void | UAInputAPI () |
void | ~UAInputAPI () |
proto native void | ListCurrentProfile () |
proto native void | ListCurrentPreset () |
proto native void | ListAvailableButtons () |
proto native void | ListActiveGroup () |
proto native void | GetActiveInputs (out TIntArray items) |
proto native UAInput | GetInputByID (int iID) |
| returns list of all bindable (i.e. visible) inputs from the active group ('core' by default)
proto native UAInput | GetInputByName (string sInputName) |
proto native owned string | GetButtonName (int iHash) |
proto native owned string | GetButtonIcon (int iHash) |
proto native int | ModificatorCount () |
proto native owned string | GetModificatorName (int index) |
proto native int | DeterminePressedButton () |
proto native int | DeterminedCount () |
proto native int | GetDetermined (int iIndex) |
proto native UAInput | RegisterInput (string sInputName, string sLoc, string sGroupName) |
proto native void | DeRegisterInput (string sInputName) |
proto native void | RegisterGroup (string sGroupName, string sLoc) |
proto native void | DeRegisterGroup (string sGroupName) |
proto native void | UpdateControls () |
proto native void | ActivateGroup (string sGroupName) |
proto native void | ActivateExclude (string sExcludeName) |
proto native void | ActivateContext (string sContextName) |
proto native void | ActivateModificator (string sModName) |
proto native void | DeactivateModificator (string sModName) |
proto native void | DeactivateContext () |
proto native bool | PresetCreateNew () |
proto native bool | PresetDelete (int index) |
proto native int | PresetCurrent () |
proto native void | PresetSelect (int index) |
proto native void | PresetReset () |
| Resets current 'main' preset without reverting anything else ('softer' Revert)
proto native int | PresetCount () |
proto native owned string | PresetName (int index) |
proto native int | SortingCount () |
proto native owned string | SortingName (int index) |
proto native owned string | SortingLocalization (int index) |
proto native void | Export () |
proto native void | Revert () |
proto native void | SaveInputPresetMiscData () |
proto native void | SupressNextFrame (bool bForce) |
proto native void | Backlit_None () |
proto native void | Backlit_Background (int eType, int iColor1, int iColor2) |
proto native void | Backlit_Animation (string strName, float fLifeTime, int iColor1, int iColor2) |
proto native bool | Backlit_Enabled () |
proto native void | Backlit_KeyByHash (int uHash, int eLayer, int eType, int iColor) |
proto native void | Backlit_KeyByName (string strName, int eLayer, int eType, int iColor) |
proto native void | Backlit_Remove (int eLayer) |
proto native void | Backlit_ForceUpdate () |
proto native void | Backlit_EmptyQueue () |
См. определение в файле UAInput.c строка 165