DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
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Класс HandEventBase

Abstracted event, not to be used, only inherited. Подробнее...

Закрытые члены

void HandEventTake (Man p=null, InventoryLocation src=null)
override InventoryLocation GetDst ()
override bool CheckRequestSrc ()
override bool CheckRequest ()
override bool CanPerformEventEx (InventoryValidation validation)
override bool AcquireInventoryJunctureFromServer (notnull Man player)
void HandEventMoveTo (Man p=null, InventoryLocation src=null, InventoryLocation dst=null)
 destination for item in hands
override void ReadFromContext (ParamsReadContext ctx)
override void WriteToContext (ParamsWriteContext ctx)
override InventoryLocation GetDst ()
override bool CheckRequestSrc ()
override bool CheckRequest ()
override bool CanPerformEvent ()
override bool AcquireInventoryJunctureFromServer (notnull Man player)
override string DumpToString ()
override InventoryLocation GetDst ()
override bool CheckRequestSrc ()
override bool CheckRequest ()
override bool CanPerformEvent ()
override bool AcquireInventoryJunctureFromServer (notnull Man player)
void HandEventSwap (Man p=null, InventoryLocation src=null, InventoryLocation src2=null, InventoryLocation dst=null, InventoryLocation dst2=null)
override void ReadFromContext (ParamsReadContext ctx)
override void WriteToContext (ParamsWriteContext ctx)
override InventoryLocation GetDst ()
override EntityAI GetSecondSrcEntity ()
override bool CheckRequestSrc ()
override bool CheckRequest ()
override bool CanPerformEvent ()
override bool AcquireInventoryJunctureFromServer (notnull Man player)
override string DumpToString ()
void CheckAndExecuteForceStandUp ()
override bool ReserveInventory ()
override void ClearInventoryReservation ()
void HandEventDestroy (Man p=null, InventoryLocation src=null)
override bool IsServerSideOnly ()
void HandEventCreated (Man p=null, InventoryLocation src=null)
void HandEventDestroyed (Man p=null, InventoryLocation src=null)
void HandEvengReplaceWithNewBase (Man p=null, InventoryLocation src=null, ReplaceItemWithNewLambdaBase lambda=NULL)
override void ReadFromContext (ParamsReadContext ctx)
override void WriteToContext (ParamsWriteContext ctx)
override bool IsServerSideOnly ()
override InventoryLocation GetDst ()
override string DumpToString ()
void HandEventReplaced (Man p=null, InventoryLocation src=null)
void HandAnimEventChanged (Man p=null, InventoryLocation src=null)
void HandEventHumanCommandActionFinished (Man p=null, InventoryLocation src=null)
void HandEventHumanCommandActionAborted (Man p=null, InventoryLocation src=null)

Закрытые данные

ref InventoryLocation m_Dst
ref InventoryLocation m_Src2
 destination for new item (i.e. hands)
ref InventoryLocation m_Dst2
 src of old item in hands
int m_Animation2ID = -1
 destination for old item that was in hands
string m_Type
ref ReplaceItemWithNewLambdaBase m_Lambda

Подробное описание

Abstracted event, not to be used, only inherited.

represents event that triggers transition from state to state

triggered when animation action aborts

triggered when animation action finishes

См. определение в файле Hand_Events.c строка 208