◆ m_AffectStat
update is called manually (ex. own tick of parent entity)
◆ m_IsWorldOverriden
if the temperature generated is also set as Temperature Stat on Item itself
◆ m_ManualUpdate
if the Update is running periodically
◆ m_Parent
◆ m_Position
if the stats can be overriden by coefficient/variables from WorldData (currently TemperatureCap only)
◆ m_RangeFull
temperature cap that will limit the return value from GetTemperature method
◆ m_RangeMax
range where the full temperature is given to receiver
◆ m_TemperatureCap
used to determine speed of temperature change, and some temperature subsystems
◆ m_TemperatureItemCap
max temperature you can get from the TemperatureSource
◆ m_TemperatureItemCoef
max temperature 'non-IsSelfAdjustingTemperature' entity in vicinity will get per update (cap);
◆ m_TemperatureMax
float m_TemperatureMax = 100 |
private |
min temperature you can get from the TemperatureSource
◆ m_TemperatureMin
float m_TemperatureMin = 0 |
private |
how often the Update is ticking
◆ m_Updateable
maximum range where the receiver can get some temperature
◆ m_UpdateInterval
float m_UpdateInterval = 1.0 |
private |
Объявления и описания членов класса находятся в файле: