DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
Не найдено
Класс ManBase

Защищенные члены

void OnUpdateEffectAreaServer (float timeSlice)
void OnContaminatedAreaEnterServer ()
void OnContaminatedAreaExitServer ()
void OnPlayerIsNowInsideEffectAreaBeginServer ()
void OnPlayerIsNowInsideEffectAreaEndServer ()
void OnPlayerIsNowInsideEffectAreaBeginClient ()
void OnPlayerIsNowInsideEffectAreaEndClient ()
ItemBase GetItemOnSlot (string slot_type)
 Returns item that's on this player's attachment slot. Parameter slot_type should be a string from config parameter 'itemInfo[]' like "Legs", "Headgear" and so on.
ItemBase GetItemOnHead ()
 Returns item on player's head. For an example, a headtorch.
override int GetQuickBarBonus ()
override bool CanDropEntity (notnull EntityAI item)
int GetBreathVapourLevel ()
void UnsetMixedSoundState (eMixedSoundStates state)
void SetMixedSoundState (eMixedSoundStates state)
override bool IsPlayer ()
bool IsBleeding ()
void SetBleedingBits (int bits)
int GetBleedingBits ()
void IncreaseDiseaseCount ()
void DecreaseDiseaseCount ()
void IncreaseHealingsCount ()
void DecreaseHealingsCount ()
bool HasHealings ()
bool HasDisease ()
EPulseType GetPulseType ()
void SetPulseType (EPulseType pulse_type)
void QueueAddEffectWidget (array< int > effects)
void QueueRemoveEffectWidget (array< int > effects)
void QueueAddGlassesEffect (int id)
void QueueRemoveGlassesEffect (int id)
DamageDealtEffect GetDamageDealtEffect ()
override void SpawnDamageDealtEffect ()
void SpawnDamageDealtEffect2 (Param param1=null, Param param2=null)
FlashbangEffect GetFlashbangEffect ()
void SpawnFlashbangEffect (PlayerBase player, bool visual)
ShockDealtEffect GetShockEffect ()
void SpawnShockEffect (float intensity_max)
override void EEKilled (Object killer)
override void EEHitBy (TotalDamageResult damageResult, int damageType, EntityAI source, int component, string dmgZone, string ammo, vector modelPos, float speedCoef)
override void EEHitByRemote (int damageType, EntityAI source, int component, string dmgZone, string ammo, vector modelPos)
override void EEDelete (EntityAI parent)
float ConvertNonlethalDamage (float damage, DamageType damageType)
override void OnReceivedHit (ImpactEffectsData hitData)
override void OnPlayerRecievedHit ()
void OnPlayerReceiveFlashbangHitStart (bool visual)
void OnPlayerReceiveFlashbangHitEnd ()
override string GetHitComponentForAI ()
 Melee helpers.
override string GetDefaultHitComponent ()
 returns default hit component (fallback)
override vector GetDefaultHitPosition ()
override array< stringGetSuitableFinisherHitComponents ()
 returns list of suitable finisher hit components (defined on base entity/entity type)
vector SetDefaultHitPosition (string pSelection)
void AddPossibleCoverFaceForShave ()
void RemovePossibleCoverFaceForShave ()
override void EEItemAttached (EntityAI item, string slot_name)
override void EEItemDetached (EntityAI item, string slot_name)
void UpdateShoulderProxyVisibility (EntityAI item, string slot_name)
override void SwitchItemSelectionTexture (EntityAI item, string slot_name)
void RemoveAllItems ()
bool GetHitPPEEnabled ()
void SetHitPPEEnabled (bool enabled)
bool IsMale ()
int GetVoiceType ()
PlayerSoundManagerServer GetPlayerSoundManagerServer ()
UndergroundHandlerClient GetUndergroundHandler ()
UndergroundBunkerHandlerClient GetUndergroundBunkerHandler ()
void KillUndergroundHandler ()
void SetActions (out TInputActionMap InputActionMap)
void SetActions ()
void SetActionsRemoteTarget (out TInputActionMap InputActionMap)
void SetActionsRemoteTarget ()
void InitializeActions ()
override void GetActions (typename action_input_type, out array< ActionBase_Basic > actions)
void AddAction (typename actionName, out TInputActionMap InputActionMap)
void AddAction (typename actionName)
void RemoveAction (typename actionName, out TInputActionMap InputActionMap)
void RemoveAction (typename actionName)
int GetCurrentRecipe ()
void SetNextRecipe ()
void SetFirstRecipe ()
ActionManagerBase GetActionManager ()
EmoteManager GetEmoteManager ()
RandomGeneratorSyncManager GetRandomGeneratorSyncManager ()
override void OnLadder (float delta_time, HumanMovementState pState)
 called every command handler tick when player is on ladder
void ProcessHandDamage (float delta_time, HumanMovementState pState)
override void ProcessFeetDamageServer (int pUserInt)
float GetFeetDamageMoveModifier ()
void SetStamina (int value, int range)
void SetQuickRestrain (bool enable)
void SetQuickFishing (bool enable)
bool IsQuickRestrain ()
bool IsQuickFishing ()
PlayerStats GetPlayerStats ()
CraftingManager GetCraftingManager ()
StaminaHandler GetStaminaHandler ()
override WeaponManager GetWeaponManager ()
override ArrowManagerBase GetArrowManager ()
bool CanBeRestrained ()
void SetRestrainStarted (bool restrain_started)
bool IsRestrainStarted ()
void SetRestrainPrelocked (bool restrain_prelock)
bool IsRestrainPrelocked ()
void SetRestrained (bool is_restrained)
override bool IsRestrained ()
void OnRestrainStartedChangeClient ()
void OnRestrainChangeClient ()
override bool IsInventoryVisible ()
bool CanManipulateInventory ()
override bool CanReleaseAttachment (EntityAI attachment)
override bool CanReleaseCargo (EntityAI cargo)
override bool CanReceiveItemIntoCargo (EntityAI item)
override bool CanSwapItemInCargo (EntityAI child_entity, EntityAI new_entity)
override bool CanReceiveItemIntoHands (EntityAI item_to_hands)
override bool CanSaveItemInHands (EntityAI item_in_hands)
override bool CanReleaseFromHands (EntityAI handheld)
int GetCraftingRecipeID ()
void SetCraftingRecipeID (int recipeID)
ConstructionActionData GetConstructionActionData ()
void ResetConstructionActionData ()
vector GetLastFirePoint ()
float GetLastFirePointRot ()
int GetLastFirePointIndex ()
void SetLastFirePoint (vector last_fire_point)
void SetLastFirePointRot (float last_fire_point_rot)
void SetLastFirePointIndex (int last_fire_point_index)
void RemoveQuickBarEntityShortcut (EntityAI entity)
void SetEnableQuickBarEntityShortcut (EntityAI entity, bool value)
int FindQuickBarEntityIndex (EntityAI entity)
int GetQuickBarSize ()
EntityAI GetQuickBarEntity (int index)
void UpdateQuickBarEntityVisibility (EntityAI entity)
void SetQuickBarEntityShortcut (EntityAI entity, int index, bool force=false)
void OnQuickbarSetEntityRequest (ParamsReadContext ctx)
void ApplySplint ()
void ProcessDrowning (float dT)
void SpawnDrowningBubbles ()
void ProcessHoldBreath (float dT)
void OnHoldBreathStart ()
void OnHoldBreathExhausted ()
void OnHoldBreathEnd ()
override bool IsHoldingBreath ()
override bool IsRefresherSignalingViable ()
override bool IsSelfAdjustingTemperature ()
eMixedSoundStates GetMixedSoundStates ()
AbstractWave SaySoundSet (string name)
EntityAI FindCargoByBaseType (string searched_item)
void InitEditor ()
void OnPlayerLoaded ()
void SetPlayerDisconnected (bool state)
bool IsPlayerDisconnected ()
Hologram GetHologramServer ()
Hologram GetHologramLocal ()
void PlacingStartServer (ItemBase item)
void PlacingStartLocal (ItemBase item)
void PlacingCancelServer ()
void LockHandsUntilItemHeld ()
void PlacingCancelLocal ()
void PlacingCompleteServer ()
void PlacingCompleteLocal ()
bool IsPlacingServer ()
bool IsPlacingLocal ()
void SetDrowning (bool enable)
void OnDrowningStart ()
void OnDrowningEnd ()
bool TogglePlacingServer (int userDataType, ParamsReadContext ctx)
void RequestResetADSSync ()
void ProcessADSSyncResetRequest ()
bool ResetADSPlayerSync (int userDataType, ParamsReadContext ctx)
 server only
override bool CanPlaceItem (EntityAI item)
void SetUnderground (EUndergroundPresence presence)
void TogglePlacingLocal (ItemBase item=null)
void SetLocalProjectionPosition (vector local_position)
void SetLocalProjectionOrientation (vector local_orientation)
vector GetLocalProjectionPosition ()
vector GetLocalProjectionOrientation ()
void SetInColdArea (bool state)
bool GetInColdArea ()
void SetInWater (bool pState)
 water contact (driven by Environment)
bool IsInWater ()
void ~PlayerBase ()
void OnCameraChanged (DayZPlayerCameraBase new_camera)
DayZPlayerCamera GetCurrentPlayerCamera ()
bool IsCurrentCameraAimedAtGround ()
BleedingSourcesManagerServer GetBleedingManagerServer ()
BleedingSourcesManagerRemote GetBleedingManagerRemote ()
SymptomManager GetSymptomManager ()
VirtualHud GetVirtualHud ()
TransferValues GetTransferValues ()
DebugMonitorValues GetDebugMonitorValues ()
void OnScheduledTick (float deltaTime)
void OnCommandHandlerTick (float delta_time, int pCurrentCommandID)
void UpdateMovementInertia ()
 Update movement inertia based on stamina available.
NotifiersManager GetNotifiersManager ()
void OnTick ()
override void EEItemIntoHands (EntityAI item)
override void EEItemOutOfHands (EntityAI item)
PlayerStomach GetStomach ()
override void CommandHandler (float pDt, int pCurrentCommandID, bool pCurrentCommandFinished)
void CloseMap ()
 DEPRECATED; terminates map animation callback and re-enables controls.
