DayZ 1.26
DayZ Explorer by KGB
Manager class for managing Effect (EffectParticle, EffectSound) Подробнее...
Статические защищенные данные | |
static ref map< int, ref Effect > | m_EffectsMap |
Static map of all registered effects <id, Effect> | |
static ref array< int > | m_FreeEffectIDs |
Static array of IDs that were previously used, but freed up by unregistering. | |
static int | m_HighestFreeEffectID = 1 |
Counter for quickly getting the next ID if FreeEffectIDs array is empty. | |
static const int | INVALID_ID = 0 |
As the counter starts at 1, Effect ID can never be 0. | |
static bool | m_IsCleanup |
Bool to check whether Cleanup is happening, which means that the maps should no longer be accessed. | |
static bool | m_IsInitialized |
Bool to check whether Init was called. | |
static ref map< string, ref SoundParams > | m_ParamsMap |
Static map of cached sound params, to prevent having to recreate them. | |
static ref ScriptInvoker | Event_OnFrameUpdate |
Static invoker for the SEffectManager.Event_OnFrameUpdate called form MissionGameplay.OnUpdate. | |
static ref map< int, EffecterBase > | m_EffectersMap |
static ref array< int > | m_FreeEffecterIDs |
Static array of IDs that were previously used, but freed up by unregistering Effecters. | |
static int | m_HighestFreeEffecterID = 1 |
Manager class for managing Effect (EffectParticle, EffectSound)
Cleanup method to properly clean up the static data.
Перекрестные ссылки ErrorEx, Event_OnFrameUpdate, GetGame(), m_EffectersMap, m_EffectsMap, m_HighestFreeEffectID, m_IsCleanup, m_IsInitialized, m_ParamsMap и Print().
Используется в MissionBaseWorld::MissionBase() и CGame::~CGame().
inlinestaticprotected |
returns unique effecter ID
Перекрестные ссылки ECE_PLACE_ON_SURFACE, GetFreeEffecterID(), GetGame() и m_EffectersMap.
Используется в ItemBase::PlayCatchParticleSynced() и ActionFishingNew::PlaySplashEffectSynced().
inlinestaticprotected |
Create an EffectSound.
sound_set | string The sound set name of the sound |
position | vector The position to play the sound |
play_fade_in | float The fade in duration of the sound (Optional) |
stop_fade_out | float The fade out duration of the sound (Optional) |
loop | bool Whether the sound should loop (Optional) |
enviroment | bool Whether to set environment variables (Optional) |
The created EffectSound Перекрестные ссылки EffectRegister().
Используется в BoatScript::HandleBoatSplashSound(), HandleEngineSound(), FlashbangEffect::PlaySound(), PlaySound(), PlaySoundCachedParams(), PlaySoundEnviroment(), PlaySoundOnObject(), PlaySoundParams() и UpdateMusic().
Unregisters, stops and frees the Effect.
effect_sound | EffectSound The EffectSound to free |
Используется в BoatScript::CleanupEffects(), CleanupEffects(), CleanupSound(), Destroy(), ActionBuildShelter::DestroyActionLoopSound(), DestroySound(), EEDelete(), Roadflare::EEDelete(), ManBase::EEDelete(), House::EEDelete(), OnRingingStartClient(), OnRingingStopClient(), InventoryItem::OnRPC(), OnVariablesSynchronized(), ItemBase::OnWorkStop(), RemoveParticle(), ManBase::SetDecayEffects(), FlashbangEffect::StopSound(), KitchenTimer::TurnOff(), ~Bottle_Base(), ~ClockBase(), DayZIntroSceneXbox::~DayZIntroSceneXbox(), ItemBase::~Defibrillator(), DestructionEffectBase::~DestructionEffectBase(), FireworksLauncher::~FireworksLauncher(), FireworksLauncherClientEvent::~FireworksLauncherClientEvent(), FlashbangEffect::~FlashbangEffect(), InventoryItem::~ItemBase(), ~LandMineTrap(), ~LargeTent(), Backpack_Base::~LargeTentBackPack(), ParticleEffecter::~ParticleEffecter(), ManBase::~PlayerBase(), ItemBase::~PowerGeneratorBase() и ~TreeEffecter().
Перекрестные ссылки m_EffectersMap.
Используется в DecreaseLifespan(), ActionFishingNewCB::DestroySplashEffectSynced(), OnEndServer() и ItemBase::SetActive().
inlinestaticprotected |
Legacy, backwards compatibility.
sound_effect | EffectSound The EffectSound to free |
A bool which is always true Перекрестные ссылки DestroyEffect().
Используется в CleanSoundEffects(), CleanUpOnClosedClient() и Land_Underground_Stairs_Exit::CleanUpOnClosedClient().
Registers Effect in SEffectManager.
effect | Effect The Effect to register |
The Effect ID Перекрестные ссылки ErrorEx, GetFreeEffectID(), m_EffectsMap и m_IsCleanup.
Используется в CreateSound(), PlayInWorld() и PlayOnObject().
Unregisters Effect in SEffectManager.
id | int The ID of the Effect to unregister |
Перекрестные ссылки m_EffectsMap, m_FreeEffectIDs и m_IsCleanup.
