Закрытые члены | |
proto native void | SetTextSpacing (int horiz, int vert) |
proto native void | SetTextExactSize (int size) |
set text exact size. Exact Text flag must be enabled. 0 equals original size. | |
proto native void | SetTextOffset (int left, int top) |
proto native void | SetText (string text, bool immedUpdate=true) |
proto native void | SetOutline (int outlineSize, int argb=0xFF000000) |
proto native int | GetOutlineSize () |
proto native int | GetOutlineColor () |
proto native void | SetShadow (int shadowSize, int shadowARGB=0xFF000000, float shadowOpacity=1, float shadowOffsetX=0, float shadowOffsetY=0) |
proto native int | GetShadowSize () |
proto native int | GetShadowColor () |
proto native float | GetShadowOpacity () |
proto void | GetShadowOffset (out float sx, out float sy) |
proto native void | SetItalic (bool italic) |
proto native bool | GetItalic () |
proto native void | SetBold (bool bold) |
proto native bool | GetBold () |
proto void | GetTextSize (out int sx, out int sy) |
Returns text size in pixels. | |
proto void | SetTextFormat (string text, void param1=NULL, void param2=NULL, void param3=NULL, void param4=NULL, void param5=NULL, void param6=NULL, void param7=NULL, void param8=NULL, void param9=NULL) |
proto native float | GetTextProportion () |
Get text proportion - ratio between button height and button text height in interval <0,1> | |
proto native void | SetTextProportion (float val) |
Set text proportion - ratio between button height and button text height in interval <0,1> | |
proto native void | SetRefresh (int period, int offset) |
when period > 1 then every n-th frame will be rendered. Offset is initial counter. | |
proto native void | SetResolutionScale (float xscale, float ycale) |
proto native bool | LoadImageFile (int num, string name, bool noCache=false) |
proto native void | SetImageTexture (int image, RTTextureWidget texture) |
proto void | GetImageSize (int image, out int sx, out int sy) |
returns size of image | |
proto native bool | SetImage (int num) |
proto native int | GetImage () |
Returns active image. | |
proto native void | SetUV (float uv[4][2]) |
proto native bool | LoadMaskTexture (string resource) |
proto native float | GetMaskProgress () |
proto native void | SetMaskProgress (float value) |
proto native float | GetMaskTransitionWidth () |
proto native void | SetMaskTransitionWidth (float value) |
proto native void | SetTextColor (int color) |
proto native void | SetTextOutline (int outlineSize, int argb=0xFF000000) |
proto native int | GetTextOutlineSize () |
proto native int | GetTextOutlineColor () |
proto native void | SetTextShadow (int shadowSize, int shadowARGB=0xFF000000, float shadowOpacity=1.0, float shadowOffsetX=0.0, float shadowOffsetY=0.0) |
proto native int | GetTextShadowSize () |
proto native int | GetTextShadowColor () |
proto native float | GetTextShadowOpacity () |
proto native float | GetTextShadowOffsetX () |
proto native float | GetTextShadowOffsetY () |
proto native void | SetTextItalic (bool italic) |
proto native bool | GetTextItalic () |
proto native void | SetTextBold (bool bold) |
proto native bool | GetTextBold () |
proto native void | DrawLine (float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float width, int color) |
proto native void | Clear () |
proto native bool | Load (string name, bool looping=false, int startTime=0) |
Load a video file. | |
proto native void | Unload () |
Unload the video, freeing up all resources. | |
proto native bool | Play () |
Starts video playback. | |
proto native bool | Pause () |
Pauses video playback. | |
proto native bool | Stop () |
Stop video playback (cancels everything and sets it back at time 0) | |
proto native bool | SetTime (int time, bool preload) |
Set the desired time for the video (preload decides whether it will already load the next frames too) | |
proto native int | GetTime () |
Get the current time of the video. | |
proto native int | GetTotalTime () |
Get the total time of the video. | |
proto native void | SetLooping (bool looping) |
Set whether the video should loop. | |
proto native bool | IsLooping () |
Whether looping is enabled. | |
proto native bool | IsPlaying () |
QoL direct method to check for playing state (buffering while playing will still return true) | |
proto native VideoState | GetState () |
Get the current state of the video. | |
proto native void | DisableSubtitles (bool disable) |
Enable/Disable subtitles. | |
proto native bool | IsSubtitlesDisabled () |
Check if subtitles are disabled (enabled by default if available, so it will return false even if there are none) | |
proto void | SetCallback (VideoCallback cb, func fn) |
Set a callback for a certain video event. | |
int | Play (VideoCommand cmd) |
Legacy, preferably not used, left for backwards compat. | |
bool | LoadVideo (string name, int soundScene) |
Legacy, preferably not used, left for backwards compat. | |
См. определение в файле EnWidgets.c строка 189