void CloseMapEx (bool cancelled)
void SetMapOpen (bool state)
bool IsMapOpen ()
void SetMapClosingSyncSet (bool state)
bool GetMapClosingSyncSent ()
bool IsMapCallbackCancelInput ()
bool IsMapCallbackEndInput ()
MapNavigationBehaviour GetMapNavigationBehaviour ()
void MapNavigationItemInPossession (EntityAI item)
void MapNavigationItemNotInPossession (EntityAI item)
void SetCheckMeleeItem (ItemBase item=null)
void SetShakesForced (int value)
void FreezeCheck ()
override bool IsLanded (int pCurrentCommandID)
override bool OnLand (int pCurrentCommandID, FallDamageData fallDamageData)
override bool IsAlreadyInFallingCommand (int pCurrentCommandID)
void OnUnconsciousStart ()
void OnUnconsciousStop (int pCurrentCommandID)
void OnUnconsciousUpdate (float pDt, int last_command)
int SimplifyShock ()
float GetSimplifiedShockNormalized ()
override bool IsUnconscious ()
override bool IsUnconsciousStateOnly ()
override bool CanBeTargetedByAI (EntityAI ai)
void GiveShock (float shock)
void OnRestrainStart ()
void ShockRefill (float pDt)
 functionality moved to ShockMdfr::OnTick
eBrokenLegs GetBrokenLegs ()
void SetBrokenLegs (int stateId)
void UpdateBrokenLegs (int stateId)
void BreakLegSound ()
void BrokenLegForceProne (bool forceOverride=false)
void BrokenLegWalkShock ()
void MovingShock (float legHealth, float highShock, float midShock, float lowShock)
void DealShock (float dmg)
override bool CanPickupHeavyItem (notnull EntityAI item)
void SetLegHealth ()
void DropHeavyItem ()
bool IsWearingSplint ()
override void OnCommandSwimStart ()
override void OnCommandSwimFinish ()
override void OnCommandLadderStart ()
override void OnCommandLadderFinish ()
override void OnCommandFallStart ()
override void OnCommandFallFinish ()
override void OnCommandClimbStart ()
override void OnCommandClimbFinish ()
override void OnCommandVehicleStart ()
override void OnCommandVehicleFinish ()
override void OnCommandMelee2Start ()
override void OnCommandMelee2Finish ()
override void OnCommandDeathStart ()
override void OnJumpStart ()
override void OnJumpEnd (int pLandType=0)
bool IsStance (int stance, int stanceMask)
override void OnStanceChange (int previousStance, int newStance)
override bool CanChangeStance (int previousStance, int newStance)
override void OnCommandMoveStart ()
override bool CanRoll ()
override void OnRollStart (bool isToTheRight)
override void OnRollFinish ()
void OnJumpOutVehicleFinish (float carSpeed)
void OnVehicleSwitchSeat (int seatIndex)
override void OnVehicleSeatDriverEnter ()
override void OnVehicleSeatDriverLeft ()
override void OnThrowingModeChange (bool change_to_enabled)
override void EOnFrame (IEntity other, float timeSlice)
override void EOnPostFrame (IEntity other, int extra)
void StaminaHUDNotifier (bool show)
override void DepleteStamina (EStaminaModifiers modifier, float dT=-1)
override bool CanConsumeStamina (EStaminaConsumers consumer)
override bool CanStartConsumingStamina (EStaminaConsumers consumer)
override bool CanClimb (int climbType, SHumanCommandClimbResult climbRes)
override bool CanJump ()
bool IsJumpInProgress ()
bool IsTargetInActiveRefresherRange (EntityAI target)
void RequestHandAnimationStateRefresh ()
void RefreshHandAnimationState (int delay=0)
bool IsFacingTarget (Object target)
void OnQuickBarSingleUse (int slotClicked)
void OnQuickBarContinuousUseStart (int slotClicked)
void OnQuickBarContinuousUseEnd (int slotClicked)
void SetActionEndInput (ActionBase action)
bool IsQBControl ()
void ResetActionEndInput ()
void RadialQuickBarSingleUse (int slotClicked)
void RadialQuickBarCombine (int slotClicked)
void QuickReloadWeapon (EntityAI weapon)
void ReloadWeapon (EntityAI weapon, EntityAI magazine)
EntityAI GetMagazineToReload (EntityAI weapon)
void OnSpawnedFromConsole ()
bool GetLiquidTendencyDrain ()
void SetLiquidTendencyDrain (bool state)
bool GetFlagTendencyRaise ()
void SetFlagTendencyRaise (bool state)
override SoundOnVehicle PlaySound (string sound_name, float range, bool create_local=false)
float GetPlayerLoad ()
bool IsOverloaded ()
void SetPlayerLoad (float load)
void AddPlayerLoad (float addedload)
bool IsItemInInventory (EntityAI entity)
override bool NeedInventoryJunctureFromServer (notnull EntityAI item, EntityAI currParent, EntityAI newParent)
float GetWeightSpecialized (bool forceRecalc=false)
void CalculateVisibilityForAI ()
void SetVisibilityCoef (float pVisibility)
float GetVisibilityCoef ()
int GetShakeLevel ()
EStatLevels GetStatLevelHealth ()
EStatLevels GetStatLevelToxicity ()
EStatLevels GetStatLevelBlood ()
EStatLevels GetStatLevelEnergy ()
EStatLevels GetStatLevelWater ()
EStatLevels GetImmunityLevel ()
float GetBordersImmunity ()
float GetStatBordersHealth ()
float GetStatBordersToxicity ()
float GetStatBordersBlood ()
float GetStatBordersEnergy ()
float GetStatBordersWater ()
float GetStatLevelBorders (float stat_value, float critical, float low, float normal, float high, float max)
EStatLevels GetStatLevel (float stat_value, float critical, float low, float normal, float high)
void SetImmunityBoosted (bool boosted)
float GetImmunity ()
 returns player's immunity strength between 0..1
bool IsSprinting ()
bool CanSprint ()
bool IsInProne ()
bool IsInRasedProne ()
bool IsLeaning ()
bool IsRolling ()
bool IsClimbing ()
bool IsFalling ()
override bool IsFighting ()
bool IsEmotePlaying ()
override bool IsIgnoredByConstruction ()
bool AnimCommandCheck (HumanMoveCommandID mask)
void RunFightBlendTimer ()
void EndFighting ()
bool CheckMeleeItemDamage (ItemBase item)
void PlayAttachmentDropSound ()
override void RPC (int rpc_type, array< ref Param > params, bool guaranteed, PlayerIdentity recipient=NULL)
override void OnRPC (PlayerIdentity sender, int rpc_type, ParamsReadContext ctx)
override void OnGameplayDataHandlerSync ()
void UpdateLighting ()
void SetContaminatedEffectEx (bool enable, int ppeIdx=-1, int aroundId=ParticleList.CONTAMINATED_AREA_GAS_AROUND, int tinyId=ParticleList.CONTAMINATED_AREA_GAS_TINY, string soundset="", bool partDynaUpdate=false, int newBirthRate=0)
void SetContaminatedEffect (bool enable, int ppeIdx=-1, int aroundId=ParticleList.CONTAMINATED_AREA_GAS_AROUND, int tinyId=ParticleList.CONTAMINATED_AREA_GAS_TINY, bool partDynaUpdate=false, int newBirthRate=0)
void UpdateCorpseState ()
override void EEHealthLevelChanged (int oldLevel, int newLevel, string zone)
override void OnVariablesSynchronized ()
bool IsSyncedModifierActive (eModifierSyncIDs modifier)
 Checks whether modifier (which has syncing enabled) is currently active, works on both Client and Server.
