DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
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Класс BiosSocialService

BiosSocialService is used to query friend list and other social features for the current user. Подробнее...

Закрытые члены

proto native EBiosError ShowUserProfileAsync (string uid_target)
 Display small system UI profile for the target.
proto native EBiosError GetFriendsAsync ()
 Query for friends list.
void OnUserProfileAsync (EBiosError error)
 Async callback for ShowUserProfileAsync.
void OnFriendsAsync (BiosFriendInfoArray friend_list, EBiosError error)
 Async callback for GetFriendsAsync.

Подробное описание

BiosSocialService is used to query friend list and other social features for the current user.

Todo: report friend changes

См. определение в файле BiosSocialService.c строка 23