Manages all bleeding indicators and their updates. Подробнее...
Защищенные члены | |
void | GameplayEffectsDataBleeding (array< ref Widget > input, int type, int user_override=-1) |
override void | Init (array< ref Widget > input, int type, Widget layout_root, int user_override=-1) |
override bool | HasDefinedHandle () |
override bool | DataInitialized () |
override void | RegisterData (Param p) |
void | RegisterBleedingIndicatorInstance (int bit, float flow_modifier) |
void | SpawnBleedingIndicator (int source_ID, vector position) |
int | CalculateSeverity (float flow_modifier) |
ImageWidget | GetNextDropImage () |
void | StopBleedingIndicator (int source_ID, bool instant=false) |
void | UpdateBleedingIndicators (float timeSlice) |
void | CleanupBleedingIndicators () |
override void | Update (float timeSlice=0, Param p=null, int handle=-1) |
override void | UpdateVisibility (bool state) |
override void | ForceStop () |
stops and re-sets indicators and images even out of sequence. Should still be tied to the 'player' update, though! | |
void | BuildProbabilityData (int severity, float frequency) |
array< float > | GetProbabilities (int severity) |
void | BuildPositioningData () |
vector | GenerateSequenceRandomPosition () |
Защищенные данные | |
bool | m_Initialized |
bool | m_Visible |
ref map< int, ref BleedingIndicator > | m_RegisteredInstances |
ref array< int > | m_CleanupQueue |
ref array< int > | m_RunningIndicators |
int | m_LastDropIdx |
int | m_ImageWidgetCount |
ref map< int, ref array< float > > | m_ProbabilityMap |
ref array< Widget > | m_PositioningFramesArray |
Widget | m_BloodDropsFrame |
int | m_LastPositionFrameUsed |
Manages all bleeding indicators and their updates.
См. определение в файле GEWidgetsMetaDataBleeding.c строка 3