DayZ 1.26
DayZ Explorer by KGB
Не найдено
Класс World
+ Граф наследования:World:

Закрытые члены

proto void CheckSoundObstruction (EntityAI source, bool inSource, out float obstruction, out float occlusion)
proto native void GetPlayerList (out array< Man > players)
proto native void SetTimeMultiplier (float timeMultiplier)
 Sets the world time acceleration, overriding config. Mostly used for debug purposes.
proto void GetDate (out int year, out int month, out int day, out int hour, out int minute)
 Get actual ingame world time.
proto native void SetDate (int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute)
 Sets actual ingame world time.
proto native float GetLatitude ()
proto native float GetLongitude ()
proto native float GetMoonIntensity ()
proto native float GetSunOrMoon ()
proto native bool IsNight ()
proto native float GetEyeAccom ()
proto native void SetEyeAccom (float eyeAccom)
proto native void StartFpsBenchmark (int sectorsCount, float preloadDistance, float fpsLimitRed, float fpsLimitGreen, float fpsLimitBlue, float minX, float minY, float maxX, float maxY)
proto native void StartFpsBenchmarkWithMask (float preloadDistance, float fpsLimitRed, float fpsLimitGreen, float fpsLimitBlue)
proto native void StartFpsBenchmarkViews (string xmlFileName, float preloadDistance)
proto native void SetBuldozerWaterEnabled (bool enable)
proto native void SetPreferredViewDistance (float distance)
 Sets preferred view distance, which persists between game sessions.
proto native void SetViewDistance (float distance)
proto native void SetObjectViewDistance (float distance)
proto native void SetExplicitVolumeFactor_EnvSounds2D (float factor, float fadeTime)
proto native void AddEnvShootingSource (vector position, float shootingValDecrease)
 Affects env sound controller value 'Shooting'.
proto int GetWorldSize ()
proto void GetGridCoords (vector pos, float gridSize, out int gridX, out int gridZ)
 Translates world coordinates to a grid coordinates(map grid)
proto native void LoadNewLightingCfg (string path)
proto native void LoadUserLightingCfg (string path, string name)
proto native void SetUserLightingLerp (float val)
proto native AIWorld GetAIWorld ()
proto native void UpdatePathgraphDoorByAnimationSourceName (notnull Object object, string animSourceName)
proto native void MarkObjectForPathgraphUpdate (Object object)
proto native void ProcessMarkedObjectsForPathgraphUpdate ()
proto native Material GetMaterial (string materialName)
proto native void SetCameraPostProcessEffect (int cam, int ppEffect, string effectName, string materialName)
void SetAperture (float invDiameter)
proto native bool Is3rdPersonDisabled ()
proto native bool IsCrosshairDisabled ()
proto native bool IsMouseAndKeyboardEnabledOnServer ()
proto native int GetPingWarningThreshold ()
proto native int GetPingCriticalThreshold ()
proto native float GetServerFpsWarningThreshold ()
proto native float GetServerFpsCriticalThreshold ()
proto native void DisableTransmitVoN (bool disable)
proto native bool DisableReceiveVoN (bool disable)
proto native bool IsDisabledTransmitingVoN ()
proto native bool IsDisabledReceivingVoN ()
proto void SetVoiceOn (bool listening, bool toggled=false)
proto native void FlattenGrassSphere (float x, float z, float radius, float centerLerp01, float timeDown01, float maxHeight01)
proto native void FlattenGrassEllipse (float x, float z, float sideX, float sideZ, float offset, float angleRAD, float centerLerp01, float timeDown01, float maxHeight01)
proto native void FlattenGrassBox (float x, float z, float side, float angleRAD, float centerLerp01, float timeDown01, float maxHeight01)
proto native void FlattenGrassRect (float x, float z, float sideX, float sideZ, float offset, float angleRAD, float centerLerp01, float timeDown01, float maxHeight01)
- Закрытые члены унаследованные от Managed
void IntroSceneCharacter ()
void ~IntroSceneCharacter ()
bool IsDefaultCharacter ()
void SetToDefaultCharacter ()
void SetCharacterID (int char_id)
int GetCharacterID ()
PlayerBase GetCharacterObj ()
TStringArray GetCharGenderList ()
TStringArray GetCharList (ECharGender gender)
TStringArray GetCharShirtsList ()
TStringArray GetCharPantsList ()
TStringArray GetCharShoesList ()
void SetCharacterGender (ECharGender gender)
bool IsCharacterFemale ()
ECharGender GetCharacterGender ()
vector GetPosition ()
int GetNextCharacterID ()
int GetPrevCharacterID ()
void CreateNewCharacterRandom ()
void CreateNewCharacterById (int character_id)
void CreateNewCharacterByName (string character_name, bool randomize_equip=true)
void CreateDefaultCharacter ()
void GetLastPlayedServer (int characterID, out string address, out string name, out int port)
void GetLastPlayedServerEx (int characterID, out string address, out string name, out int port, out int steamQueryPort)
void CreateNewCharacter ()
void LoadCharacterData (vector char_pos, vector char_rot, bool default_char=false)
 Generates random equip for the new IntroSceneCharacter, whatever is defined in 'cfgCharacterCreation'.
void CharacterUnload ()
void CharacterLoad (int character_id, vector char_pos, vector char_rot)
void SetupPlayerName (bool new_name)
void SetAttachment (string type, int slot)
string GetCharacterNameById (int char_id)
string GetCharacterName ()
void SaveCharName (string name)
void SaveDefaultCharacter ()
void TransferValues (PlayerBase player)
void Init ()
void OnScheduledTick (float deltatime)
void CheckValues ()
float GetBlood ()
float GetHealth ()
void CheckHealth ()
void CheckBlood ()
void SendInitValues ()
 Sends values on object creation.
void SendValue (int value_type, float value)
void ReceiveValue (int value_type, float value)
void OnRPC (ParamsReadContext ctx)
void ShowDebugValues (bool show)
void BleedingIndicator (int source_ID, int severity, GameplayEffectsDataBleeding parent)
void InitIndicator (vector position)
void StopIndicator (bool instant=false)
void StartRunningDrops ()
bool IsRunningDrops ()
 Are any drops currently being animated?
void TrySpawnNextDrop ()
void ResetSequence ()
void ResetIndicator ()
void Update (float timeSlice)
bool GetEndNow ()
int GetSeverity ()
void GameplayEffectsData (array< ref Widget > input, int type, int user_override=-1)
void Init (array< ref Widget > input, int type, Widget layout_root, int user_override=-1)
array< ref WidgetGetWidgetSet ()
int GetWidgetSetType ()
int GetWidgetSetID ()
bool HasDefinedHandle ()
 Returns 'true' if this class contains update info.
bool DataInitialized ()
void UpdateVisibility (bool state)
void RegisterData (Param p)
void Update (float timeSlice=0, Param p=null, int handle=-1)
void ForceStop ()

