Raycasts world by given parameters.
- Аргументы
begPos | vector Begin position of raycast (e.g. player position) |
endPos | vector End position of raycast (e.g. player direction) |
contactPos | vector out, world position of first contact |
contactDir | vector out, direction of first contact (available only when object is hitted) |
contactComponent | int out, object component index (available only when object is hitted) |
results | set<Object> out, set of objects hitted by raycast. Can be NULL if not needed |
with | Object Ignores the object from collision. Used only when ground_only is false. Can be NULL if not needed |
ignore | Object Ignores the object from collision. Used only when ground_only is false. Can be NULL if not needed |
sorted | bool Default value is false, used only if ground_only = false |
ground_only | \bool raycasts only ground (ignores all objects). Default value is false if not needed. |
iType | int , type of intersection, possible values ObjIntersectFire(0), ObjIntersectView(1), ObjIntersectGeom(2), ObjIntersectIFire(3), ObjIntersectNone(4) |
radius | float Radius of the ray, default value set to 0 |
- Возвращает
return true if raycast hits ground or object
bool sorted;
float radius;
if (
GetGame().Raycast(begPos, endPos,
results, with, ignore, sorted,
iType, radius) )
Raycast(begPos, endPos,
results, with, ignore, sorted,
iType, radius) );
vector begPos = 0x00000000dd62df30 {<750.573,49.8043,2167.25>}
vector endPos = 0x00000000dd62df3c {<849.589,49.8043,2181.25>}
>> bool sorted = 0
>> float radius = 0
>> 1
DayZGame g_Game
Definition DayZGame.c:3815
Definition ObjectTyped.c:2
Definition PlayerBaseClient.c:2
Definition EnConvert.c:106
proto native CGame GetGame()
proto void Print(void var)
Prints content of variable to console/log.
Используется в PoweredOptic_Base::DoMeasurement(), ItemBase::DoMeasurement(), WeaponDebug::DrawLineOfFire(), WeaponDebug::DrawLineOfFireCameraHybrid(), WeaponDebug::DrawLineOfFireMuzzleToHit(), Event_OnClick(), PluginBase::Event_OnClick(), PluginBase::Event_OnClickMiddle(), PluginBase::Event_OnDoubleClick(), PluginBase::Event_OnDrag(), FloatingCrossHair(), ManBase::GetAimPosition(), UIScriptedMenu::GetCameraLookDir(), GetCeilingHeight(), UIScriptedMenu::GetMouseLookDir(), PluginBase::GetMousePositionInScene(), GetProjectedCursorPos3d(), Hologram::GetProjectionEntityPosition(), AreaDamageBase::GetRaycastedHitZone(), HitZoneSelection(), HitZoneSelectionRaycast(), Hologram::IsBaseViable(), Hologram::IsInTerrain(), IsObjectObstructedFilterEx(), IsUnderRoofEx(), UIScriptedMenu::OnClick(), ScriptConsoleItemsTab::OnClick(), ScriptConsoleItemsTab::OnDoubleClick(), Hologram::SetOnGround() и DeveloperTeleport::TeleportAtCursor().