Закрытые члены | |
proto native void | DisableSimulation (bool disable) |
proto native bool | GetIsSimulationDisabled () |
Returns whether simulation is disabled. | |
proto native int | GetSimulationTimeStamp () |
Returns simulation timestamp. | |
proto native float | GetAnimationPhase (string animation) |
Return animation phase of animation on object. | |
proto native void | SetAnimationPhase (string animation, float phase) |
Process animation on object. Animation is defined in config file. Wanted animation phase is set to phase. | |
void | SetAnimationPhaseNow (string animation, float phase) |
Same as SetAnimationPhase, only ignores any animation and sets the phase immediately. | |
proto native void | ResetAnimationPhase (string animation, float phase) |
void | OnAnimationPhaseStarted (string animSource, float phase) |
callback called from C++ when AnimationPhase has started | |
proto native int | GetBoneIndex (string proxySelectionName) |
Returns skeleton's bone index of named proxy selection. | |
proto native Object | GetBoneObject (int boneIndex) |
Returns proxy object that corresponds given bone inside skeleton. | |
proto native void | SetInvisible (bool invisible) |
Turns on/off invisibility. | |
void | OnInvisibleSet (bool invisible) |
event | |
proto void | MoveInTime (vector targetTransform[4], float deltaT) |
On server, entity's transformation is directly changed to targetTransform, on client entity's transformation is interpolated to targetTransform in time deltaT. | |
void | OnCreatePhysics () |
callback called when entity is moved to world and creating its physics representation | |
bool | OnNetworkTransformUpdate (out vector pos, out vector ypr) |
Client event on transformation update from network. | |