Distort - PostProcessEffectType.Distort. Подробнее...
Закрытые члены | |
override int | GetPostProcessEffectID () |
override string | GetDefaultMaterialPath () |
override void | RegisterMaterialParameters () |
![]() | |
void | PPEClassBase (string mat_path_override="") |
void | Init (string mat_path_override="") |
void | CreateMaterial () |
Material | GetMaterial () |
void | CreateDataStructure () |
void | RegisterMaterialParameters () |
inserted into associative array by parameter int value, parameter registration order does not matter (still ordered, though) | |
void | RegisterParameterScalarBool (int idx, string parameter_name, bool default_value) |
void | RegisterParameterScalarInt (int idx, string parameter_name, int default_value, int min, int max) |
void | RegisterParameterScalarFloat (int idx, string parameter_name, float default_value, float min, float max) |
WARNING - min/max values are usually taken from Workbench defaults, may not be actual min/max values the renderer can handle! When in doubt, try some higher/lower values... | |
void | RegisterParameterScalarFloatEx (int idx, string parameter_name, float default_value, float min, float max, typename type) |
WARNING - min/max values are usually taken from Workbench defaults, may not be actual min/max values the renderer can handle! When in doubt, try some higher/lower values... | |
void | RegisterParameterColor (int idx, string parameter_name, float r, float g, float b, float a) |
WARNING - min/max values are usually taken from Workbench defaults, may not be actual min/max values the renderer can handle! When in doubt, try some higher/lower values... | |
void | RegisterParameterColorEx (int idx, string parameter_name, float r, float g, float b, float a, typename type) |
WARNING - min/max values are usually taken from Workbench defaults, may not be actual min/max values the renderer can handle! When in doubt, try some higher/lower values... | |
void | RegisterParameterVector (int idx, string parameter_name, array< float > default_values) |
void | RegisterParameterTexture (int idx, string parameter_name, string default_path) |
void | RegisterParameterResource (int idx, string parameter_name, string default_path) |
void | InsertParamValueData (PPERequestParamDataBase request_data) |
Distributes requester data to the material class structure and links them to appropriate parameter. | |
void | RemoveRequest (int req_idx) |
unused, see 'RemoveActiveRequestFromMaterials' for more info | |
void | OnUpdate (float timeslice, int order) |
generic update method, take care when overriding! | |
void | SetFinalParameterValue (int parameter_idx) |
Clamps the values being set to defaults, if there is no request setting non-zero values on the parameter. | |
void | ApplyValueChanges () |
void | InsertUpdatedParameter (int mat_id) |
void | ParamUpdateRemove (int parameter_idx) |
Queue selected parameter for removal from the update queue. | |
void | SetParameterUpdating (int order, int parameter_id) |
Queue specific parameter of this material to update. | |
void | ParamUpdateQueueCleanup (int order) |
string | GetDefaultMaterialPath () |
override this if you want to use different path by default; '.emat' is appended automatically | |
void | ChangeMaterialPathUsed (string path) |
string | GetCurrentMaterialPath () |
int | GetPostProcessEffectID () |
Overriden in all material classes! | |
PPEMatClassParameterCommandData | GetParameterCommandData (int parameter_idx) |
Some PP effects are handled as hard-coded exceptions, outside of material system. Default == PPEExceptions.NONE (systemic behaviour) | |
void | DbgPrnt (string text) |
Закрытые статические данные | |
static const int | PARAM_DISTORT = 0 |
static const int | PARAM_CENTERX = 1 |
Lens distortion magnitude, x > 0 = barrel distortion, x < 0 = pincushion distortion. | |
static const int | PARAM_CENTERY = 2 |
Lens center X direction (-1 = left, 0 = center, 1 = right) | |
static const int | PARAM_CHROM_ABB = 3 |
Lens center Y direction (-1 = top, 0 = center, 1 = bottom) | |
static const int | PARAM_CHROM_ABB_SHIFTR = 4 |
Maximum value of chromatic abberation, 0 = disable - note that chrom. aberr depends on amount of distortion. | |
static const int | PARAM_CHROM_ABB_SHIFTG = 5 |
Chromatic abberation red channel shift magnitude. 0 = none. | |
static const int | PARAM_CHROM_ABB_SHIFTB = 6 |
Chromatic abberation green channel shift magnitude. 0 = none, 1 = default. | |
static const int | PARAM_CHROM_COLOR_MOD = 7 |
Chromatic abberation blue channel shift magnitude. 0 = none, 2 = default. | |
static const int | PARAM_DISTORT_WEIGHT = 8 |
Color modulation effect. (red, green, blue, scale) (0,0,0,0) = default. | |
static const int | L_0_HMP = 100 |
Distortion applied to imagine. 1 = all, 0 = none, applied only to ChromAbber. | |
static const int | L_1_HMP = 100 |
static const int | L_2_HMP = 100 |
static const int | L_3_HMP = 100 |
static const int | L_4_HMP = 100 |
static const int | L_5_HMP = 100 |
static const int | L_6_HMP = 100 |
static const int | L_7_HMP = 100 |
Дополнительные унаследованные члены | |
![]() | |
PPEManager | m_Manager |
string | m_MaterialPath = "" |
Material | m_Material |
ref map< int, ref array< int > > | m_ParameterUpdateQueueMap |
ref array< int > | m_ParameterRemovalQueue |
ref array< int > | m_UpdatedParameters |
ref map< int, ref PPEMatClassParameterCommandData > | m_MaterialParamMapStructure |
Distort - PostProcessEffectType.Distort.
См. определение в файле PPEDistort.c строка 2