DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
Не найдено
Класс HumanInputController

Закрытые члены

proto native void SetDisabled (bool pState)
 disables input controller
proto void GetMovement (out float pSpeed, out vector pLocalDirection)
 returns pSpeed 0,1..2..3 (idle, walk, run, sprint), local normalized direction vector
proto native float GetHeadingAngle ()
 returns main heading angle (in radians) -PI .. PI (this is world Y angle player is actualy pointing the camera)
proto native vector GetAimChange ()
 returns per tick aim change (in radians)
proto native vector GetAimDelta (float dt)
 returns aim change (in radians)
proto native vector GetTracking ()
 returns absolute tracking change (in radians)
proto native bool CameraViewChanged ()
 1st/3rd person camera view
proto native bool CameraIsFreeLook ()
 returns true if freelook is active
proto native void ResetFreeLookToggle ()
 reset freelook toggle
proto native bool CameraIsTracking ()
 returns if camera is tracking (using IR device)
proto native bool Camera3rdIsRightShoulder ()
 returns true if camera is on right/ false-left shoulder
proto native bool IsStanceChange ()
 stance change button was pressed
proto native bool IsJumpClimb ()
 jump/climb action was pressed
proto native bool IsMeleeEvade ()
 returns pressed SHIFT (melee evade)
proto native bool IsMeleeFastAttackModifier ()
 returns SHIFT down (melee fast/heavy) attack modifier
proto native int IsMeleeLREvade ()
 returns 0,1,2 = none,left,right
proto native bool IsMeleeWeaponAttack ()
 return weapon melee attack modifier
proto native bool WeaponWasRaiseClick ()
 returns true if weapon click perfomed recently (before raise specifically)
proto native bool IsWeaponRaised ()
 returns true if weapon is raised
proto native bool WeaponADS ()
 returns true if weapon ADS mode
proto native void ResetADS ()
 resets ADS mode to default
proto native bool IsThrowingModeChange ()
 returns true if change of throwing mode has been requested
proto native void ResetThrowingMode ()
 resets Throwing mode
proto native bool IsWalkToggled ()
 returns true if Walk set to toggle
proto native bool IsUseButton ()
 Deprecated; returns true if Use/Attack button is pressed (== true for multiple ticks). Synced.
proto native bool IsUseButtonDown ()
 Deprecated; returns true if Use/Attack button has just been pressed (== true for 1 tick only). Synced.
proto native bool IsUseItemButton ()
 returns true if 'UADefaultAction' button is pressed (== true for multiple ticks). Synced.
proto native bool IsUseItemButtonDown ()
 returns true if 'UADefaultAction' button has just been pressed (== true for 1 tick only). Synced.
proto native bool IsAttackButton ()
 returns true if 'UAFire' button is pressed (== true for multiple ticks). Synced.
proto native bool IsAttackButtonDown ()
 returns true if 'UAFire' button has just been pressed (== true for 1 tick only). Synced.
proto native bool IsSingleUse ()
 single 'UADefaultAction' (== true for 1 tick only) + not raised
proto native bool IsContinuousUse ()
 Long click 'UADefaultAction' (== true for multiple ticks) + not raised.
proto native bool IsContinuousUseStart ()
 is start of cont. 'UADefaultAction' (== true for 1 tick only) + not raised
proto native bool IsContinuousUseEnd ()
 is end of cont. 'UADefaultAction' (== true for 1 tick only) + not raised
proto native bool IsImmediateAction ()
proto native bool IsReloadOrMechanismSingleUse ()
 weapon handling
proto native bool IsReloadOrMechanismContinuousUse ()
 R - reloading / bolting - long press (== true for multiple ticks)
proto native bool IsReloadOrMechanismContinuousUseStart ()
 R - reloading / bolting (== true for 1 tick only)
proto native bool IsReloadOrMechanismContinuousUseEnd ()
 R - reloading / bolting - long press (== true for multiple ticks)
proto native bool IsZoom ()
proto native bool IsZoomToggle ()
 zooming toggle
proto native void ResetZoomToggle ()
 reset zoom toggle
proto native bool IsSightChange ()
 sight has been changed (in/out ironsights)
proto native bool IsZoomIn ()
proto native bool IsZoomOut ()
proto native bool IsFireModeChange ()
 fire mode has changed
proto native bool IsZeroingUp ()
 zeroing up
proto native bool IsZeroingDown ()
 zeroing down
proto native bool IsHoldBreath ()
 holding breath
proto native void ResetHoldBreath ()
 reset hold breath toggle
proto native int IsGestureSlot ()
proto native bool IsOtherController ()
 returns true, if player controls other entity (vehicle for example)
proto native int IsQuickBarSlot ()
 returns 1..10 if some quickbar slot is used, 0 otherwise
proto native bool IsQuickBarSingleUse ()
proto native bool IsQuickBarContinuousUse ()
proto native bool IsQuickBarContinuousUseStart ()
proto native bool IsQuickBarContinuousUseEnd ()
proto native void LimitsDisableSprint (bool pDisable)
 this disables sprint
proto native bool LimitsIsSprintDisabled ()
 is sprint disabled
proto native void OverrideMovementSpeed (HumanInputControllerOverrideType overrideType, float value)
proto native void OverrideMovementAngle (HumanInputControllerOverrideType overrideType, float value)
proto native void OverrideAimChangeX (HumanInputControllerOverrideType overrideType, float value)
proto native void OverrideAimChangeY (HumanInputControllerOverrideType overrideType, float value)
proto native void OverrideMeleeEvade (HumanInputControllerOverrideType overrideType, bool value)
proto native void OverrideRaise (HumanInputControllerOverrideType overrideType, bool value)
proto native void Override3rdIsRightShoulder (HumanInputControllerOverrideType overrideType, bool value)
proto native void OverrideFreeLook (HumanInputControllerOverrideType overrideType, bool value)
void HumanInputController ()
 never created by script
void ~HumanInputController ()
 never created by script

Подробное описание

См. определение в файле human.c строка 17