Закрытые члены унаследованные от ScriptedWidgetEventHandler |
void | OnWidgetScriptInit (Widget w) |
bool | ResizeParentToChild () |
bool | ResizeParentToChild (out bool changed_size, int limit=-1, bool immedUpdate=true) |
void | UiHintPanel (Widget parent_widget) |
void | ~UiHintPanel () |
void | Init (DayZGame game) |
void | LoadContentList () |
void | BuildLayout (Widget parent_widget) |
void | PopulateLayout () |
void | SetHintHeadline () |
void | SetHintDescription () |
void | SetHintImage () |
void | SetHintPaging () |
void | ShowRandomPage () |
void | RandomizePageIndex () |
void | ShowNextPage () |
void | ShowPreviousPage () |
void | StartSlideshow () |
void | SlideshowThread () |
void | StopSlideShow () |
void | RestartSlideShow () |
override bool | OnClick (Widget w, int x, int y, int button) |
override bool | OnMouseEnter (Widget w, int x, int y) |
override bool | OnMouseLeave (Widget w, Widget enterW, int x, int y) |
void | InventoryGrid () |
void | OnWidgetScriptInit (Widget w) |
bool | CanAddItemInHandToInventory () |
override bool | OnUpdate (Widget w) |
override bool | OnMouseEnter (Widget w, int x, int y) |
override bool | OnMouseLeave (Widget w, Widget enterW, int x, int y) |
override bool | OnMouseButtonDown (Widget w, int x, int y, int button) |
override bool | OnMouseButtonUp (Widget w, int x, int y, int button) |
override bool | OnDoubleClick (Widget w, int x, int y, int button) |
override bool | OnDrop (Widget w, int x, int y, Widget reciever) |
int | GetCol (Widget w) |
int | GetColFromBg (Widget w) |
int | GetGridSize () |
void | SetGridSize (int size) |
bool | IsValidPos (int index) |
void | ResetItemWidget (Widget item_w, int width, int height) |
void | ResetItem (InventoryItem item) |
bool | HasItem (InventoryItem item) |
void | RemoveItem (InventoryItem item) |
void | CTEvent (int index, int actor, Widget root, bool walk, CameraToolsMenu parent) |
void | ~CTEvent () |
void | Play () |
void | Stop () |
bool | IsTime (float start_time, float end_time) |
void | SetEventTime (float time) |
void | SetEventType (int type) |
float | GetEventTime () |
int | GetEventType () |
int | GetEventActor () |
bool | GetEventWalk () |
void | Select () |
void | Unselect () |
void | CTKeyframe (int index, vector pos, vector orient, float int_value, float fov, float dof, int pin, float time_before, Widget root, CameraToolsMenu parent) |
void | ~CTKeyframe () |
float | GetInterpTime () |
void | SetPin (int pin) |
int | GetPin () |
void | SetFOV (float fov) |
float | GetFOV () |
void | SetDOF (float dof) |
float | GetDOF () |
void | SetPosition (vector pos) |
void | SetOrientation (vector orient) |
vector | GetPosition () |
vector | GetOrientation () |
void | SetTimeBefore (float time) |
void | SetInterpTime (float time) |
void | Select () |
void | Unselect () |
override bool | OnClick (Widget w, int x, int y, int button) |
override bool | OnFocus (Widget w, int x, int y) |
bool | IsFocusable (Widget w) |
void | ~CTObjectFollower () |
void | CreateFollowedObject (string type) |
void | DestroyFollowedObject () |
void | Update (float timeslice) |
EntityAI | GetObj () |
void | SetPosition (vector position) |
void | SetRotation (vector dir) |
vector | GetPosition () |
vector | GetRotation () |
void | UpdatePos () |
| Function updating the position of the tracker widget.
void | Show () |
void | Hide () |
void | Fade (bool fade) |
override bool | OnClick (Widget w, int x, int y, int button) |
override bool | OnDoubleClick (Widget w, int x, int y, int button) |
override bool | OnMouseButtonDown (Widget w, int x, int y, int button) |
override bool | OnMouseButtonUp (Widget w, int x, int y, int button) |
void | ContinuousActionProgress () |
void | ~ContinuousActionProgress () |
void | OnWidgetScriptInit (Widget w) |
void | Update () |
void | PlayerListEntryScriptedWidget (Widget parent, string name, string uid, bool show_permissions, PlayerListScriptedWidget tab) |
void | ~PlayerListEntryScriptedWidget () |
Widget | GetButtonWidget () |
void | LoadPermissions (BiosPrivacyPermissionResultArray results) |
string | GetUID () |
bool | IsMuted () |
bool | IsGloballyMuted () |
void | SetMute (bool mute) |
void | ToggleMute () |
override bool | OnMouseEnter (Widget w, int x, int y) |
override bool | OnMouseLeave (Widget w, Widget enterW, int x, int y) |
void | Focus () |
override bool | OnFocus (Widget w, int x, int y) |
override bool | OnFocusLost (Widget w, int x, int y) |
override bool | OnDoubleClick (Widget w, int x, int y, int button) |
override bool | OnMouseButtonUp (Widget w, int x, int y, int button) |
bool | IsLocalPlayer () |
void | Select (bool notify=true) |
void | Deselect () |
void | PlayerListScriptedWidget (Widget parent, string header_text="") |
void | ~PlayerListScriptedWidget () |
void | FocusFirst () |
void | Reload (SyncPlayerList player_list) |
bool | IsEmpty () |
void | OnLoadServersAsync (GetServersResult result_list, EBiosError error, string response) |
void | Reload (BiosFriendInfoArray player_list) |
void | Reload (BiosPrivacyUidResultArray player_list) |
void | ReloadLocal (map< string, bool > player_list) |
PlayerListEntryScriptedWidget | FindEntryByWidget (Widget button) |
string | FindPlayerByWidget (Widget button) |
void | AddPlayer (string name, string UID, bool show_permissions) |
void | RemovePlayer (string UID) |
bool | IsMuted (string UID) |
bool | IsGloballyMuted (string UID) |
void | SetMute (string UID, bool mute) |
void | ToggleMute (string UID) |
PlayerListEntryScriptedWidget | GetSelectedPlayer () |
void | SelectPlayer (PlayerListEntryScriptedWidget entry) |
void | ScrollToEntry (PlayerListEntryScriptedWidget entry) |