Используется в EffectUnregisterEx() и ~Effect().
Unregisters Effect in SEffectManager.
effect | Effect The Effect to unregister |
Перекрестные ссылки EffectUnregister().
Используется в BoatScript::CleanupEffects().
Event called on frame.
time_delta | float Time passed since the previous frame |
Перекрестные ссылки Event_OnFrameUpdate.
inlinestaticprotected |
Event called from EffectSound.Event_OnSoundWaveEnded.
effect_sound | EffectSound The EffectSound calling the event |
Используется в EffectSound::Event_OnRegistered() и EffectSound::Event_OnUnregistered().
inlinestaticprotected |
Get or create a cached SoundParams object.
soundset | string The sound set name of the sound |
The cached SoundParams for the given soundset Перекрестные ссылки m_ParamsMap.
Используется в PlaySoundCachedParams().
Gets the Effect with the given registered Effect ID.
effect_id | int The Effect ID |
The Effect registered to the ID or null Перекрестные ссылки m_EffectsMap и m_IsCleanup.
Перекрестные ссылки m_FreeEffecterIDs и m_HighestFreeEffecterID.
Используется в CreateParticleServer().
Helper function for EffectRegister to decide an Effect ID.
A currently unused Effect ID Перекрестные ссылки m_FreeEffectIDs и m_HighestFreeEffectID.
Используется в EffectRegister().
Initialize the containers.
Перекрестные ссылки Event_OnFrameUpdate, m_EffectsMap, m_FreeEffectIDs, m_IsInitialized и m_ParamsMap.
Используется в CGame::CGame().
Checks whether an Effect ID is registered in SEffectManager.
effect_id | int The Effect ID to check |
Whether there is an Effect registered for this ID Перекрестные ссылки m_EffectsMap и m_IsCleanup.
Используется в CreateCarDestroyedEffect(), EOnPostSimulate() и ManBase::SetDecayEffects().
Перекрестные ссылки m_EffectersMap.
Используется в CGame::OnUpdate().
Play an Effect.
eff | Effect The Effect to play |
pos | vector The position to play the Effect |
The registered ID of the Effect Перекрестные ссылки EffectRegister().
Используется в Hit_MeatBones::BloodSplatGround(), CreateParticle(), ImpactMaterials::EvaluateImpactEffect(), ManBase::OnParticleEvent(), ParticleEffecter::OnVariablesSynchronized(), OnVariablesSynchronized(), AmmoEffects::PlayAmmoEffect(), BleedingSourcesManagerBase::SetDiag(), DayZIntroSceneXbox::SetupParticles() и Explosion::SpawnEffect().
inlinestaticprotected |
Play an Effect.
eff | Effect The Effect to play |
obj | Object The parent of the Effect |
local_pos | vector The local position to play the Effect in relation to the parent (Optional) |
local_ori | vector The local orientation to play the Effect in relation to the parent (Optional) |
force_rotation_relative_to_world | bool Whether to force the orientation to stay in WS (Optional) |
The registered ID of the Effect Перекрестные ссылки EffectRegister() и ErrorEx.
Используется в CreateCarDestroyedEffect(), EOnPostSimulate(), ManBase::SetDecayEffects() и ItemBase::StartLoopSound().
inlinestaticprotected |
Create and play an EffectSound.
sound_set | string The sound set name of the sound |
position | vector The position to play the sound |
play_fade_in | float The fade in duration of the sound (Optional) |
stop_fade_out | float The fade out duration of the sound (Optional) |
loop | bool Whether the sound should loop (Optional) |
The created EffectSound Перекрестные ссылки CreateSound().
Используется в CGame::DelayedMidAirDetonation(), House::EEInit(), ItemBase::EEItemAttached(), ItemBase::EEItemDetached(), HandleDoorsSound(), HandleEngineSound(), BoatScript::HandleEngineSound(), HandleSeatAdjustmentSound(), CarScript::OnAnimationPhaseStarted(), Weapon::OnFireModeChange(), InventoryItem::OnRPC(), CGame::OnRPC(), OnSteppedOn(), InventoryItemSuper::OnWasAttached(), InventoryItemSuper::OnWasDetached(), SpookyEventBase::Perform(), ActionBuildShelter::PlayActionFinishSound(), ActionBuildShelter::PlayActionLoopSound(), ActionBuildShelter::PlayActionStartSound(), InventoryItem::PlayAttachSound(), InventoryItem::PlayDeployFinishSound(), InventoryItem::PlayDeployLoopSoundEx(), InventoryItem::PlayDeploySound(), PlayDisarmingLoopSound(), InventoryItem::PlayPlaceSound(), PlayRepackingLoopSound(), Backpack_Base::PlayRepackingLoopSound(), PlaySoundActivate(), TrapBase::PlaySoundBiteEmpty(), TrapBase::PlaySoundBiteLeg(), TrapBase::PlaySoundOpen(), Barrel_ColorBase::SoundBarrelClosePlay(), FireplaceBase::SoundBarrelClosePlay(), Barrel_ColorBase::SoundBarrelOpenPlay(), FireplaceBase::SoundBarrelOpenPlay(), Edible_Base::SoundCookingStart(), Entity::SoundHardBushFallingPlay(), Entity::SoundHardTreeFallingPlay(), Entity::SoundSoftBushFallingPlay(), Entity::SoundSoftTreeFallingPlay(), ItemBase::SoundTentClosePlay(), ItemBase::SoundTentCloseWindowPlay(), ItemBase::SoundTentOpenPlay(), ItemBase::SoundTentOpenWindowPlay(), StartActivate() и GeyserTrigger::UpdateGeyserState().
