override void | Init () |
override bool | CanDo (ItemBase ingredients[], PlayerBase player) |
override void | Do (ItemBase ingredients[], PlayerBase player, array< ItemBase > results, float specialty_weight) |
void | RecipeBase () |
void | Init () |
void | SetAnimation (DayZPlayerConstants uid) |
float | GetLengthInSecs () |
float | GetSpecialty () |
bool | IsRecipeAnywhere () |
bool | IsRepeatable () |
bool | CheckIngredientMatch (ItemBase item1, ItemBase item2) |
void | InsertIngredient (int index, string ingredient, DayZPlayerConstants uid=DayZPlayerConstants.CMD_ACTIONFB_CRAFTING) |
void | InsertIngredientEx (int index, string ingredient, string soundCategory, DayZPlayerConstants uid=DayZPlayerConstants.CMD_ACTIONFB_CRAFTING) |
void | RemoveIngredient (int index, string ingredient) |
void | AddResult (string item) |
string | GetName () |
bool | IsInstaRecipe () |
void | SpawnItems (ItemBase ingredients[], PlayerBase player, array< ItemBase > spawned_objects) |
void | ApplyModificationsResults (ItemBase sorted[], array< ItemBase > results, ItemBase result, PlayerBase player) |
void | DeleleIngredientsPass () |
void | ApplyModificationsIngredients (ItemBase sorted[], PlayerBase player) |
bool | CheckConditions (ItemBase sorted[]) |
bool | CheckRecipe (ItemBase item1, ItemBase item2, PlayerBase player) |
void | CheckIngredientAnimOverride () |
void | OnSelectedRecipe (ItemBase item1, ItemBase item2, PlayerBase player) |
void | OnSelected (ItemBase item1, ItemBase item2, PlayerBase player) |
void | PerformRecipe (ItemBase item1, ItemBase item2, PlayerBase player) |
void | ApplySoftSkillsSpecialty (PlayerBase player) |
bool | CanDo (ItemBase ingredients[], PlayerBase player) |
void | Do (ItemBase ingredients[], PlayerBase player, array< ItemBase > results, float specialty_weight) |
int | GetID () |
void | SetID (int id) |
void | GetAllItems (array< string > items) |
string | GetSoundCategory (int ingredientIndex, ItemBase item) |
bool | IsItemInRecipe (string item) |
int | GetIngredientMaskForItem (string item) |
| returns a mask which marks ingredient positions for a given item in this recipe(for example mask of value 3 [....000011] means this item is both ingredient 1 and 2 in this recipe[from right to left])
int | GetAnimationCommandUID () |
void | SetBloodyHands (ItemBase ingredients[], PlayerBase player) |
См. определение в файле CraftTorch.c строка 1