DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
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Класс WeaponEventBase

signalize mechanism manipulation Подробнее...

Закрытые члены

void WeaponEventBase (DayZPlayer p=NULL, Magazine m=NULL)
WeaponEventID GetEventID ()
 returns id from enum WeaponEventID
WeaponEvents GetAnimEvent ()
 returns animation event from anim engine,
int GetPackedType ()
 returns eventID in upper 16 bits and AnimEvent in lower 16 bits
void ReadFromContext (ParamsReadContext ctx)
void WriteToContext (ParamsWriteContext ctx)
string DumpToString ()
void WeaponEventMechanism (DayZPlayer p=NULL, Magazine m=NULL)
void WeaponEventTrigger (DayZPlayer p=NULL, Magazine m=NULL)
void WeaponEventTriggerToJam (DayZPlayer p=NULL, Magazine m=NULL)
void WeaponEventTriggerAutoStart (DayZPlayer p=NULL, Magazine m=NULL)
void WeaponEventTriggerAutoEnd (DayZPlayer p=NULL, Magazine m=NULL)
void WeaponEventLoad1Bullet (DayZPlayer p=NULL, Magazine m=NULL)
void WeaponEventContinuousLoadBulletStart (DayZPlayer p=NULL, Magazine m=NULL)
void WeaponEventContinuousLoadBulletEnd (DayZPlayer p=NULL, Magazine m=NULL)
void WeaponEventUnjam (DayZPlayer p=NULL, Magazine m=NULL)
void WeaponEventAttachMagazine (DayZPlayer p=NULL, Magazine m=NULL)
void WeaponEventUnjammingFailedTimeout (DayZPlayer p=NULL, Magazine m=NULL)
void WeaponEventUnjammingTimeout (DayZPlayer p=NULL, Magazine m=NULL)
void WeaponEventDetachMagazine (DayZPlayer p=NULL, Magazine m=NULL, InventoryLocation il=NULL)
override void ReadFromContext (ParamsReadContext ctx)
override void WriteToContext (ParamsWriteContext ctx)
void WeaponEventSwapMagazine (DayZPlayer p=NULL, Magazine m=NULL, InventoryLocation il=NULL)
override void ReadFromContext (ParamsReadContext ctx)
override void WriteToContext (ParamsWriteContext ctx)
void WeaponEventHumanCommandActionFinished (DayZPlayer p=NULL, Magazine m=NULL)
void WeaponEventHumanCommandActionAborted (DayZPlayer p=NULL, Magazine m=NULL)
void WeaponEventReloadTimeout (DayZPlayer p=NULL, Magazine m=NULL)
void WeaponEventDryFireTimeout (DayZPlayer p=NULL, Magazine m=NULL)
void WeaponEventSetNextMuzzleMode (DayZPlayer p=NULL, Magazine m=NULL)
void WeaponEventAnimation (DayZPlayer p=NULL, Magazine m=NULL)
 animation event from Human.WeaponEvents
override int GetAnimEvent ()

Закрытые данные

int m_eventID
DayZPlayer m_player
Magazine m_magazine
ref InventoryLocation m_dst
WeaponEvents m_type

Подробное описание

signalize mechanism manipulation

represents event that triggers transition from state to state

triggered when dry fire timer expires

triggered when reload timer expires

triggered when animation action aborts

triggered when animation action finishes

event when user wants to swap magazine

event when user wants to detach magazine

triggered when unjamming failed timer expires

triggered when unjamming timer expires

event when user wants to attach magazine

event when user wants to unjam weapon

event when user wants to end loading of bullets

event when user wants to load N bullets

event when user wants to load 1 bullet

event when trigger pressed

dstinventory location where the magazine will be stored

См. определение в файле Events.c строка 34