DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
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Класс EffectSound

Wrapper class for managing sound through SEffectManager. Подробнее...

+ Граф наследования:EffectSound:

Защищенные члены


Information about what type of effect the Effect is, without the need for casting

override EffectType GetEffectType ()
 Get what type of effect the Effect is.
override bool IsSound ()
 Check whether the Effect is EffectSound without casting.

Methods to Play/Stop sound Generally, SEffectManager.PlaySound methods are used instead of SoundPlay

bool SoundPlayEx (out SoundParams params)
 Plays sound.
bool SoundPlay ()
 Plays sound.
override void Start ()
 Plays sound.
void SoundStop ()
 Stops sound.
override void Stop ()
 Stops sound.
void SoundReset ()
 Resets EffectSound.
bool IsSoundPlaying ()
 Get whether EffectSound is currently playing.
override bool IsPlaying ()
 Returns true when the effect is playing, false otherwise.
Sound load

Methods regarding the loading of the sound, used in SoundPlay

bool SoundLoadEx (out SoundParams params)
 Loads in the sound when it is requested for playing through 'SoundPlayEx'.
bool SoundLoad ()
 Loads in the sound when it is requested for playing.
bool IsSoundValid ()
 Helper for checking if params are valid.
void ValidateSoundWave ()
 Gets called to fill in the necessary data when the header has finished loading.
bool SoundWaveValidation ()
 Validation of fade settings.
void UpdateEvents ()
 Enables the frame event on the EffectSound.

Various events that can be overriden for custom behaviour

override void Event_OnFrameUpdate (float time_delta)
 Event called on frame when enabled by SetEnableEventFrame(true)
override void Event_OnRegistered (int id)
 Event called from SEffectManager when the Effect is registered.
override void Event_OnUnregistered ()
 Event called from SEffectManager when the Effect is unregistered.
void Event_OnSoundWaveStarted ()
 Event called when sound starts playing.
void Event_OnSoundWaveEnded ()
 Event called when sound stops playing.
void Event_OnSoundFadeInStopped ()
 Event called when sound fade in stops.
void Event_OnSoundFadeOutStarted ()
 Event called when sound fade out starts.

Methods regarding automatic cleanup on stop

override void SetAutodestroy (bool auto_destroy)
 Sets whether Effect automatically cleans up when it stops.
override bool IsAutodestroy ()
 Get whether Effect automatically cleans up when it stops.
void SetSoundAutodestroy (bool auto_destroy)
 Sets whether EffectSound automatically cleans up when sound stops.
bool IsSoundAutodestroy ()
 Get whether EffectSound automatically cleans up when sound stops.
override bool CanDestroy ()
Generic API

Setters and getters for generic data and properties

override void SetParent (Object parent_obj)
 Set parent for the sound to follow.
override Object GetParent ()
 Get parent for the EffectSound.
override Object GetCurrentParent ()
 Get parent for the EffectSound.
override void SetCurrentPosition (vector pos, bool updateCached=true)
 Set the world position of the managed sound.
override vector GetCurrentPosition ()
 Get the current world position of the managed sound.
override void SetCurrentLocalPosition (vector pos, bool updateCached=true)
 Set the current local position of the managed sound.
override vector GetCurrentLocalPosition ()
 Get the current local position of the managed sound.
void SetSoundWaveKind (WaveKind wave_kind)
 Set WaveKind for the sound.
void SetSoundSet (string snd)
 Set soundset for the sound.
string GetSoundSet ()
 Get soundset for the sound.
void SetSoundLoop (bool loop)
 Set if the sound loops.
void SetEnviromentVariables (bool setEnvVariables)
 Sets whether AddEnvSoundVariables needs to be called during Loading.
float GetSoundWaveLenght ()
 Get the sound wave length.
float GetSoundWaveLength ()
 Get the sound wave length.
void SetSoundVolume (float volume)
 Set the RELATIVE volume for the sound.
float GetSoundVolume ()
 Get the RELATIVE volume set by 'SetSoundVolume'.
void SetSoundMaxVolume (float volume)
 Set the sound max volume.
float GetSoundWaveTime ()
 Get the time since EffectSound started playing.
void SetSoundFadeIn (float fade_in)
 Set the sound fade in duration.
void SetSoundFadeOut (float fade_out)
 Set the sound fade out duration.
void SetDoppler (bool setDoppler)
 Set if the sound has the doppler effect enabled.
void SoundError (string err_msg)
 Helper for throwing sound errors.

Защищенные данные

Sound objects and structures

Objects and structures for the sound

ref SoundParams m_SoundParams
ref SoundObjectBuilder m_SoundObjectBuilder
ref SoundObject m_SoundObject
AbstractWave m_SoundWaveObject
Generic data

Generic data for the sound

WaveKind m_SoundWaveKind
string m_SoundSetName
bool m_SoundLoop
bool m_SetEnvVariables
bool m_SoundAutodestroy
bool m_SoundWaveIsPlaying
float m_SoundWaveLenght
float m_SoundWaveVolume
float m_SoundWaveVolumeMax
float m_SoundWaveTime
int m_SoundDoppler

Закрытые данные

Event invokers

ScriptInvonkers for certain events

ref ScriptInvoker Event_OnSoundWaveStarted = new ScriptInvoker()
ref ScriptInvoker Event_OnSoundWaveEnded = new ScriptInvoker()
ref ScriptInvoker Event_OnSoundFadeInStopped = new ScriptInvoker()
ref ScriptInvoker Event_OnSoundFadeOutStarted = new ScriptInvoker()

Fading data

Data for fadein/fadeout for the sound

bool m_SoundWaveStarting
bool m_SoundWaveStopping
bool m_SoundFadedOut
float m_SoundFadeInDuration
float m_SoundFadeOutStartTime
float m_SoundFadeOutDuration
float m_SoundFadeOutInitVolume
void EffectSound ()
void ~EffectSound ()
override void InitEffect ()
override string GetDebugName ()
 Override when getting debug information.

Подробное описание

Wrapper class for managing sound through SEffectManager.

См. определение в файле EffectSound.c строка 4