Дополнительные унаследованные члены

- Закрытые данные унаследованные от Managed
int m_CharacterId
string m_CharacterType
MenuData m_CharacterDta
PlayerBase m_CharacterObj
vector m_CharacterPos
vector m_CharacterRot
ref TStringArray m_CharGenderList = new TStringArray
ref TStringArray m_CharShirtList = new TStringArray
ref TStringArray m_CharPantsList = new TStringArray
ref TStringArray m_CharShoesList = new TStringArray
ref map< ECharGender, ref array< string > > m_Characters = new map<ECharGender, ref array<string>>
ECharGender m_CharGender
bool m_InitialSyncSent
bool m_Initialized
bool m_Terminating = false
bool m_EndNow = false
bool m_IsRunning = false
int m_DropSpawnsQueued
int m_ActiveDropsCount
int m_Severity
int m_SourceID
GameplayEffectsDataBleeding m_ParentMetaData
array< floatm_DropProbabilityArray
float m_AverageFrequency
float m_SequenceTick
float m_SequenceDuration
float m_TimeElapsedTotal
float m_TimeElapsedSequence
float m_LastDropSpawnTime
float m_DropSpawnMinDelay
float m_DropSpawnMaxDelay
int m_CurrentDropProbabilityStep
int m_DropProbabilityRollsCount
vector m_BasePosition
ref set< ref BleedingIndicatorDropDatam_ActiveDrops
ref set< intm_CleanupQueue
ref array< ref Widgetm_WidgetArray
int m_Type
int m_WidgetSetIdentifier
Widget m_LayoutRoot

Подробное описание


◆ AddEnvShootingSource()

proto native void AddEnvShootingSource ( vector position,
float shootingValDecrease )

Affects env sound controller value 'Shooting'.

relativevalue (0..1) - how much should be value decreased

◆ CheckSoundObstruction()

proto void CheckSoundObstruction ( EntityAI source,
bool inSource,
out float obstruction,
out float occlusion )

◆ DisableReceiveVoN()

proto native bool DisableReceiveVoN ( bool disable)

enable/disable receiving all voice over network globally

disableif true, then player is not able listen any voice from VoN
true if mute request was sent successfully to server. If false, then was problem with sent request or missing player idendity.

◆ DisableTransmitVoN()

proto native void DisableTransmitVoN ( bool disable)

enable/disable transmiting voice over network globally

disableif true, then VoN is no more usable for transmiting voice

◆ FlattenGrassBox()

proto native void FlattenGrassBox ( float x,
float z,
float side,
float angleRAD,
float centerLerp01,
float timeDown01,
float maxHeight01 )

create box

worldXworld X of touch with ground
worldZworld X of touch with ground
sideSizesize of side
centerLerp01lerp of values inside rasterization
timeDown01relative speed of going down, 1 is usually 0.5secs
maxHeight01maximum relative height of flattening, 0 = no flatten

◆ FlattenGrassEllipse()

proto native void FlattenGrassEllipse ( float x,
float z,
float sideX,
float sideZ,
float offset,
float angleRAD,
float centerLerp01,
float timeDown01,
float maxHeight01 )

create ellipse

worldXworld X of touch with ground
worldZworld X of touch with ground
radiusXradius in X coord before rotate
radiusZradius in Z coord before rotate
offsetoffset, 0 = default center, <-1, 1>
centerLerp01lerp of values inside rasterization
timeDown01relative speed of going down, 1 is usually 0.5secs
maxHeight01maximum relative height of flattening, 0 = no flatten

◆ FlattenGrassRect()

proto native void FlattenGrassRect ( float x,
float z,
float sideX,
float sideZ,
float offset,
float angleRAD,
float centerLerp01,
float timeDown01,
float maxHeight01 )

create rectangle

worldXworld X of touch with ground
worldZworld X of touch with ground
sideXSizesize of side in X
sideZSizesize of side in Z
offsetoffset, 0 = default center, <-1, 1>
centerLerp01lerp of values inside rasterization
timeDown01relative speed of going down, 1 is usually 0.5secs
maxHeight01maximum relative height of flattening, 0 = no flatten

◆ FlattenGrassSphere()

proto native void FlattenGrassSphere ( float x,
float z,
float radius,
float centerLerp01,
float timeDown01,
float maxHeight01 )

create sphere

worldXworld X of touch with ground
worldZworld X of touch with ground
centerLerp01lerp of values inside rasterization
timeDown01relative speed of going down, 1 is usually 0.5secs
maxHeight01maximum relative height of flattening, 0 = no flatten

◆ GetAIWorld()

proto native AIWorld GetAIWorld ( )

returns reference to AIWorld

◆ GetDate()

proto void GetDate ( out int year,
out int month,
out int day,
out int hour,
out int minute )

Get actual ingame world time.

monthin range <1, 12>
dayin range <1, 31>
hourin range <0, 23>
minutein range <0, 59>
GetGame().GetWorld().GetDate(year, month, day, hour, minute);
Definition EntityAI.c:95
proto native CGame GetGame()

◆ GetEyeAccom()

proto native float GetEyeAccom ( )

◆ GetGridCoords()

proto void GetGridCoords ( vector pos,
float gridSize,
out int gridX,
out int gridZ )

Translates world coordinates to a grid coordinates(map grid)

sizeof grid in meters
xgrid position result [out]
zgrid position result [out]
int x,z;
GetGame().GetWorld().GetGridCoords(GetGame().GetPlayer().GetPosition(), 100, x, z);
Icon x
PlayerBase GetPlayer()
Definition ModifierBase.c:51
vector GetPosition()
Definition IntroSceneCharacter.c:129

◆ GetLatitude()

proto native float GetLatitude ( )

◆ GetLongitude()

proto native float GetLongitude ( )

◆ GetMaterial()

proto native Material GetMaterial ( string materialName)
Material matColors = GetGame().GetWorld().GetMaterial("postprocess/glow");
SetMaterialParam(matColors, "Saturation", 0.8);
float color[4];
color[0] = 0.5;
color[1] = 0.8;
color[2] = 0.7;
color[3] = 0.6;
SetMaterialParam(matColors, "OverlayColor", color);
Definition proto.c:268

◆ GetMoonIntensity()

proto native float GetMoonIntensity ( )

◆ GetPingCriticalThreshold()

proto native int GetPingCriticalThreshold ( )

Returns the value set in server config for notifying high ping

◆ GetPingWarningThreshold()

proto native int GetPingWarningThreshold ( )

Returns the value set in server config for notifying high ping

◆ GetPlayerList()

proto native void GetPlayerList ( out array< Man > players)

◆ GetServerFpsCriticalThreshold()

proto native float GetServerFpsCriticalThreshold ( )

Returns the value set in server config for notifying low server fps

◆ GetServerFpsWarningThreshold()

proto native float GetServerFpsWarningThreshold ( )

Returns the value set in server config for notifying low server fps

◆ GetSunOrMoon()

proto native float GetSunOrMoon ( )

◆ GetWorldSize()

proto int GetWorldSize ( )

