a game for the party. Expected errors: BAD_PARAMETER - join_data could not be parsed,
party_data | the startup party data from command line parameters. |
private |
Display a system dependant account picket.
Xbox: The async result is returned in the OnUserPicked callback.
Informs the engine about the current selected user.
Must be called to ensure proper authentication etc.
user | the user to select. |
Используется в SelectUserEx().
Перекрестные ссылки NotificationSystem::AddNotification(), NotificationSystem::DEFAULT_TIME_DISPLAYED, DISCONNECT_SESSION_FLAGS_FORCE, g_Game, GetSelectedUser() и SelectUser().
Используется в OnJoin(), OnPartyHost(), OnSignedOut() и OnUserPicked().