void HandleBrokenLegsSync ()
void FixAllInventoryItems ()
void OnInventoryMenuOpen ()
void OnInventoryMenuClose ()
void OnSelectPlayer ()
override void SimulateDeath (bool state)
void SetNewCharName ()
void CheckForBurlap ()
void CheckForGag ()
void UpdateMaskBreathWidget (notnull MaskBase mask, bool is_start=false)
void OnVoiceEvent (PlayerSoundEventBase voice_event)
void OnVoiceEventPlayback (PlayerSoundEventBase voice_event, AbstractWave callback, float playback_time)
 called every cmd handler tick during a playback of PlayerSoundEvent, m_ProcessPlaybackEvent needs to be enabled on the PlayerSoundEvent
override bool OnInputUserDataProcess (int userDataType, ParamsReadContext ctx)
float GetHealthRegenSpeed ()
bool HandleRemoteItemManipulation (int userDataType, ParamsReadContext ctx)
ItemBase GetItemInHands ()
override EntityAI SpawnEntityOnGroundPos (string object_name, vector pos)
EntityAI SpawnEntityOnGroundRaycastDispersed (string object_name, float raycastDistance=DEFAULT_SPAWN_DISTANCE, float radius=UAItemsSpreadRadius.DEFAULT)
EntityAI SpawnEntityOnGroundOnCursorDir (string object_name, float distance)
EntityAI SpawnAI (string object_name, vector pos)
bool DropItem (ItemBase item)
EntityAI CreateInInventory (string item_name, string cargo_type="", bool full_quantity=false)
ItemBase CreateCopyOfItemInInventory (ItemBase src)
ItemBase CreateCopyOfItemInInventoryOrGround (ItemBase src)
ItemBase CreateCopyOfItemInInventoryOrGroundEx (ItemBase src, bool markItemAsSplitResult=false)
void Message (string text, string style)
void MessageStatus (string text)
void MessageAction (string text)
void MessageFriendly (string text)
void MessageImportant (string text)
void CloseInventoryMenu ()
override void ClearInventory ()
void DropAllItems ()
 Drops all clothes/wearables this character is carrying on themselves.
string GetPlayerClass ()
void ShavePlayer ()
bool CanShave ()
override void OnParticleEvent (string pEventType, string pUserString, int pUserInt)
bool CanSpawnBreathVaporEffect ()
void ProcessADDModifier ()
void SpawnBreathVaporEffect ()
bool GetDrowningWaterLevelCheck ()
void SetLifeSpanStateVisible (int show_state)
int GetLifeSpanState ()
int GetLastShavedSeconds ()
void SetLastShavedSeconds (int last_shaved_seconds)
bool HasCoveredFaceForShave ()
eBloodyHandsTypes HasBloodyHandsEx ()
bool HasBloodyHands ()
void SetBloodyHands (bool show)
void SetBloodyHandsEx (eBloodyHandsTypes type)
void SendSoundEvent (EPlayerSoundEventID id)
void SendSoundEventEx (EPlayerSoundEventID id, int param=0)
void CheckZeroSoundEvent ()
void CheckSendSoundEvent ()
override bool PlaySoundEventType (ESoundEventType soundType, int soundEventID, int param=0)
override bool PlaySoundEvent (EPlayerSoundEventID id, bool from_anim_system=false, bool is_from_server=false)
override bool PlaySoundEventEx (EPlayerSoundEventID id, bool from_anim_system=false, bool is_from_server=false, int param=0)
PlayerSoundEventHandler GetPlayerSoundEventHandler ()
void OnBleedingBegin ()
void OnBleedingEnd ()
void OnBleedingSourceAdded ()
void OnBleedingSourceRemoved ()
void OnBleedingSourceRemovedEx (ItemBase item)
int GetBleedingSourceCount ()
void ResetPlayer (bool set_max)
void CheckSoundEvent ()
void TestSend ()
void SetStaminaState (eStaminaState state)
int GetStaminaState ()
void UpdateQuickBarExtraSlots ()
bool Save ()
void SpreadAgentsEx (float distance=3, float chance=0.25)
 chance between [0..1] , distance in meters
void SpreadAgents ()
override int GetAgents ()
override void RemoveAgent (int agent_id)
override void RemoveAllAgents ()
override void InsertAgent (int agent, float count=1)
int GetSingleAgentCount (int agent_id)
float GetSingleAgentCountNormalized (int agent_id)
float GetTotalAgentCount ()
void PrintAgents ()
void ImmuneSystemTick (float value, float deltaT)
void AntibioticsAttack (float value)
void SetTemporaryResistanceToAgent (int agent, float time)
float GetTemporaryResistanceToAgent (int agent)
vector GetAimPosition ()
bool CanEatAndDrink ()
bool CanConsumeFood (ConsumeConditionData data=null)
ModifiersManager GetModifiersManager ()
PlayerStat< floatGetStatWater ()
PlayerStat< floatGetStatToxicity ()
PlayerStat< floatGetStatEnergy ()
PlayerStat< floatGetStatHeatComfort ()
PlayerStat< floatGetStatTremor ()
PlayerStat< intGetStatWet ()
PlayerStat< floatGetStatDiet ()
PlayerStat< floatGetStatStamina ()
PlayerStat< floatGetStatSpecialty ()
PlayerStat< intGetStatBloodType ()
PlayerStat< floatGetStatHeatBuffer ()
void SetHeatBufferDynamicMax (float value)
float GetHeatBufferDynamicMax ()
void ToggleHeatBufferVisibility (bool show)
void ToggleHeatBufferVisibility (int heatbufferStage)
string GetLastUAMessage ()
 UA Last Message.
