DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
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Класс UAInputAPI

Закрытые члены

void UAInputAPI ()
void ~UAInputAPI ()
proto native void ListCurrentProfile ()
proto native void ListCurrentPreset ()
proto native void ListAvailableButtons ()
proto native void ListActiveGroup ()
proto native void GetActiveInputs (out TIntArray items)
proto native UAInput GetInputByID (int iID)
 returns list of all bindable (i.e. visible) inputs from the active group ('core' by default)
proto native UAInput GetInputByName (string sInputName)
proto native owned string GetButtonName (int iHash)
proto native owned string GetButtonIcon (int iHash)
proto native int ModificatorCount ()
proto native owned string GetModificatorName (int index)
proto native int DeterminePressedButton ()
proto native int DeterminedCount ()
proto native int GetDetermined (int iIndex)
proto native UAInput RegisterInput (string sInputName, string sLoc, string sGroupName)
proto native void DeRegisterInput (string sInputName)
proto native void RegisterGroup (string sGroupName, string sLoc)
proto native void DeRegisterGroup (string sGroupName)
proto native void UpdateControls ()
proto native void ActivateGroup (string sGroupName)
proto native void ActivateExclude (string sExcludeName)
proto native void ActivateContext (string sContextName)
proto native void ActivateModificator (string sModName)
proto native void DeactivateModificator (string sModName)
proto native void DeactivateContext ()
proto native bool PresetCreateNew ()
proto native bool PresetDelete (int index)
proto native int PresetCurrent ()
proto native void PresetSelect (int index)
proto native void PresetReset ()
 Resets current 'main' preset without reverting anything else ('softer' Revert)
proto native int PresetCount ()
proto native owned string PresetName (int index)
proto native int SortingCount ()
proto native owned string SortingName (int index)
proto native owned string SortingLocalization (int index)
proto native void Export ()
proto native void Revert ()
proto native void SaveInputPresetMiscData ()
proto native void SupressNextFrame (bool bForce)
proto native void Backlit_None ()
proto native void Backlit_Background (int eType, int iColor1, int iColor2)
proto native void Backlit_Animation (string strName, float fLifeTime, int iColor1, int iColor2)
proto native bool Backlit_Enabled ()
proto native void Backlit_KeyByHash (int uHash, int eLayer, int eType, int iColor)
proto native void Backlit_KeyByName (string strName, int eLayer, int eType, int iColor)
proto native void Backlit_Remove (int eLayer)
proto native void Backlit_ForceUpdate ()
proto native void Backlit_EmptyQueue ()

Подробное описание

См. определение в файле UAInput.c строка 165