DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
Не найдено
Класс PluginRecipesManagerBase

Защищенные члены

void GenerateRecipeCache ()
void WalkRecipes ()
void MatchItems (TStringArray full_path)
bool IsRecipePossibleToPerform (int id, ItemBase itemA, ItemBase itemB, PlayerBase player)
void PerformRecipeServer (int id, ItemBase item_a, ItemBase item_b, PlayerBase player)
void GenerateHumanReadableRecipeList ()
array< RecipeBaseGetRecipesForItem (string itemName)
bool RecipeSanityCheck (int num_of_ingredients, InventoryItemBase items[], PlayerBase player)
void RegisterRecipe (RecipeBase recipe)
void UnregisterRecipe (string clasname)
bool CheckRecipe (int id, ItemBase item1, ItemBase item2, PlayerBase player)
void PrintCache ()
bool SortIngredientsInRecipe (int id, int num_of_ingredients, ItemBase ingredients_unsorted[], ItemBase ingredients_sorted[])
 sorts ingredients correctly as either first or second ingredient based on their masks
void ClearResults ()
bool ResolveIngredients (int num_of_ingredients, int passes=0)
void PrintResultMasks (int num)
int GetRecipeIntersection (int num_of_ingredients, ItemBase items[])
 fills an array with recipe IDs which 'item_a' and 'item_b' share
int SortIngredients (int num_of_ingredients, ItemBase items_unsorted[], int resolved_recipes[])
void CreateAllRecipes ()
string GetSoundCategory (int recipeID, ItemBase item1, ItemBase item2)
int GetAnimationCommandUID (int recipeID)

Защищенные статические члены

static int RecipeIDFromClassname (string classname)

Защищенные данные

ref array< intm_RcpsArray
string m_BaseName
int m_RecipeID
int item_mask
int m_BaseMask
string m_ItemName
ref CacheObject m_CoItem
ref CacheObject m_CoBase

Закрытые члены

void PluginRecipesManager ()
void ~PluginRecipesManager ()
bool IsEnableDebugCrafting ()
void SetEnableDebugCrafting (bool enable)
string GetRecipeName (int recipe_id)
int GetValidRecipes (ItemBase item1, ItemBase item2, array< int > ids, PlayerBase player)
int GetValidRecipesProper (int num_of_items, ItemBase items[], array< int > ids, PlayerBase player)
float GetRecipeLengthInSecs (int recipe_id)
float GetRecipeSpecialty (int recipe_id)
bool GetIsInstaRecipe (int recipe_id)
bool GetIsRepeatable (int recipe_id)
override void OnInit ()
void CallbackGenerateCache ()

Закрытые статические члены

static int GetMaxNumberOfRecipes ()

Закрытые данные

ref Timer m_TestTimer
const int MAX_NUMBER_OF_RECIPES = GetMaxNumberOfRecipes()
const int MAX_INGREDIENTS = 5
int m_RegRecipeIndex
int m_ResolvedRecipes [MAX_CONCURENT_RECIPES]
bool m_EnableDebugCrafting = false
ItemBase m_Ingredients [MAX_INGREDIENTS]
int m_IngredientBitMask [MAX_INGREDIENTS]
int m_IngredientBitMaskSize [MAX_INGREDIENTS]
int m_BitsResults [MAX_INGREDIENTS]
ItemBase m_ingredient1 [MAX_CONCURENT_RECIPES]
ItemBase m_ingredient2 [MAX_CONCURENT_RECIPES]
ItemBase m_ingredient3 [MAX_CONCURENT_RECIPES]
ItemBase m_sortedIngredients [MAX_NUMBER_OF_INGREDIENTS]
ref array< intm_RecipesMatched = new array<int>
ref array< stringm_CachedItems = new array<string>
ref array< ref RecipeBasem_RecipeList = new array<ref RecipeBase>
ref Timer myTimer1

Закрытые статические данные

static ref map< string, ref CacheObjectm_RecipeCache = new map<string,ref CacheObject >
static ref map< typename, boolm_RecipesInitializedItem = new map<typename, bool>
static ref map< string, intm_RecipeNamesList = new map<string, int>

Подробное описание

См. определение в файле PluginRecipesManager.c строка 12