void SetLastUAMessage (string pMsg)
void ClearLastUAMessage ()
void ForceUpdateInjuredState ()
 update injured state immediately
override bool OnAction (int action_id, Man player, ParamsReadContext ctx)
override void GetDebugActions (out TSelectableActionInfoArrayEx outputList)
override void OnSyncJuncture (int pJunctureID, ParamsReadContext pCtx)
bool IsItemsToDelete ()
void SetToDelete (ParamsReadContext pCtx)
override void AddItemToDelete (EntityAI item)
bool CanDeleteItems ()
override void JunctureDeleteItem (EntityAI item)
void UpdateDelete ()
override bool HeadingModel (float pDt, SDayZPlayerHeadingModel pModel)
override bool IsInventorySoftLocked ()
override void SetInventorySoftLock (bool status)
 'soft lock' meaning inventory screen cannot be displayed, but mechanically, inventory operations are still possible
void SetLoadedQuickBarItemBind (EntityAI entity, int index)
override bool IsLiftWeapon ()
bool ReadLiftWeaponRequest (int userDataType, ParamsReadContext ctx)
void SetLiftWeapon (int pJunctureID, ParamsReadContext ctx)
void SetLiftWeapon (bool state)
void SendLiftWeaponSync (bool state)
 Client-side only.
override void CheckLiftWeapon ()
override void ProcessLiftWeapon ()
override void HideClothing (ItemOptics optic, bool state)
 state 'true' == hide
void RequestUnconsciousness (bool enable)
override void SetDeathDarknessLevel (float duration, float tick_time)
override bool IsInFBEmoteState ()
void EndSurrenderRequest (SurrenderData data=null)
 ends surrender, originally intended for surrender->restrained transitioning
bool IsSurrendered ()
bool IsPlayerLoaded ()
override void CheckAnimationOverrides ()
bool CanRedirectToWeaponManager (notnull EntityAI item, out bool isActionPossible)
override bool PredictiveTakeEntityToTargetInventory (notnull EntityAI target, FindInventoryLocationType flags, notnull EntityAI item)
override bool PredictiveTakeEntityToInventory (FindInventoryLocationType flags, notnull EntityAI item)
override bool PredictiveTakeEntityToTargetAttachment (notnull EntityAI target, notnull EntityAI item)
override bool PredictiveTakeEntityToTargetAttachmentEx (notnull EntityAI target, notnull EntityAI item, int slot)
override bool PredictiveTakeEntityToTargetCargo (notnull EntityAI target, notnull EntityAI item)
override bool PredictiveTakeEntityToTargetCargoEx (notnull CargoBase cargo, notnull EntityAI item, int row, int col)
override bool PredictiveDropEntity (notnull EntityAI item)
override bool PredictiveSwapEntities (notnull EntityAI item1, notnull EntityAI item2)
override bool PredictiveForceSwapEntities (notnull EntityAI item1, notnull EntityAI item2, notnull InventoryLocation item2_dst)
override void PredictiveTakeEntityToHands (EntityAI item)
override bool PredictiveTakeToDst (notnull InventoryLocation src, notnull InventoryLocation dst)
bool IsSwapBetweenHandsAndGroundLargeItem (notnull EntityAI item1, notnull EntityAI item2, out EntityAI item_hands, out EntityAI item_ground)
void SetHairLevelToHide (int level, bool state, bool was_debug=false)
 Dynamic hair hiding.
