DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
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Класс InventorySlots

provides access to slot configuration Подробнее...

C++ constants

@NOTE: engine pre-populates this class with first 32 slots from CfgSlots (uppercased)

Constants filled in from C++

const int COUNT
 Amount of pre-populated slots (32)
const int INVALID
 Invalid slot (-1)
void InventorySlots ()
void ~InventorySlots ()
static proto native int GetSlotIdFromString (string slot_name)
 converts string to slot_id
static proto native owned string GetSlotName (int id)
 converts slot_id to string
static proto native owned string GetSlotDisplayName (int id)
 converts slot_id to string
static proto native bool IsSlotIdValid (int slotId)
 verifies existence of the slot id
static proto native int GetStackMaxForSlotId (int slot_Id)
static proto native bool GetShowForSlotId (int slot_Id)
static proto native bool GetAutoAttachForSlotId (int slot_Id)
static proto bool GetBoneNameForSlotId (int slot_Id, out string bone_name)
static proto bool GetSelectionForSlotId (int slot_Id, out string selection)

Подробное описание

provides access to slot configuration


См. определение в файле InventorySlots.c строка 5