void | UpdateInterval () |
void | SetLayoutName () |
void | SetImmedUpdate () |
void | OnSelectAction (ItemBase item, int actionId) |
void | OnSelectActionEx (EntityAI item, int actionId) |
void | ShowActionMenu (InventoryItem item) |
void | LayoutHolder (LayoutHolder parent) |
void | ~LayoutHolder () |
LayoutHolder | GetRoot () |
void | SetParentWidget () |
LayoutHolder | GetParent () |
void | SetActive (bool active) |
void | SetLastActive () |
void | SetFirstActive () |
bool | IsActive () |
Widget | GetMainWidget () |
Widget | GetRootWidget () |
bool | IsDisplayable () |
bool | IsVisible () |
void | OnShow () |
void | OnHide () |
void | Refresh () |
void | InspectItem (EntityAI item) |
void | UpdateSelectionIcons () |
void | PrepareOwnedTooltip (EntityAI item, int x=0, int y=0) |
void | PrepareOwnedSlotsTooltip (Widget w, string name, string desc, int x=0, int y=0) |
void | HideOwnedTooltip () |
void | HideOwnedSlotsTooltip () |
void | ItemActionsWidget () |
void | ~ItemActionsWidget () |
void | SetInteractXboxIcon (string imageset_name, string image_name) |
void | SetContinuousInteractXboxIcon (string imageset_name, string image_name) |
void | SetSingleXboxIcon (string imageset_name, string image_name) |
void | SetContinuousXboxIcon (string imageset_name, string image_name) |
void | SetXboxIcon (string name, string imageset_name, string image_name) |
void | SetControllerIcon (string pWidgetName, string pInputName) |
void | ShowXboxHidePCIcons (string widget, bool show_xbox_icon) |
void | OnWidgetScriptInit (Widget w) |
void | OnInputPresetChanged () |
void | OnInputDeviceChanged (EInputDeviceType pInputDeviceType) |
void | BuildCursor () |
void | Update () |
void | GetPlayer () |
void | GetActionManager () |
void | GetActions () |
void | GetEntityInHands () |
string | GetActionDesc (ActionBase action) |
string | GetItemDesc (EntityAI entity) |
bool | GetItemFrozen () |
int | GetItemHealth () |
void | GetItemQuantity (out int q_type, out float q_cur, out int q_min, out int q_max) |
string | GetRadioFrequency () |
void | SetItemDesc (EntityAI entity, string descText, string itemWidget, string descWidget) |
void | SetItemHealth (int health, string itemWidget, string healthWidget, bool enabled) |
void | SetItemQuantity (int type, float current, int min, int max, string itemWidget, string quantityPBWidget, string quantityTextWidget, bool enabled) |
void | SetWeaponQuantity (int chamber, int mag, string itemWidget, string quantityPBWidget, string quantityTextWidget, bool enabled) |
void | SetWeaponModeAndZeroing (string itemWidget, string upWidget, string downWidget, bool enabled) |
string | WeaponModeTextTemp () |
void | SetRadioFrequency (string freq, string itemWidget, string upWidget, string downWidget, bool enabled) |
void | SetActionWidget (ActionBase action, string descText, string actionWidget, string descWidget) |
void | SetMultipleInteractAction (string multiActionsWidget) |
| shows arrows near the interact action if there are more than one available
void | SetMultipleContinuousInteractAction (string multiActionsWidget) |
| shows arrows near the interact action if there are more than one available
void | SetMultipleItemAction (string multiActionsWidget) |
void | SetMultipleContinuousItemAction (string multiActionsWidget) |
| shows arrows near the interact action if there are more than one available
void | SetInteractActionIcon (string actionWidget, string actionIconFrameWidget, string actionIconWidget, string actionIconTextWidget) |
void | CheckRefresherFlagVisibility () |
void | CheckForActionWidgetOverrides () |
IngameHud | GetHud () |
void | TutorialKeybinds (Widget parent, TutorialsMenu menu) |
bool | SetElementTitle (UAInput pInput, int iDeviceFlags, out string output) |
| assemble all active bindings at widget element
bool | SetElementModifier (UAInput pInput, out string output) |
| Determine the active limiter of the bindings (currently unreliable, multiple limiters can be active on key combos!)
void | ~TutorialKeybinds () |
string | GetLayoutName () |
void | CreditsElement (int index, Widget parent) |
void | DropdownPrefab (Widget root, string text="") |
void | RefreshContent () |
int | AddElement (string text, Widget content=null) |
void | RemoveElement (int index) |
void | Close () |
void | SetText (string text) |
override bool | OnClick (Widget w, int x, int y, int button) |
override bool | OnMouseButtonDown (Widget w, int x, int y, int button) |
void | KeybindingElement (int key_index, Widget parent, KeybindingsGroup group) |
string | GetLayoutName () |
bool | IsChanged () |
bool | IsAlternateChanged () |
array< int > | GetChangedBinds () |
array< int > | GetChangedAlternateBinds () |
void | SetElementTitle (ButtonWidget btnWidget, UAInput pInput, int iDeviceFlags) |
void | Reload () |
void | Reload (array< int > custom_binds, bool is_alternate) |
void | StartEnteringKeybind () |
void | CancelEnteringKeybind () |
void | StartEnteringAlternateKeybind () |
void | CancelEnteringAlternateKeybind () |
override bool | OnClick (Widget w, int x, int y, int button) |
override bool | OnMouseButtonUp (Widget w, int x, int y, int button) |
override bool | OnMouseEnter (Widget w, int x, int y) |
override bool | OnMouseLeave (Widget w, Widget enterW, int x, int y) |
void | KeybindingElementNew (int key_index, Widget parent, KeybindingsContainer group) |
string | GetLayoutName () |
bool | IsChanged () |
bool | IsAlternateChanged () |
array< int > | GetChangedBinds () |
array< int > | GetChangedAlternateBinds () |
void | SetElementTitle (ButtonWidget btnWidget, UAInput pInput, int iDeviceFlags) |
void | Reload () |
void | Reload (array< int > custom_binds, bool is_alternate) |
void | StartEnteringKeybind () |
void | CancelEnteringKeybind () |
void | StartEnteringAlternateKeybind () |
void | CancelEnteringAlternateKeybind () |
override bool | OnClick (Widget w, int x, int y, int button) |
override bool | OnMouseButtonUp (Widget w, int x, int y, int button) |
override bool | OnMouseEnter (Widget w, int x, int y) |
override bool | OnMouseLeave (Widget w, Widget enterW, int x, int y) |
void | KeybindingsGroup (int index, Input input, Widget parent, KeybindingsMenu menu) |
string | GetLayoutName () |
void | InitPresets (int index, Widget parent, Input input) |
void | OnSelectKBPreset (int index) |
void | OnSelectConsolePreset (int index) |
void | ReloadProfiles () |
void | AddSubgroup (Widget parent, Input input) |
void | AddAction (int index, Widget parent, Input input) |
void | ReloadAction (int index) |
bool | IsEnteringKeyBind () |
void | ClearKeybind (int key_index) |
void | ClearAlternativeKeybind (int key_index) |
void | StartEnteringKeybind (int key_index) |
void | CancelEnteringKeybind () |
void | StartEnteringAlternateKeybind (int key_index) |
void | CancelEnteringAlternateKeybind () |
bool | IsChanged () |
void | Apply () |
void | Reset () |
void | ResetEx (bool forced=false) |
void | Update (float timeslice) |
override bool | OnMouseButtonDown (Widget w, int x, int y, int button) |
void | BannerHandlerBase (Widget parent) |
void | SetBannerColor (int argb) |
void | SetBannerText (string text) |
override bool | OnUpdate (Widget w) |
void | MainMenuNewsfeed (Widget root) |
void | ShowNewsfeed () |
void | HideNewsfeed () |
void | OpenDLC () |
void | OpenDiscord () |
void | OpenFeedback () |
void | OpenForums () |
void | OpenTwitter () |
void | OpenYoutube () |
override bool | OnClick (Widget w, int x, int y, int button) |
override bool | OnMouseEnter (Widget w, int x, int y) |
override bool | OnMouseLeave (Widget w, Widget enterW, int x, int y) |
override bool | OnFocus (Widget w, int x, int y) |
override bool | OnFocusLost (Widget w, int x, int y) |
bool | IsFocusable (Widget w) |
void | ColorRed (Widget w, int x, int y) |
void | ColorWhite (Widget w, Widget enterW, int x, int y) |
void | MainMenuDlcHandlerBase (ModInfo info, Widget parent, JsonDataDLCInfo DlcInfo) |
void | ~MainMenuDlcHandlerBase () |
void | Init () |
void | CreateRootWidget (Widget parent) |
void | ShowInfoPanel (bool show) |
bool | IsInfoPanelVisible () |
void | OnPanelVisibilityChanged () |
override bool | OnClick (Widget w, int x, int y, int button) |
bool | LoadVideoFile () |
| returns 'true' when video is loaded
void | StartVideo () |
void | StopVideo () |
void | PauseVideo () |
void | UnloadVideo () |
void | ColorFocussed (Widget w, int x, int y) |
void | ColorUnfocussed (Widget w, Widget enterW, int x, int y) |
void | UpdateOwnedStatus () |
void | OnDLCChange () |
void | SetPlatformSpecifics () |
void | UpdateAllPromotionInfo () |
void | UpdateDlcData () |
void | UpdateIconVisibility () |
void | OnInputDeviceChanged (EInputDeviceType pInputDeviceType) |
ModInfo | GetModInfo () |
override bool | OnMouseEnter (Widget w, int x, int y) |
override bool | OnMouseLeave (Widget w, Widget enterW, int x, int y) |
string | GetDistanceString (float total_distance, bool meters_only=false) |
string | GetValueString (float total_value, bool show_decimals=false) |
string | GetTimeString (float total_time) |
void | ModsMenuDetailed (array< ref ModInfo > data, Widget parent, ModsMenuTooltip tooltip, UIScriptedMenu menu_parent) |
void | ~ModsMenuDetailed () |
void | Open () |
void | Close () |
bool | IsOpen () |
ModInfo | GetHighlighted () |
void | HighlightFirst () |
void | Highlight (ModInfo mod_ref) |
void | ScrollToMod (ModInfo mod_ref) |
void | Select (ModInfo mod_ref, bool show) |
void | PrepareTooltip (ModInfo mod_ref) |
void | ShowTooltip () |
void | HideTooltip () |
void | LoadEntries (array< ref ModInfo > data) |
override bool | OnMouseButtonUp (Widget w, int x, int y, int button) |
void | ModsMenuDetailedEntry (ModInfo data, Widget parent, ModsMenuDetailed parent_menu) |
void | ~ModsMenuDetailedEntry () |
Widget | GetWidget () |
void | Select () |
void | Deselect () |
void | LoadData () |
override bool | OnMouseButtonUp (Widget w, int x, int y, int button) |
override bool | OnMouseEnter (Widget w, int x, int y) |
override bool | OnMouseLeave (Widget w, Widget enterW, int x, int y) |
void | ModsMenuSimple (array< ref ModInfo > data, Widget parent, ModsMenuDetailed detail_menu) |
void | ~ModsMenuSimple () |
void | LoadEntries (array< ref ModInfo > data) |
void | Select (ModInfo mod) |
override bool | OnMouseButtonUp (Widget w, int x, int y, int button) |
override bool | OnMouseEnter (Widget w, int x, int y) |
override bool | OnMouseLeave (Widget w, Widget enterW, int x, int y) |
override bool | OnFocus (Widget w, int x, int y) |
override bool | OnFocusLost (Widget w, int x, int y) |
void | ModsMenuSimpleEntry (ModInfo data, int index, Widget parent, ModsMenuSimple parent_menu) |
void | ~ModsMenuSimpleEntry () |
void | LoadData () |
override bool | OnClick (Widget w, int x, int y, int button) |
override bool | OnMouseEnter (Widget w, int x, int y) |
override bool | OnMouseLeave (Widget w, Widget enterW, int x, int y) |
override bool | OnFocus (Widget w, int x, int y) |
override bool | OnFocusLost (Widget w, int x, int y) |
void | ModsMenuTooltip (Widget parent) |
void | ~ModsMenuTooltip () |
void | ShowTooltip (ModInfo mod_ref) |
void | HideTooltip () |
void | OptionsMenuControls (Widget parent, Widget details_root, GameOptions options, OptionsMenu menu) |
string | GetLayoutName () |
void | EnterKeybindingMenu () |
void | Focus () |
| Focuses the first viable item.
override bool | OnMouseEnter (Widget w, int x, int y) |
override bool | OnMouseLeave (Widget w, Widget enterW, int x, int y) |
override bool | OnMouseButtonUp (Widget w, int x, int y, int button) |
override bool | OnFocus (Widget w, int x, int y) |
override bool | OnFocusLost (Widget w, int x, int y) |
bool | IsFocusable (Widget w) |
bool | TextMapUpdateWidget (int key) |
bool | IsChanged () |
bool | IsOptionChanged () |
void | Apply () |
void | Revert () |
void | SetToDefaults () |
void | UpdateMouseInvertView (int index) |
void | UpdateMouseVSensitivity (float value) |
void | UpdateMouseHSensitivity (float value) |
void | UpdateMouseAimModVSensitivity (float value) |
void | UpdateMouseAimModHSensitivity (float value) |
void | ReloadOptions () |
void | SetOptions (GameOptions options) |
void | ToggleDependentOptions (int mode, bool state) |
void | InitDependentOptionsVisibility () |
void | FillTextMap () |
void | ColorRed (Widget w) |
void | ColorWhite (Widget w, Widget enterW) |
void | SetActiveOption (OptionSelectorBase option) |
OptionSelectorBase | GetActiveOption () |
void | OptionsMenuGame (Widget parent, Widget details_root, GameOptions options, OptionsMenu menu) |
void | ~OptionsMenuGame () |
string | GetLayoutName () |
void | Focus () |
bool | IsChanged () |
void | Apply () |
void | Revert () |
void | SetToDefaults () |
void | ReloadOptions () |
void | SetOptions (GameOptions options) |
void | ToggleDependentOptions (int mode, bool state) |
void | InitDependentOptionsVisibility () |
void | UpdateLanguageOption (int new_index) |
void | UpdatePauseOption (int new_index) |
void | UpdateFOVOption (float new_value) |
void | UpdateHUDBrightnessOption (float newValue) |
void | UpdateHUDOption (int new_index) |
void | UpdateBleedingIndication (int new_index) |
void | UpdateConnectivityInfo (int newIndex) |
void | UpdateCrosshairOption (int new_index) |
void | UpdateQuickbarOption (int new_index) |
void | UpdateHUDVehicleOption (int new_index) |
void | UpdateGameOption (int new_index) |
void | UpdateAdminOption (int new_index) |
void | UpdatePlayerOption (int new_index) |
void | UpdateServerInfoOption (int new_index) |
IngameHud | GetHud () |
override bool | OnMouseEnter (Widget w, int x, int y) |
override bool | OnMouseLeave (Widget w, Widget enterW, int x, int y) |
override bool | OnFocus (Widget w, int x, int y) |
void | OnBleedingIndicationChanged (bool state) |
bool | TextMapUpdateWidget (int key) |
void | FillTextMap () |
void | OptionsMenuVideo (Widget parent, Widget details_root, GameOptions options, OptionsMenu menu) |
void | ~OptionsMenuVideo () |
void | InitSelectors () |
string | GetLayoutName () |
void | Focus () |
void | ReloadOptions () |
bool | IsChanged () |
void | Apply () |
void | Revert () |
void | SetToDefaults () |
void | SetOptions (GameOptions options) |
void | ToggleDependentOptions (int mode, bool state) |
void | InitDependentOptionsVisibility () |
void | RefreshCustom () |
override bool | OnMouseEnter (Widget w, int x, int y) |
override bool | OnMouseLeave (Widget w, Widget enterW, int x, int y) |
void | OnOptionChanged () |
void | OnOverallQualityChanged (int value) |
void | OnDisplayModeChanged (int value) |
void | OnResolutionChanged (int value) |
void | OnBrightnessChanged (float value) |
void | OnVSyncChanged (float value) |
void | OnColorDepthChanged (int value) |
void | OnObjectDetailChanged (int value) |
void | OnTerrainDetailChanged (int value) |
void | OnTextureDetailChanged (int value) |
void | OnShadowDetailChanged (int value) |
void | OnVisibilityChanged (int value) |
void | OnObjectVisibilityChanged (int value) |
void | OnTextureFilteringChanged (int value) |
void | OnTerrainSurfaceDetailChanged (int value) |
void | OnPPAAChanged (int value) |
void | OnHWAAChanged (int value) |
void | OnATOCChanged (int value) |
void | OnAOChanged (int value) |
void | OnPPQualityChanged (int value) |
void | OnSSRQualityChanged (int value) |
override bool | OnFocus (Widget w, int x, int y) |
bool | TextMapUpdateWidget (int key) |
void | FillTextMap () |
void | ~OptionSelectorBase () |
Widget | GetParent () |
bool | IsFocusable (Widget w) |
override bool | OnMouseEnter (Widget w, int x, int y) |
override bool | OnMouseLeave (Widget w, Widget enterW, int x, int y) |
override bool | OnFocus (Widget w, int x, int y) |
override bool | OnFocusLost (Widget w, int x, int y) |
void | Focus () |
void | Enable () |
void | Disable () |
void | ColorHighlight (Widget w) |
void | ColorNormal (Widget w) |
void | ColorDisabled (Widget w) |
void | ButtonSetColor (Widget w, int color) |
void | ColorHighlightConsole (Widget w) |
void | ColorNormalConsole (Widget w) |
void | ColorDisabledConsole (Widget w) |
void | ButtonSetColorConsole (Widget w, int color) |
void | ButtonSetAlphaAnimConsole (Widget w) |
void | ButtonSetTextColorConsole (Widget w, int color) |
void | ServerBrowserDetailsContainer (Widget root, ServerBrowserTab parent) |
void | SetDetails (GetServersResultRow serverInfo, bool online=false) |
void | ClearDetails () |
void | SetName (string name) |
void | SetType (string shardId) |
void | SetMode (int mode) |
void | SetServerIP (string ip) |
void | SetTimeAcceleration (float timeMul, float nightTimeMul) |
void | SetTimeIcon (string time, float multiplier) |
void | SetBattleyeState (int enabled=-1) |
void | SetVersion (string version) |
void | SetServerDesc (string desc) |
void | SetServerMap (GetServersResultRow serverInfo) |
void | Focus () |
override bool | OnFocus (Widget w, int x, int y) |
override bool | OnMouseEnter (Widget w, int x, int y) |
override bool | OnMouseLeave (Widget w, Widget enterW, int x, int y) |
void | ServerBrowserEntry (Widget parent, int index, ServerBrowserTab tab) |
void | ~ServerBrowserEntry () |
Widget | GetRoot () |
void | Show (bool show) |
override bool | OnClick (Widget w, int x, int y, int button) |
override bool | OnDoubleClick (Widget w, int x, int y, int button) |
override bool | OnMouseButtonUp (Widget w, int x, int y, int button) |
void | OnSelect () |
override bool | OnMouseEnter (Widget w, int x, int y) |
override bool | OnMouseLeave (Widget w, Widget enterW, int x, int y) |
void | Focus () |
void | ServerListFocus (bool focus) |
override bool | OnFocus (Widget w, int x, int y) |
override bool | OnFocusLost (Widget w, int x, int y) |
bool | IsOnline () |
bool | IsFocusable (Widget w) |
void | FillInfo (GetServersResultRow server_info) |
void | UpdateEntry () |
void | SetName (string name) |
void | SetPasswordLocked (bool locked) |
void | ServerBrowserFilterContainer (Widget root, ServerBrowserTab parent) |
array< string > | LoadMapFilterOptions () |
void | OnFilterChanged () |
void | OnMapFilterChanged () |
void | LoadFilters () |
void | SaveFilters () |
void | ResetFilters () |
bool | PingIsSet () |
bool | FavoriteIsSet () |
bool | PreviouslyIsSet () |
bool | ProcessIntoIPAddress (out string potential_ip) |
| Removes all characters from the given string whirh are NOT a number, '.' or ':'. Returns true if any change was done to the input text.
bool | LimitTextBoxCharacterCount (out string text, int max_length) |
| Limits the given text to 'max_length' character count. Returns true if any change was done to the input.
string | GenerateValidIP (string potential_ip) |
| Attempts to generate a valid IP address & port from the given string in format like this: "". If the process fails, then an empty string is returned.
bool | GenerateValidFilter (out string potential_filter) |
| Turns any given string into a more convenient filter (limits character count, forces lowercase, trims empty spaces).
void | OnSortChanged (int value) |
void | Focus () |
override bool | OnChange (Widget w, int x, int y, bool finished) |
override bool | OnFocus (Widget w, int x, int y) |
override bool | OnMouseEnter (Widget w, int x, int y) |
override bool | OnMouseLeave (Widget w, Widget enterW, int x, int y) |
GetServersInput | GetFilterOptionsPC () |
GetServersInput | GetFilterOptionsConsoles () |
void | OnInputPresetChanged () |
void | OnInputDeviceChanged (EInputDeviceType pInputDeviceType) |
void | Init () |
void | OnWidgetScriptInit (Widget w) |
void | AlignTabbers () |
int | AddTab (string name) |
void | RemoveTab (int index) |
Widget | GetTab (int index) |
int | GetTabCount () |
bool | CanSwitchTab () |
void | SetCanSwitch (bool value) |
void | PerformSwitchTab (int index) |
override bool | OnMouseEnter (Widget w, int x, int y) |
override bool | OnMouseLeave (Widget w, Widget enterW, int x, int y) |
override bool | OnMouseButtonUp (Widget w, int x, int y, int button) |
override bool | OnChildAdd (Widget w, Widget child) |
override bool | OnChildRemove (Widget w, Widget child) |
void | EnableTabControl (int index, bool enable) |
void | SelectTabControl (int index) |
void | SelectTabPanel (int index) |
void | DeselectTabControl (int index) |
void | DeselectTabPanel (int index) |
void | DeselectAll () |
void | NextTab () |
void | PreviousTab () |
int | GetSelectedIndex () |
void | RefreshTab (bool performInitAlignment=false) |
void | UpdateControlsElements () |
void | DisableTabs (bool disable) |
| useful if we want to disable actual tabs for whatever reason
void | VideoPlayer (Widget parent) |
void | ~VideoPlayer () |
void | Show (bool show) |
void | OnPlaybackStart () |
void | OnPlaybackStop () |
void | OnBufferingStart () |
void | OnBufferingEnd () |
void | ToggleVideoSelection () |
void | LoadVideo (string videoPath) |
void | PlayVideo () |
void | PauseVideo () |
void | StopVideo () |
void | OnceVideo () |
void | RepeatVideo () |
void | KillVideo () |
void | ObjectFollower () |
void | ~ObjectFollower () |
void | OnWidgetScriptInit (Widget w) |
void | SetTarget (Object obj) |
override bool | OnUpdate (Widget w) |
void | Update () |
void | GetOnScreenPosition (out float x, out float y) |
void | ProjectedCrosshair () |
void | ~ProjectedCrosshair () |
void | OnWidgetScriptInit (Widget w) |
void | Update () |
| Update.
void | GetPlayer () |
void | GetCrosshairPosition () |
void | ScriptConsolePresetsList (Widget parent, ScriptConsoleTabBase tab) |
void | AddListItem (string label, int column, int row, Class data=null) |
void | ClearList () |
override bool | OnItemSelected (Widget w, int x, int y, int row, int column, int oldRow, int oldColumn) |
string | GetLayoutFile () |
Widget | GetParent () |
ScriptConsoleTabBase | GetTab () |
TextListboxWidget | GetPresetsList () |
Закрытые данные унаследованные от ScriptedWidgetEventHandler |
Widget | m_Root |
Widget | m_Child |
int | m_SlideShowDelay = 25000 |
string | m_RootPath = "Gui/layouts/new_ui/hints/in_game_hints.layout" |
const string | m_DataPath = "scripts/data/hints.json" |
Widget | m_RootFrame |
Widget | m_SpacerFrame |
ButtonWidget | m_UiLeftButton |
ButtonWidget | m_UiRightButton |
RichTextWidget | m_UiDescLabel |
TextWidget | m_UiHeadlineLabel |
ImageWidget | m_UiHintImage |
TextWidget | m_UiPageingLabel |
ref array< ref HintPage > | m_ContentList |
int | m_PageIndex = int.MIN |
DayZGame | m_Game |
bool | m_Initialized |
Widget | m_ParentWidget |
int | m_PreviousRandomIndex = int.MIN |
ref map< int, Widget > | m_BackgroundWidgets |
ref map< int, Widget > | m_ItemWidgets |
ref TItemsMap | m_Items |
InventoryGridController | m_Controller |
int | m_GridSize |
bool | m_IsMouseLeftDown |
bool | m_CanAddItemInHandToInventory |
Widget | m_context_menu_root_widget |
int | m_Index |
int | m_ActorIndex |
int | m_EventType |
float | m_EventTime |
CameraToolsMenu | m_Menu |
TextWidget | m_IndexWidget |
EditBoxWidget | m_EventActorWidget |
EditBoxWidget | m_EventTimeWidget |
EditBoxWidget | m_EventTypeWidget |
CheckBoxWidget | m_EventWalkWidget |
HumanCommandActionCallback | m_Callback |
float | m_InterpTime |
float | m_TotalTimeBefore |
vector | m_Position |
vector | m_Orientation |
EditBoxWidget | m_InterpTimeWidget |
EditBoxWidget | m_FOVWidget |
EditBoxWidget | m_DOFWidget |
EditBoxWidget | m_PinWidget |
TextWidget | m_TotalTimeWidget |
Widget | m_FollowerRoot |
Widget | m_FollowerButton |
EntityAI | m_FollowedObject |
float | m_MaxFade |
float | m_MinFade |
PlayerBase | m_Player |
ActionBase | m_Action |
int | m_ActionState |
ActionManagerBase | m_AM |
ref WidgetFadeTimer | m_FadeTimer |
bool | m_Faded |
float | m_InitProgress |
float | m_Speed |
Widget | m_RadialWidget |
ImageWidget | m_LoaderImage |
ref RadialProgressBar | m_Radial |
string | m_Name |
string | m_UID |
bool | m_Mute |
bool | m_GlobalMute |
TextWidget | m_PlayerName |
ImageWidget | m_PlayerAvatar |
ImageWidget | m_MicrophoneIcon |
ImageWidget | m_MuteIcon |
ButtonWidget | m_PlayerButton |
PlayerListScriptedWidget | m_Tab |
bool | m_Selected |
ScrollWidget | m_ScrollContainer |
Widget | m_Content |
ref map< string, ref PlayerListEntryScriptedWidget > | m_Entries |
int | m_TotalEntries |
PlayerListEntryScriptedWidget | m_SelectedEntry |
Widget | m_MainWidget |
Widget | m_RootWidget |
LayoutHolder | m_Parent |
string | m_LayoutName |
bool | m_IsActive |
bool | m_ImmedUpdate |
bool | m_TooltipOwner |
EntityAI | m_am_entity1 |
EntityAI | m_am_entity2 |
EntityAI | m_EntityInHands |
ActionBase | m_Interact |
ActionBase | m_ContinuousInteract |
ActionBase | m_Single |
ActionBase | m_Continuous |
ActionManagerClient | m_AM |
IngameHud | m_Hud |
UAIDWrapper | m_UseActionWrapper |
int | m_InteractActionsNum |
int | m_ContinuousInteractActionsNum |
int | m_ItemActionsNum |
int | m_ContinuousItemActionsNum |
bool | m_HealthEnabled |
bool | m_QuantityEnabled |
bool | m_Hidden |
bool | m_ItemFrozen |
Widget | m_ItemLeft |
float | m_MaxWidthChild |
| widget width
float | m_RootWidth |
float | m_RootHeight |
Widget | m_DetailsRoot |
TutorialsMenu | m_Menu |
Widget | m_Parent |
ScrollWidget | m_Scroller |
Widget | m_ContentContainer |
ref array< Widget > | m_Content = new array<Widget> |
Widget | m_Button |
Widget | m_Holder |
TextWidget | m_Text |
ImageWidget | m_ImageExpand |
ImageWidget | m_ImageCollapse |
bool | m_IsExpanded |
ref ScriptInvoker | m_OnSelectItem = new ScriptInvoker() |
KeybindingsGroup | m_Group |
TextWidget | m_ElementName |
TextWidget | m_ElementModifier |
ButtonWidget | m_PrimaryBindButton |
ButtonWidget | m_AlternativeBindButton |
Widget | m_PrimaryClear |
Widget | m_AlternativeClear |
int | m_ElementIndex |
bool | m_IsEdited |
bool | m_IsAlternateEdited |
ref array< int > | m_CustomBind |
ref array< int > | m_CustomAlternateBind |
ref Timer | m_EntryTimer = new Timer( CALL_CATEGORY_GUI ) |
KeybindingsContainer | m_Container |
KeybindingsMenu | m_Menu |
ref map< int, ref KeybindingElement > | m_KeyWidgets |
int | m_CurrentSettingKeyIndex = -1 |
int | m_CurrentSettingAlternateKeyIndex = -1 |
ref DropdownPrefab | m_KBDropdown |
Widget | m_BannerBody |
Widget | m_BannerWedge |
TextWidget | m_BannerText |
Widget | m_DLDLC |
Widget | m_Discord |
Widget | m_Feedback |
Widget | m_DayZForum |
Widget | m_Twitter |
Widget | m_Youtube |
TextWidget | m_MainText1 |
TextWidget | m_MainText2 |
TextWidget | m_MainText3 |
TextWidget | m_SecText1 |
TextWidget | m_SecText2 |
TextWidget | m_SecText3 |
const string | TEXT_OWNED = "#layout_dlc_owned" |
const string | TEXT_UNOWNED = "#layout_dlc_unowned" |
int | m_ColorBackgroundOriginal |
Widget | m_BannerFrame |
Widget | m_Background |
Widget | m_StoreButton |
Widget | m_GamepadStoreImage |
ImageWidget | m_DlcPromotionImage |
TextWidget | m_TitleTextDlc |
MultilineTextWidget | m_DescriptionTextDlc |
VideoWidget | m_VideoWidget |
ref ModInfo | m_ThisModInfo |
ref JsonDataDLCInfo | m_DlcInfo |
ref BannerHandlerBase | m_BannerHandler |
Widget | m_TimeSurvived |
TextWidget | m_TimeSurvivedValue |
Widget | m_PlayersKilled |
TextWidget | m_PlayersKilledValue |
Widget | m_InfectedKilled |
TextWidget | m_InfectedKilledValue |
Widget | m_DistanceTraveled |
TextWidget | m_DistanceTraveledValue |
Widget | m_LongRangeShot |
TextWidget | m_LongRangeShotValue |
Widget | m_CloseButton |
ScrollWidget | m_Scroll |
ref map< ref ModInfo, ref ModsMenuDetailedEntry > | m_Data |
ModInfo | m_Highlighted |
UIScriptedMenu | m_Menu |
ModsMenuTooltip | m_Tooltip |
ref Timer | m_TooltipTimer |
ModInfo | m_TooltipMod |
Widget | m_Detail |
ImageWidget | m_IconSmall |
ImageWidget | m_IconCollapse |
TextWidget | m_Name |
ImageWidget | m_IconBig |
MultilineTextWidget | m_Author |
TextWidget | m_Version |
RichTextWidget | m_ActionWebsite |
RichTextWidget | m_ActionPurchase |
RichTextWidget | m_Description |
ModInfo | m_Data |
ModsMenuDetailed | m_ParentMenu |
bool | m_IsOpen |
const int | MOD_DISPLAY_COUNT_MAX = 3 |
Widget | m_MoreButton |
Widget | m_MoreHighlight |
ref map< ModInfo, ref ModsMenuSimpleEntry > | m_Data |
ModsMenuDetailed | m_DetailMenu |
ButtonWidget | m_ModButton |
ImageWidget | m_Icon |
Widget | m_Hover |
bool | m_HasLogoOver |
ModsMenuSimple | m_ParentMenu |
RichTextWidget | m_Text |
Widget | m_SettingsRoot |
Widget | m_DetailsBodyDefault |
Widget | m_DetailsBodyConnectivity |
TextWidget | m_DetailsLabel |
RichTextWidget | m_DetailsText |
GridSpacerWidget | m_Keybindings |
GameOptions | m_Options |
OptionsMenu | m_Menu |
ref SwitchOptionsAccess | m_KeyboardOption |
ref SwitchOptionsAccess | m_AimHelperOption |
ref OptionSelectorMultistate | m_KeyboardSelector |
ref OptionSelectorMultistate | m_AimHelperSelector |
ref SwitchOptionsAccess | m_Mouse_InvertOption |
ref NumericOptionsAccess | m_Mouse_VSensitivityOption |
ref NumericOptionsAccess | m_Mouse_HSensitivityOption |
ref NumericOptionsAccess | m_Mouse_AimMod_VSensitivityOption |
ref NumericOptionsAccess | m_Mouse_AimMod_HSensitivityOption |
ref OptionSelectorMultistate | m_Mouse_InvertSelector |
ref OptionSelectorSlider | m_Mouse_VSensitivitySelector |
ref OptionSelectorSlider | m_Mouse_HSensitivitySelector |
ref OptionSelectorSlider | m_Mouse_AimMod_VSensitivitySelector |
ref OptionSelectorSlider | m_Mouse_AimMod_HSensitivitySelector |
ref NumericOptionsAccess | m_ControllerLS_VSensitivityOption |
ref NumericOptionsAccess | m_ControllerLS_HSensitivityOption |
ref NumericOptionsAccess | m_ControllerLS_VehicleMod_HSensitivityOption |
ref SwitchOptionsAccess | m_ControllerRS_InvertOption |
ref NumericOptionsAccess | m_ControllerRS_VSensitivityOption |
ref NumericOptionsAccess | m_ControllerRS_HSensitivityOption |
ref NumericOptionsAccess | m_ControllerRS_CurvatureOption |
ref NumericOptionsAccess | m_ControllerRS_AimMod_VSensitivityOption |
ref NumericOptionsAccess | m_ControllerRS_AimMod_HSensitivityOption |
ref NumericOptionsAccess | m_ControllerRS_AimMod_CurvatureOption |
ref NumericOptionsAccess | m_ControllerLS_DeadZoneOption |
ref NumericOptionsAccess | m_ControllerRS_DeadZoneOption |
ref OptionSelectorSlider | m_ControllerLS_VSensitivitySelector |
ref OptionSelectorSlider | m_ControllerLS_HSensitivitySelector |
ref OptionSelectorSlider | m_ControllerLS_VehicleMod_HSensitivitySelector |
ref OptionSelectorMultistate | m_ControllerRS_InvertSelector |
ref OptionSelectorSlider | m_ControllerRS_VSensitivitySelector |
ref OptionSelectorSlider | m_ControllerRS_HSensitivitySelector |
ref OptionSelectorSlider | m_ControllerRS_CurvatureSelector |
ref OptionSelectorSlider | m_ControllerRS_AimMod_VSensitivitySelector |
ref OptionSelectorSlider | m_ControllerRS_AimMod_HSensitivitySelector |
ref OptionSelectorSlider | m_ControllerRS_AimMod_CurvatureSelector |
ref OptionSelectorSlider | m_ControllerLS_DeadZoneSelector |
ref OptionSelectorSlider | m_ControllerRS_DeadZoneSelector |
ref map< int, ref Param2< string, string > > | m_TextMap |
OptionSelectorBase | m_ActiveOption |
ButtonWidget | m_QuickbarButton |
ref NumericOptionsAccess | m_FOVOption |
ref ListOptionsAccess | m_LanguageOption |
ref ListOptionsAccess | m_PauseOption |
ref OptionSelectorMultistate | m_LanguageSelector |
ref OptionSelectorSlider | m_FOVSelector |
ref OptionSelectorMultistate | m_ShowHUDSelector |
ref OptionSelectorMultistate | m_ShowCrosshairSelector |
ref OptionSelectorMultistate | m_ShowQuickbarSelector |
ref OptionSelectorMultistate | m_ShowHUDVehicleSelector |
ref OptionSelectorMultistate | m_ShowGameSelector |
ref OptionSelectorMultistate | m_ShowAdminSelector |
ref OptionSelectorMultistate | m_ShowPlayerSelector |
ref OptionSelectorMultistate | m_ShowServerInfoSelector |
ref OptionSelectorMultistate | m_BleedingIndication |
ref OptionSelectorMultistate | m_ConnectivityInfo |
ref OptionSelectorSlider | m_HUDBrightnessSelector |
ref OptionSelectorMultistate | m_PauseSelector |
ref NumericOptionsAccess | m_MasterOption |
ref NumericOptionsAccess | m_EffectsOption |
ref NumericOptionsAccess | m_VOIPOption |
ref NumericOptionsAccess | m_VOIPThresholdOption |
ref NumericOptionsAccess | m_MusicOption |
ref ListOptionsAccess | m_InputModeOption |
ref OptionSelectorSlider | m_MasterSelector |
ref OptionSelectorSlider | m_EffectsSelector |
ref OptionSelectorSlider | m_VOIPSelector |
ref OptionSelectorLevelMarker | m_VOIPThresholdSelector |
ref OptionSelectorSlider | m_MusicSelector |
ref OptionSelectorMultistate | m_InputModeSelector |
ref OptionSelectorMultistate | m_AmbientMusicSelector |
ref Timer | m_AudioLevelTimer |
MissionGameplay | m_MissionGameplay |
VONManagerBase | m_VonManager |
ref OptionSelectorMultistate | m_OverallQualitySelector |
ref OptionSelectorMultistate | m_DisplayModeSelector |
ref OptionSelectorMultistate | m_ResolutionSelector |
ref OptionSelectorSlider | m_BrightnessSelector |
ref OptionSelectorMultistate | m_VSyncSelector |
ref OptionSelectorMultistate | m_ObjectDetailSelector |
ref OptionSelectorMultistate | m_TerrainDetailSelector |
ref OptionSelectorMultistate | m_TextureDetailSelector |
ref OptionSelectorMultistate | m_ShadowDetailSelector |
ref OptionSelectorMultistate | m_VisibilitySelector |
ref OptionSelectorMultistate | m_ObjectVisibilitySelector |
ref OptionSelectorMultistate | m_TextureFilteringSelector |
ref OptionSelectorMultistate | m_TerrainSurfaceDetailSelector |
ref OptionSelectorMultistate | m_PPAASelector |
ref OptionSelectorMultistate | m_HWAASelector |
ref OptionSelectorMultistate | m_ATOCSelector |
ref OptionSelectorMultistate | m_AOSelector |
ref OptionSelectorMultistate | m_PPQualitySelector |
ref OptionSelectorMultistate | m_SSRQualitySelector |
ref ListOptionsAccess | m_OverallQualityOption |
ref ListOptionsAccess | m_DisplayModeOption |
ref ListOptionsAccess | m_ResolutionOption |
ref NumericOptionsAccess | m_BrightnessOption |
ref ListOptionsAccess | m_VSyncOption |
ref ListOptionsAccess | m_ObjectDetailOption |
ref ListOptionsAccess | m_TerrainDetailOption |
ref ListOptionsAccess | m_TextureDetailOption |
ref ListOptionsAccess | m_ShadowDetailOption |
ref ListOptionsAccess | m_VisibilityOption |
ref ListOptionsAccess | m_ObjectVisibilityOption |
ref ListOptionsAccess | m_TextureFilteringOption |
ref ListOptionsAccess | m_TerrainSurfaceDetailOption |
ref ListOptionsAccess | m_PPAAOption |
ref ListOptionsAccess | m_HWAAOption |
ref ListOptionsAccess | m_ATOCOption |
ref ListOptionsAccess | m_AOOption |
ref ListOptionsAccess | m_PPQualityOption |
ref ListOptionsAccess | m_SSRQualityOption |
int | m_SelectorType = 0 |
bool | m_Enabled |
ScriptedWidgetEventHandler | m_ParentClass |
ref ScriptInvoker | m_OptionFocused = new ScriptInvoker |
ref ScriptInvoker | m_OptionUnfocused = new ScriptInvoker |
ref ScriptInvoker | m_AttemptOptionChange = new ScriptInvoker |
ref ScriptInvoker | m_OptionChanged = new ScriptInvoker |
ServerBrowserTab | m_Tab |
TextWidget | m_ServerNameText |
TextWidget | m_ServerTypeResult |
TextWidget | m_ServerModeResult |
TextWidget | m_LastCharacterResult |
TextWidget | m_ServerIP |
TextWidget | m_TimeAccelerationResult |
ImageWidget | m_TimeIcon |
TextWidget | m_BattleyeResult |
WrapSpacerWidget | m_VersionContainer |
TextWidget | m_VersionResult |
GridSpacerWidget | m_ServerDecContainer |
MultilineTextWidget | m_ServerDesc |
WrapSpacerWidget | m_DetailsContainerRight |
ImageWidget | m_MapImage |
ButtonWidget | m_BtnShowFilters |
ButtonWidget | m_RefreshList |
bool | m_IsOnline |
Widget | m_Favorite |
TextWidget | m_ServerName |
TextWidget | m_ServerPopulation |
TextWidget | m_ServerSlots |
TextWidget | m_ServerPing |
ImageWidget | m_ServerTime |
ImageWidget | m_ServerLock |
ImageWidget | m_ServerModIcon |
ImageWidget | m_ServerMaKIcon |
TextWidget | m_ServerShard |
TextWidget | m_ServerCharacterAlive |
TextWidget | m_ServerFriends |
TextWidget | m_ServerMode |
TextWidget | m_ServerBattleye |
TextWidget | m_ServerAcceleration |
TextWidget | m_ServerMap |
TextWidget | m_ServerMods |
ButtonWidget | m_ServerModsExpand |
ref array< string > | m_Mods |
Widget | m_DetailedInfo |
bool | m_IsFavorited |
ref GetServersResultRow | m_ServerData |
bool | m_FirstExpand = true |
EditBoxWidget | m_SearchByName |
EditBoxWidget | m_SearchByIP |
ref OptionSelectorMultistate | m_CharacterAliveFilter |
ref OptionSelectorMultistate | m_SortingFilter |
ref OptionSelectorMultistate | m_RegionFilter |
ref OptionSelectorMultistate | m_PingFilter |
ref OptionSelectorMultistate | m_MapFilter |
ref OptionSelector | m_DLCFilter |
ref OptionSelector | m_FavoritedFilter |
ref OptionSelector | m_FriendsPlayingFilter |
ref OptionSelector | m_BattleyeFilter |
ref OptionSelector | m_PasswordFilter |
ref OptionSelector | m_WhitelistFilter |
ref OptionSelector | m_KeyboardFilter |
ref OptionSelector | m_PreviouslyPlayedFilter |
ref OptionSelector | m_VersionMatchFilter |
ref OptionSelector | m_FullServerFilter |
ref OptionSelector | m_ThirdPersonFilter |
ref OptionSelector | m_PublicFilter |
ref OptionSelector | m_AcceleratedTimeFilter |
bool | m_FirstInit = true |
Widget | m_TabControlsRoot |
int | m_TabsCount |
ref map< int, Widget > | m_TabControls |
ref map< int, Widget > | m_Tabs |
int | m_SelectedIndex |
float | m_ResolutionMultiplier |
bool | m_CanSwitch |
ref ScriptInvoker | m_OnTabSwitch = new ScriptInvoker() |
ref ScriptInvoker | m_OnAttemptTabSwitch = new ScriptInvoker() |
ref Timer | m_InitTimer |
ButtonWidget | m_PlayButton |
ButtonWidget | m_PauseButton |
ButtonWidget | m_StopButton |
ButtonWidget | m_OnceButton |
ButtonWidget | m_RepeatButton |
ButtonWidget | m_LoadButton |
GridSpacerWidget | m_LoadVideo |
SliderWidget | m_Progress |
TextWidget | m_CurrentTime |
TextWidget | m_TotalTime |
ImageWidget | m_Buffering |
Object | m_TargetObject |
bool | m_Visible |
bool | m_Debug |
Weapon_Base | m_Weapon |
ScriptConsoleTabBase | m_Tab |
TextListboxWidget | m_PresetsList |
ref ScriptInvoker | m_ItemSelected = new ScriptInvoker |
Закрытые статические данные унаследованные от ScriptedWidgetEventHandler |
static bool | m_IgnoredBool |
static ref ContextMenu | m_ContextMenuInstance |
static const float | SLIDER_STEP = 0.01 |