void HideHairSelections (ItemBase item, bool state)
void UpdateHairSelectionVisibility (bool was_debug=false)
void UpdateTranslatedSelections (SelectionTranslation stt)
void CheckHairClippingOnCharacterLoad ()
 helper method for re-checking hairhiding on character load
bool IsNVGWorking ()
bool IsNVGLowered ()
int GetNVType ()
array< intGetNVTypesArray ()
void SetNVGWorking (bool state)
void SetNVGLowered (bool state)
void AddActiveNV (int type)
void RemoveActiveNV (int type)
void ResetActiveNV ()
void AdjustBandana (EntityAI item, string slot_name)
void AdjustShemag (EntityAI item, string slot_name)
void UpdateCorpseStateVisual ()
void SetDecayEffects (int effect=-1)
void PreloadDecayTexture ()
void SetLastMapInfo (float scale, vector pos)
bool GetLastMapInfo (out float scale, out vector pos)
override bool PhysicalPredictiveDropItem (EntityAI entity, bool heavy_item_only=true)
override void SetProcessUIWarning (bool state)
void dmgDebugPrint (TotalDamageResult damageResult, int damageType, EntityAI source, int component, string dmgZone, string ammo, vector modelPos, float speedCoef)
void DamageAllLegs (float inputDmg)
void TryHideItemInHands (bool hide, bool force=false)
 tries to hide item in player's hands, some exceptions for various movement states
bool CheckAndExecuteStackSplit (FindInventoryLocationType flags, notnull EntityAI item, notnull EntityAI target)
bool CheckAndExecuteStackSplitToInventoryLocation (InventoryLocation il, notnull EntityAI item)
bool TakeEntityToInventoryImpl (InventoryMode mode, FindInventoryLocationType flags, notnull EntityAI item)
bool TakeEntityToCargoImpl (InventoryMode mode, notnull EntityAI item)
bool TakeEntityAsAttachmentImpl (InventoryMode mode, notnull EntityAI item)
override void TakeEntityToHandsImpl (InventoryMode mode, EntityAI item)
bool TakeEntityToTargetInventoryImpl (InventoryMode mode, notnull EntityAI target, FindInventoryLocationType flags, notnull EntityAI item)
bool TakeEntityToTargetCargoImpl (InventoryMode mode, notnull EntityAI target, notnull EntityAI item)
bool TakeEntityToTargetAttachmentImpl (InventoryMode mode, notnull EntityAI target, notnull EntityAI item)
bool TakeToDstImpl (InventoryMode mode, notnull InventoryLocation src, notnull InventoryLocation dst)
override vector GetCenter ()
void ContaminatedParticleAdjustment ()
void HandleGlassesEffect ()
override void AddArrow (Object arrow, int componentIndex, vector closeBonePosWS, vector closeBoneRotWS)
override bool IsManagingArrows ()
string GetCachedName ()
string GetCachedID ()
override void OnFreezeStateChangeClient ()
bool HasHeatBuffer ()
int GetHeatBufferStage ()

Защищенные статические члены

static set< intGetFaceCoverageShaveValues ()
 returns a set of face covering values

Защищенные данные

bool m_HasHeatBuffer
int m_HeatBufferStage
float m_HeatBufferDynamicMax
bool m_IsInColdArea
bool m_PlayerLoaded
bool m_PlayerDisconnectProcessed
bool m_ProcessUIWarning
int m_LocalRefreshAnimStateIdx
int m_RefreshAnimStateIdx
int m_LifespanLevelLocal
int m_AnimCommandStarting
EUndergroundPresence m_UndergroundPresence
PluginPresenceNotifier m_PresenceNotifier
ref UndergroundHandlerClient m_UndergroundHandler
ref UndergroundBunkerHandlerClient m_UndergroundBunkerHandler
ref PlayerStats m_PlayerStats
PluginRecipesManager m_ModuleRecipesManager
ref BleedingSourcesManagerServer m_BleedingManagerServer
ref BleedingSourcesManagerRemote m_BleedingManagerRemote
ref ModifiersManager m_ModifiersManager
ref NotifiersManager m_NotifiersManager
ActionManagerBase m_ActionManager
ref PlayerAgentPool m_AgentPool
int m_Agents
ref Environment m_Environment
ref EmoteManager m_EmoteManager
ref SymptomManager m_SymptomManager
ref VirtualHud m_VirtualHud
ref StaminaHandler m_StaminaHandler
ref InjuryAnimationHandler m_InjuryHandler
ref ShockHandler m_ShockHandler
ref SoftSkillsManager m_SoftSkillsManager
ref StanceIndicator m_StanceIndicator
ref TransferValues m_TrasferValues
ref DebugMonitorValues m_DebugMonitorValues
const int OVERLOAD_LIMIT = 30000
float m_CargoLoad
float m_VisibilityCoef
float m_OriginalSlidePoseAngle
int m_SoundEvent
int m_SoundEventParam
int m_FliesIndex
bool m_SoundEventSent
ref Param2< float, floatm_UAProgressParam
ref Param2< int, intm_UAParam
ref Param3< float, float, boolm_StaminaParam
ref Param1< stringm_UAParamMessage
ref Param1< floatm_UnconParam
ref Param1< floatm_DeathDarkeningParam
ref DamageDealtEffect m_DamageDealtEffect
