Закрытые члены | |
proto string | GetText () |
proto native void | SetText (string str) |
proto native void | SetMinMax (float minimum, float maximum) |
proto native float | GetMin () |
proto native float | GetMax () |
proto native float | GetCurrent () |
proto native void | SetCurrent (float curr) |
proto native float | GetStep () |
proto native void | SetStep (float step) |
proto native float | GetMin () |
proto native float | GetMax () |
proto native float | GetCurrent () |
proto native void | SetCurrent (float curr) |
proto native bool | GetState () |
proto native bool | SetState (bool state) |
proto native void | SetText (string text) |
proto void | GetText (out string text) |
proto native void | SetTextOffset (float xoffset, float yoffset) |
proto native void | SetTextHorizontalAlignment (int align) |
proto native void | SetTextVerticalAlignment (int align) |
proto native float | GetTextProportion () |
Get text proportion - ratio between button height and button text height in interval <0,1> | |
proto native void | SetTextProportion (float val) |
Set text proportion - ratio between button height and button text height in interval <0,1> | |
proto native int | AddItem (string item) |
proto native void | ClearAll () |
proto native void | SetItem (int item, string value) |
proto native void | RemoveItem (int item) |
proto native int | GetNumItems () |
proto native int | SetCurrentItem (int n) |
proto native int | GetCurrentItem () |
proto native void | SetText (string str) |
proto native bool | IsChecked () |
proto native void | SetChecked (bool checked) |
proto native void | ClearItems () |
proto native int | GetNumItems () |
proto native void | SelectRow (int row) |
proto native int | GetSelectedRow () |
proto native void | RemoveRow (int row) |
proto native void | EnsureVisible (int row) |
proto native void | AddChildAfter (Widget child, Widget after, bool immedUpdate=true) |
См. определение в файле EnWidgets.c строка 347