inlinestaticprotected |
Create and play an EffectSound, using or creating cached SoundParams.
sound_set | string The sound set name of the sound |
position | vector The position to play the sound |
play_fade_in | float The fade in duration of the sound (Optional) |
stop_fade_out | float The fade out duration of the sound (Optional) |
loop | bool Whether the sound should loop (Optional) |
The created EffectSound Перекрестные ссылки CreateSound() и GetCachedSoundParam().
Используется в Land_WarheadStorage_PowerStation::OnVariablesSynchronized(), BoatScript::PlaySound() и PlaySoundEx().
inlinestaticprotected |
Create and play an EffectSound, updating environment variables.
sound_set | string The sound set name of the sound |
position | vector The position to play the sound |
play_fade_in | float The fade in duration of the sound (Optional) |
stop_fade_out | float The fade out duration of the sound (Optional) |
loop | bool Whether the sound should loop (Optional) |
The created EffectSound Перекрестные ссылки CreateSound().
Используется в ScriptConsoleSoundsTab::HandleKeys(), ScriptConsoleSoundsTab::OnClick(), ItemBase::PlayCatchSound() и IEntity::PlaySoundSetAtMemoryPoint().
inlinestaticprotected |
Create and play an EffectSound.
sound_set | string The sound set name of the sound |
parent_object | Object The parent Object for the sound to follow |
play_fade_in | float The fade in duration of the sound (Optional) |
stop_fade_out | float The fade out duration of the sound (Optional) |
loop | bool Whether the sound should loop (Optional) |
The created EffectSound Перекрестные ссылки CreateSound() и vector::Zero.
Используется в ItemBase::DischargeClient(), ManBase::EEHitByRemote(), ManBase::OnBleedingSourceAdded(), ItemBase::OnIsCharged(), ManBase::OnPlayerRecievedHit(), ItemBase::OnWorkStart(), PlayEmptyingLoopSound(), PlayPouringLoopSound(), PlaySound(), IEntity::PlaySoundSet() и StopEmptyingLoopSound().
inlinestaticprotected |
Create and play an EffectSound.
params | SoundParams Params to create the sound with |
position | vector The position to play the sound |
play_fade_in | float The fade in duration of the sound (Optional) |
stop_fade_out | float The fade out duration of the sound (Optional) |
loop | bool Whether the sound should loop (Optional) |
The created EffectSound Перекрестные ссылки CreateSound().
Перекрестные ссылки m_EffectersMap.
Используется в ItemBase::PlayCatchParticleSynced() и ActionFishingNew::PlaySplashEffectSynced().
inlinestaticprotected |
allows re-initializing existing effecter with new parameters (extept m_EffecterType, obviously)
Перекрестные ссылки m_EffectersMap.
Используется в ItemBase::PlayCatchParticleSynced() и ActionFishingNew::PlaySplashEffectSynced().
Перекрестные ссылки m_EffectersMap.
Stops the Effect.
effect_id | int The ID of the Effect to Stop |
Перекрестные ссылки ErrorEx и m_EffectsMap.
Используется в EOnPostSimulate().
Перекрестные ссылки m_EffectersMap.
staticprotected |
Static invoker for the SEffectManager.Event_OnFrameUpdate called form MissionGameplay.OnUpdate.
Используется в Cleanup(), Event_OnFrameUpdate(), Init(), MissionBase::OnUpdate() и SetEnableEventFrame().
As the counter starts at 1, Effect ID can never be 0.
Используется в Event_OnUnregistered().
staticprotected |
Static map of all registered effects <id, Effect>
Используется в Cleanup(), EffectRegister(), EffectUnregister(), GetEffectByID(), Init(), IsEffectExist() и Stop().
Static array of IDs that were previously used, but freed up by unregistering Effecters.
Используется в GetFreeEffecterID() и InitServer().
Static array of IDs that were previously used, but freed up by unregistering.
Используется в EffectUnregister(), GetFreeEffectID() и Init().
staticprotected |
Используется в GetFreeEffecterID().
staticprotected |
Counter for quickly getting the next ID if FreeEffectIDs array is empty.
Используется в Cleanup() и GetFreeEffectID().
staticprotected |
Bool to check whether Cleanup is happening, which means that the maps should no longer be accessed.
Используется в Cleanup(), EffectRegister(), EffectUnregister(), GetEffectByID() и IsEffectExist().
staticprotected |
staticprotected |
Static map of cached sound params, to prevent having to recreate them.
Используется в Cleanup(), GetCachedSoundParam() и Init().