Dayz 1.25
Dayz Code Explorer by KGB
Не найдено
Класс Widget
+ Граф наследования:Widget:

Закрытые члены

proto native void SetTextSpacing (int horiz, int vert)
proto native void SetTextExactSize (int size)
 set text exact size. Exact Text flag must be enabled. 0 equals original size.
proto native void SetTextOffset (int left, int top)
proto native void SetText (string text, bool immedUpdate=true)
proto native void SetOutline (int outlineSize, int argb=0xFF000000)
proto native int GetOutlineSize ()
proto native int GetOutlineColor ()
proto native void SetShadow (int shadowSize, int shadowARGB=0xFF000000, float shadowOpacity=1, float shadowOffsetX=0, float shadowOffsetY=0)
proto native int GetShadowSize ()
proto native int GetShadowColor ()
proto native float GetShadowOpacity ()
proto void GetShadowOffset (out float sx, out float sy)
proto native void SetItalic (bool italic)
proto native bool GetItalic ()
proto native void SetBold (bool bold)
proto native bool GetBold ()
proto void GetTextSize (out int sx, out int sy)
 Returns text size in pixels.
proto void SetTextFormat (string text, void param1=NULL, void param2=NULL, void param3=NULL, void param4=NULL, void param5=NULL, void param6=NULL, void param7=NULL, void param8=NULL, void param9=NULL)
proto native float GetTextProportion ()
 Get text proportion - ratio between button height and button text height in interval <0,1>
proto native void SetTextProportion (float val)
 Set text proportion - ratio between button height and button text height in interval <0,1>
proto native void SetRefresh (int period, int offset)
 when period > 1 then every n-th frame will be rendered. Offset is initial counter.
proto native void SetResolutionScale (float xscale, float ycale)
proto native bool LoadImageFile (int num, string name, bool noCache=false)
proto native void SetImageTexture (int image, RTTextureWidget texture)
proto void GetImageSize (int image, out int sx, out int sy)
 returns size of image
proto native bool SetImage (int num)
proto native int GetImage ()
 Returns active image.
proto native void SetUV (float uv[4][2])
proto native bool LoadMaskTexture (string resource)
proto native float GetMaskProgress ()
proto native void SetMaskProgress (float value)
proto native float GetMaskTransitionWidth ()
proto native void SetMaskTransitionWidth (float value)
proto native void SetTextColor (int color)
proto native void SetTextOutline (int outlineSize, int argb=0xFF000000)
proto native int GetTextOutlineSize ()
proto native int GetTextOutlineColor ()
proto native void SetTextShadow (int shadowSize, int shadowARGB=0xFF000000, float shadowOpacity=1.0, float shadowOffsetX=0.0, float shadowOffsetY=0.0)
proto native int GetTextShadowSize ()
proto native int GetTextShadowColor ()
proto native float GetTextShadowOpacity ()
proto native float GetTextShadowOffsetX ()
proto native float GetTextShadowOffsetY ()
proto native void SetTextItalic (bool italic)
proto native bool GetTextItalic ()
proto native void SetTextBold (bool bold)
proto native bool GetTextBold ()
proto native void DrawLine (float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float width, int color)
proto native void Clear ()
proto native bool Load (string name, bool looping=false, int startTime=0)
 Load a video file.
proto native void Unload ()
 Unload the video, freeing up all resources.
proto native bool Play ()
 Starts video playback.
proto native bool Pause ()
 Pauses video playback.
proto native bool Stop ()
 Stop video playback (cancels everything and sets it back at time 0)
proto native bool SetTime (int time, bool preload)
 Set the desired time for the video (preload decides whether it will already load the next frames too)
proto native int GetTime ()
 Get the current time of the video.
proto native int GetTotalTime ()
 Get the total time of the video.
proto native void SetLooping (bool looping)
 Set whether the video should loop.
proto native bool IsLooping ()
 Whether looping is enabled.
proto native bool IsPlaying ()
 QoL direct method to check for playing state (buffering while playing will still return true)
proto native VideoState GetState ()
 Get the current state of the video.
proto native void DisableSubtitles (bool disable)
 Enable/Disable subtitles.
proto native bool IsSubtitlesDisabled ()
 Check if subtitles are disabled (enabled by default if available, so it will return false even if there are none)
proto void SetCallback (VideoCallback cb, func fn)
 Set a callback for a certain video event.
int Play (VideoCommand cmd)
 Legacy, preferably not used, left for backwards compat.
bool LoadVideo (string name, int soundScene)
 Legacy, preferably not used, left for backwards compat.

Подробное описание

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