static proto vector | ClipLine (vector start, vector end, vector norm, float d) |
static proto float | IntersectRaySphere (vector raybase, vector raycos, vector center, float radius) |
| Tests whether ray is intersecting sphere.
static proto float | IntersectRayBox (vector start, vector end, vector mins, vector maxs) |
| Tests whether ray is intersecting axis aligned box.
static proto bool | IntersectSphereBox (vector origin, float radius, vector mins, vector maxs) |
| Tests whether sphere is intersecting axis aligned box.
static proto bool | IntersectSphereCone (vector origin, float radius, vector conepos, vector axis, float angle) |
| Tests whether sphere is intersecting cone.
static proto bool | IntersectWholeSphereCone (vector origin, float radius, vector conepos, vector axis, float angle) |
| Tests whether sphere is fully inside cone.
static proto bool | IntersectCylinderOBB (vector mins, vector maxs, vector obbMat[4], vector cylMat[4], float cylinderRadius, float cylinderHeight) |
| Tests whether cylinder is intersecting oriented box.
static proto bool | IntersectRayCylinder (vector rayStart, vector rayEnd, vector center, float radius, float height) |
| Tests whether ray is intersecting cylinder.
static proto int | IntersectRayPlane (vector rayStart, vector rayEnd, vector planeNormal, float planeDist, out vector intersection) |
| Tests whether ray is intersecting plane.
static proto void | YawPitchRollMatrix (vector ang, out vector mat[3]) |
| Creates rotation matrix from angles.
static proto void | DirectionAndUpMatrix (vector dir, vector up, out vector mat[4]) |
| Creates rotation matrix from direction and up vector.
static proto void | MatrixMultiply4 (vector mat0[4], vector mat1[4], out vector res[4]) |
| Transforms matrix.
static proto void | MatrixMultiply3 (vector mat0[3], vector mat1[3], out vector res[3]) |
| Transforms rotation matrix.
static proto void | MatrixInvMultiply4 (vector mat0[4], vector mat1[4], out vector res[4]) |
| Invert-transforms matrix.
static proto void | MatrixInvMultiply3 (vector mat0[3], vector mat1[3], out vector res[3]) |
| Invert-transforms rotation matrix.
static proto void | MatrixInverse4 (vector mat[4]) |
| Inverses a matrix.
static proto void | MatrixInverse3 (vector mat[3]) |
| Inverses a matrix.
static proto void | MatrixOrthogonalize4 (vector mat[4]) |
| Orthogonalizes matrix.
static proto void | MatrixOrthogonalize3 (vector mat[3]) |
| Orthogonalizes matrix.
static void | MatrixIdentity4 (out vector mat[4]) |
| Creates identity matrix.
static void | MatrixIdentity3 (out vector mat[3]) |
| Creates identity matrix.
static void | ScaleMatrix (float scale, out vector mat[3]) |
| Creates scale matrix.
static void | QuatIdentity (out float q[4]) |
| Creates identity quaternion.
static void | QuatCopy (float s[4], out float d[4]) |
| Copies quaternion.
static proto void | MatrixToQuat (vector mat[3], out float d[4]) |
| Converts rotation matrix to quaternion.
static proto void | QuatToMatrix (float q[4], out vector mat[3]) |
| Converts quaternion to rotation matrix.
static proto vector | MatrixToAngles (vector mat[3]) |
| Returns angles of rotation matrix.
static proto void | QuatLerp (out float qout[4], float q1[4], float q2[4], float frac) |
| Linear interpolation between q1 and q2 with weight 'frac' (0...1)
static proto void | QuatMultiply (out float qout[4], float q1[4], float q2[4]) |
| Multiplies quaternions.
static proto vector | QuatToAngles (float q[4]) |
| Returns Angles vector from quaternion.
static proto int | CheckBoundBox (vector mins1, vector maxs1, vector mins2, vector maxs2) |
| Returns 1, when bounding boxes intersects.
static vector | GetRandomDir () |
| Returns randon normalized direction.
static proto native vector | Curve (ECurveType type, float param, notnull array< vector > points) |
| Computes curve.
static proto vector | NearestPoint (vector beg, vector end, vector pos) |
| Point on line beg .. end nearest to pos.
static proto float | AngleFromPosition (vector origin, vector originDir, vector target) |
| Angle that a target is from the direction of an origin.
static proto void | ConePoints (vector origin, float length, float halfAngle, float angleOffset, out vector leftPoint, out vector rightPoint) |
| Calculates the points of a right 2D cone in 3D space.