ref EffectRadial m_EffectRadial
ref FlashbangEffect m_FlashbangEffect
ref ShockDealtEffect m_ShockDealtEffect
ref EffectParticle m_FliesEff
ref TInputActionMap m_InputActionMap
ref TInputActionMap m_InputActionMapControled
ref TInputActionMap m_InputActionMapAsTarget
bool m_ActionsInitialize
ref HiddenSelectionsData m_EmptyGloves
ref WeaponManager m_WeaponManager
ref CraftingManager m_CraftingManager
ref ArrowManagerPlayer m_ArrowManager
ref InventoryActionHandler m_InventoryActionHandler
QuickBarBase m_QuickBarBase
ref PlayerSoundManagerServer m_PlayerSoundManagerServer
ref PlayerSoundManagerClient m_PlayerSoundManagerClient
ref HeatComfortAnimHandler m_HCAnimHandler
ref EffectSound m_SoundFliesEffect
bool m_QuickBarHold
bool m_QuickBarFT = false
Hud m_Hud
int m_RecipePick
bool m_IsHoldingBreath
bool m_IsInWater
float m_LastPostFrameTickTime
ref Timer m_DeathCheckTimer
bool m_CorpseProcessing
int m_CorpseState
int m_CorpseStateLocal
bool m_IsHeadingRestricted
ref HeadingRestrictData m_HeadingRestrictData
int m_PersistentFlags
int m_StaminaState
float m_UnconsciousTime
int m_ShockSimplified
float m_CurrentShock
bool m_IsRestrained
bool m_IsRestrainedLocal
bool m_IsRestrainStarted
bool m_IsRestrainStartedLocal
bool m_IsRestrainPrelocked
bool m_ImmunityBoosted
bool m_AreHandsLocked
float m_UnconsciousVignetteTarget = 2
float m_CameraSwayModifier = 0.2
float m_LastShockHitTime
DayZPlayerCameraBase m_CurrentCamera
int m_BleedingBits
vector m_DirectionToCursor
vector m_DefaultHitPosition
int m_DiseaseCount
int m_HealingsCount
bool m_AllowQuickRestrain
bool m_AllowQuickFishing
int m_Shakes
int m_ShakesForced
int m_BreathVapour
int m_HealthLevel
int m_MixedSoundStates
int m_QuickBarBonus = 0
bool m_IsVehicleSeatDriver
float m_UnconsciousEndTime = 0
int m_BleedingSourceCount
Head_Default m_CharactersHead
EPulseType m_PulseType
PlayerBase m_CheckPulseLastTarget
int m_ForceInjuryAnimMask
bool m_HideHairAnimated
string m_DecayedTexture
ref array< EntityAIm_ItemsToDelete
int m_BrokenLegState = eBrokenLegs.NO_BROKEN_LEGS
int m_LocalBrokenState = eBrokenLegs.NO_BROKEN_LEGS
bool m_BrokenLegsJunctureReceived
ref EffectSound m_BrokenLegSound
const string SOUND_BREAK_LEG = "broken_leg_SoundSet"
bool m_CanPlayBrokenLegSound
float m_UnconRefillModifier = 1
RandomGeneratorSyncManager m_RGSManager
bool m_ContaminatedAreaEffectEnabled
const string CONTAMINATED_AREA_AMBIENT = "ContaminatedArea_SoundSet"
EffectSound m_AmbientContamination
int m_ContaminatedAreaCount
int m_EffectAreaCount
bool m_InsideEffectArea
bool m_InsideEffectAreaPrev
EffectTrigger m_CurrentEffectTrigger
EEffectAreaType m_InEffectAreaType
ref map< EEffectAreaType, intm_EffectAreaOverlap = new map<EEffectAreaType, int>()
ref map< EEffectAreaType, floatm_EffectAreaTimeToTick = new map<EEffectAreaType, float>()
bool m_CanDisplayHitEffectPPE
string m_CachedPlayerName
string m_CachedPlayerID
ref array< ref Param2< EntityAI, int > > m_aQuickBarLoad
ref Hologram m_HologramServer
ref Hologram m_HologramLocal
vector m_LocalProjectionPosition = "0 0 0 "
vector m_LocalProjectionOrientation = "0 0 0 "
float m_LastTick = -1
int m_AddModifier = -1
int m_RecipeID = -1
EntityAI m_Item1
EntityAI m_Item2
bool m_IsCraftingReady
float m_RecipeAnimLength
vector m_CraftingInitialPos
ref array< intm_Recipes
ref SoundParams m_SaySoundParams
ref SoundObjectBuilder m_SaySoundBuilder
ref SoundObject m_SaySoundObject
string m_SaySoundLastSetName
bool m_ActionQBControl
ref ConstructionActionData m_ConstructionActionData
vector m_LastFirePoint
float m_LastFirePointRot
int m_LastFirePointIndex
bool ItemToInventory
bool m_IsFighting = false
bool m_IsDrowning
int m_DebugMonitorEnabled
ActionUnfoldMapCB m_hac
bool m_MapOpen
bool m_MapCloseRequestProcessed
bool m_MapClosingSyncSent
float m_LastMapScale = -1.0
vector m_LastMapPos
ref MapNavigationBehaviour m_MapNavigationBehaviour
bool m_InventorySoftLocked
int m_InventorySoftLockCount = 0
string m_DatabaseID
ref Timer m_AnalyticsTimer
bool m_MeleeDebug
 melee stats
ItemBase m_CheckMeleeItem
string m_UALastMessage
 user actions & symptoms
ref Timer m_UALastMessageTimer
int m_PerformedAnimActionID = -1
int m_ActivePrimarySymptomID = 0
bool m_WorkingNVGHeadset
bool m_LoweredNVGHeadset
ref array< intm_ActiveNVTypes
int m_SyncedModifiers
int m_SyncedModifiersPrev
PluginAdminLog m_AdminLog
ref PlayerStomach m_PlayerStomach
PlayerStat< floatm_StatWater
PlayerStat< floatm_StatToxicity