◆ Is3rdPersonDisabled()

proto native bool Is3rdPersonDisabled ( )

checks if 3rd person camera is disabled from server

◆ IsCrosshairDisabled()

proto native bool IsCrosshairDisabled ( )

checks if crosshair is disabled from server

◆ IsDisabledReceivingVoN()

proto native bool IsDisabledReceivingVoN ( )
true, if receiving voice over network is disabled, so player can not listen anybody

◆ IsDisabledTransmitingVoN()

proto native bool IsDisabledTransmitingVoN ( )
true if transmiting voice over network is disabled, so player can not talking

◆ IsMouseAndKeyboardEnabledOnServer()

proto native bool IsMouseAndKeyboardEnabledOnServer ( )

checks if mouse and keyboard is enabled from server (only on console)

◆ IsNight()

proto native bool IsNight ( )

◆ LoadNewLightingCfg()

proto native void LoadNewLightingCfg ( string path)

load light config

◆ LoadUserLightingCfg()

proto native void LoadUserLightingCfg ( string path,
string name )

load user light config (just first item is used)

◆ MarkObjectForPathgraphUpdate()

proto native void MarkObjectForPathgraphUpdate ( Object object)

◆ ProcessMarkedObjectsForPathgraphUpdate()

proto native void ProcessMarkedObjectsForPathgraphUpdate ( )

◆ SetAperture()

void SetAperture ( float invDiameter)
150 {
151 if (invDiameter <= 0)
152 {
153 SetEyeAccom(-1);
154 }
155 else
156 {
157 float apertureArea = 1.0 / invDiameter;
159 }
160 }
proto native void SetEyeAccom(float eyeAccom)

Перекрестные ссылки SetEyeAccom().

◆ SetBuldozerWaterEnabled()

proto native void SetBuldozerWaterEnabled ( bool enable)

◆ SetCameraPostProcessEffect()

proto native void SetCameraPostProcessEffect ( int cam,
int ppEffect,
string effectName,
string materialName )

set new PP effect and its material

cameranumber of camera
effectIndexindex of effect
effectNamename of effect
matNamename of material

◆ SetDate()

proto native void SetDate ( int year,
int month,
int day,
int hour,
int minute )

Sets actual ingame world time.

monthin range <1, 12>
dayin range <1, 31>
hourin range <0, 23>
minutein range <0, 59>
int year = 2016;
int month = 5;
int day = 4;
int hour = 14;
int minute = 57;
GetGame().GetWorld().SetDate(year, month, day, hour, minute);

◆ SetExplicitVolumeFactor_EnvSounds2D()

proto native void SetExplicitVolumeFactor_EnvSounds2D ( float factor,
float fadeTime )

◆ SetEyeAccom()

proto native void SetEyeAccom ( float eyeAccom)

Используется в SetAperture().

◆ SetObjectViewDistance()

proto native void SetObjectViewDistance ( float distance)

◆ SetPreferredViewDistance()

proto native void SetPreferredViewDistance ( float distance)

Sets preferred view distance, which persists between game sessions.


◆ SetTimeMultiplier()

proto native void SetTimeMultiplier ( float timeMultiplier)

Sets the world time acceleration, overriding config. Mostly used for debug purposes.

timeMultiplier0-64 acceleration value, -1 to reset back

◆ SetUserLightingLerp()

proto native void SetUserLightingLerp ( float val)

set lerp to user lighting cfg

◆ SetViewDistance()

proto native void SetViewDistance ( float distance)

◆ SetVoiceOn()

proto void SetVoiceOn ( bool listening,
bool toggled = false )

enables/disables player's voice communication

listeningenable or disable microphone
toggledenable or disable PTT/Voice activation

◆ StartFpsBenchmark()

proto native void StartFpsBenchmark ( int sectorsCount,
float preloadDistance,
float fpsLimitRed,
float fpsLimitGreen,
float fpsLimitBlue,
float minX,
float minY,
float maxX,
float maxY )

◆ StartFpsBenchmarkViews()

proto native void StartFpsBenchmarkViews ( string xmlFileName,
float preloadDistance )

◆ StartFpsBenchmarkWithMask()

proto native void StartFpsBenchmarkWithMask ( float preloadDistance,
float fpsLimitRed,
float fpsLimitGreen,
float fpsLimitBlue )

◆ UpdatePathgraphDoorByAnimationSourceName()

proto native void UpdatePathgraphDoorByAnimationSourceName ( notnull Object object,
string animSourceName )

For entities that aren't a house, any animation source that contains "door" is treated as a door by the pathgraph. Using the phase value where 0=CLOSED, 1=OPENED, we can update the state of the door without regenerating the tile

Объявления и описания членов класса находятся в файле: