DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
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Класс HumanCommandScript

HumanCommandScript fully scriptable command. Подробнее...

Закрытые члены

void OnActivate ()
 constructor must have 1st parameter to be Human
void OnDeactivate ()
 called when command ends
proto native void SetFlagFinished (bool pFinished)
 this terminates human command script and shows CommandHandler( ... pCurrentCommandFinished == true );
proto native void SetHeading (float yawAngle, float filterDt=-1, float maxYawSpeed=FLT_MAX)
 sets character rotation (heading) (PreAnim/PrePhys only!)
proto native void AddHeadingRelativeTo (HumanRelativeHeadingMode mode, float yawAngle, float filterDt=-1, float maxYawSpeed=FLT_MAX)
int GetCurrentStance ()
 Override this to return the current stance of the human.
int GetCurrentMovement ()
 Override this to return the current movement state of the human.
float GetCurrentLeaning ()
 Override this to return the current leaning state of the human. <-1, 1>
void PreAnimUpdate (float pDt)
proto native void PreAnim_CallCommand (int pCommand, int pParamInt, float pParamFloat)
 function usable in PreAnimUpdate or in !!! OnActivate !!!
proto native void PreAnim_SetFloat (int pVar, float pFlt)
proto native void PreAnim_SetInt (int pVar, int pInt)
proto native void PreAnim_SetBool (int pVar, bool pBool)
void PreAnim_SetFilteredHeading (float pYawAngle, float pFilterDt, float pMaxYawSpeed)
void PrePhysUpdate (float pDt)
proto native bool PrePhys_IsEvent (int pEvent)
 script function usable in PrePhysUpdate
proto native bool PrePhys_IsTag (int pTag)
proto native bool PrePhys_GetTranslation (out vector pOutTransl)
proto native bool PrePhys_GetRotation (out float pOutRot[4])
proto native void PrePhys_SetTranslation (vector pInTransl)
proto native void PrePhys_SetRotation (float pInRot[4])
bool PostPhysUpdate (float pDt)
proto native void PostPhys_GetPosition (out vector pOutTransl)
 script function usable in PostPhysUpdate
proto native void PostPhys_GetRotation (out float pOutRot[4])
 vec3 in world space
proto native void PostPhys_SetPosition (vector pInTransl)
 quaternion in world space
proto native void PostPhys_SetRotation (float pInRot[4])
 vec3 in world space
proto native void PostPhys_LockRotation ()
 quaternion in world space

Подробное описание

HumanCommandScript fully scriptable command.

NON-MANAGED, will be managed by C++ once it is sent to the CommandHandler through Human.StartCommand_Script
So ideally, it is best to set up the HumanCommandScript, not create any instances and start it through Human.StartCommand_ScriptInst In case an instance needs to be created, it needs manual deletion if not sent to the CommandHandler But deleting it while it is in the CommandHandler will cause crashes

См. определение в файле human.c строка 1194