PlayerStat< floatm_StatEnergy
PlayerStat< floatm_StatHeatComfort
PlayerStat< floatm_StatTremor
GameplayEffectWidgets_base m_EffectWidgets
 effect widgets
ref array< intm_ProcessAddEffectWidgets
ref array< intm_ProcessRemoveEffectWidgets
ref array< intm_ProcessAddGlassesEffects
ref array< intm_ProcessRemoveGlassesEffects
EMedicalDrugsType m_MedicalDrugsActive
ref ScriptInvoker m_OnUnconsciousStart
ref ScriptInvoker m_OnUnconsciousStop
bool m_ShowDbgUI = true
int m_DbgListSelection = 0
float m_DbgSliderValue = 0.0
ref array< stringm_DbgOptions = {"jedna", "dva", "tri"}

Статические защищенные данные

static bool DEBUG_INVENTORY_ACCESS = false
static ref array< stringm_BleedingSourcesLow
static ref array< stringm_BleedingSourcesUp
static ref array< Man > m_ServerPlayers = new array<Man>
static ref TStringArray m_QBarItems
static Particle m_ContaminatedAroundPlayer
static Particle m_ContaminatedAroundPlayerTiny
static ref array< ObjectSPREAD_AGENTS_OBJECTS = new array<Object>
static ref array< CargoBaseSPREAD_AGENTS_PROXY_CARGOS = new array<CargoBase>

Закрытые члены

void PlayerBase ()
void Init ()
ScriptInvoker GetOnUnconsciousStart ()
ScriptInvoker GetOnUnconsciousStop ()
void AddMedicalDrugsInUse (EMedicalDrugsType drugType)
void RemoveMedicalDrugsInUse (EMedicalDrugsType drugType)
bool IsChelationActive ()
bool IsAntibioticsActive ()
void SetSoundCategoryHash (int hash)
void SetPerformedActionID (int id)
int GetPerformedActionID ()
void SetActivePrimarySymptomID (SymptomIDs id)
SymptomIDs GetActivePrimarySymptomID ()
void RequestTriggerEffect (EffectTrigger trigger, int ppeIdx=-1, int aroundId=ParticleList.CONTAMINATED_AREA_GAS_AROUND, int tinyId=ParticleList.CONTAMINATED_AREA_GAS_TINY, string soundset="", bool partDynaUpdate=false, int newBirthRate=0, bool forceUpdate=false)
void RemoveCurrentEffectTrigger ()
void IncreaseContaminatedAreaCount ()
void DecreaseContaminatedAreaCount ()
void IncreaseEffectAreaCount ()
void DecreaseEffectAreaCount ()
void SetInEffectAreaTypeFlag (EEffectAreaType flag)
void UnsetInEffectAreaTypeFlag (EEffectAreaType flag)
bool IsInEffectArea (EEffectAreaType area)
void SetBloodyHandsBase (int type)
int GetBloodyHandsPenaltyAgents ()
float GetBloodyHandsPenaltyChancePerAgent (eAgents type)
void SetBloodyHandsPenaltyChancePerAgent (eAgents type, float amount)
 increments the chances per agents
void ClearBloodyHandsPenaltyChancePerAgent (eAgents type)
bool HasBloodTypeVisible ()
void SetBloodTypeVisible (bool show)
int GetBloodType ()
void SetBloodType (int blood_type)
SoftSkillsManager GetSoftSkillsManager ()
void CheckDeath ()
int GetNoisePresenceInAI ()
 Return actual noise presence of player.
bool IsPersistentFlag (PersistentFlag bit)
void SetPersistentFlag (PersistentFlag bit, bool enable)
int GetStoreLoadVersion ()
override void OnStoreSave (ParamsWriteContext ctx)
void SaveAreaPersistenceFlag (ParamsWriteContext ctx)
override bool OnStoreLoad (ParamsReadContext ctx, int version)
override void AfterStoreLoad ()
void OnStoreSaveLifespan (ParamsWriteContext ctx)
bool OnStoreLoadLifespan (ParamsReadContext ctx, int version)
void UpdatePlayerMeasures ()
void OnConnect ()
void OnReconnect ()
void OnDisconnect ()
void SetModifiers (bool enable)
bool Consume (PlayerConsumeData data)
void ShowUnconsciousScreen (bool show)
override void RequestSoundEventEx (EPlayerSoundEventID id, bool from_server_and_client=false, int param=0)
override void RequestSoundEvent (EPlayerSoundEventID id, bool from_server_and_client=false)
void SwitchItemTypeAttach (EntityAI item, string slot)
void SwitchItemTypeDetach (EntityAI item, string slot)
void AddToEnvironmentTemperature (float pTemperature)
void IncreaseAntibioticsCount ()
void DecreaseAntibioticsCount ()
bool Consume (ItemBase source, float amount, EConsumeType consume_type)
bool HasStaminaRemaining ()
void SetBloodyHandsPenalty ()

Закрытые данные

const int SHAKE_LEVEL_MAX = 7
int m_LifeSpanState
int m_LastShavedSeconds
int m_BloodType
bool m_HasBloodTypeVisible
bool m_LiquidTendencyDrain
bool m_FlagRaisingTendency
int m_HasBloodyHandsVisible
int m_StoreLoadVersion
PluginPlayerStatus m_ModulePlayerStatus
PluginConfigEmotesProfile m_ConfigEmotesProfile
PluginLifespan m_ModuleLifespan
ref map< eAgents, floatm_BloodyHandsPenaltyChancePerAgent
vector m_PlayerOldPos
int m_FaceCoveredForShaveLayers = 0
int m_AntibioticsActive

Подробное описание

См. определение в файле PlayerBase.c строка 1