proto native void | SetNextChannel () |
proto native void | SetPrevChannel () |
proto native float | GetTunedFrequency () |
proto native void | EnableBroadcast (bool state) |
proto native void | EnableReceive (bool state) |
proto native bool | IsBroadcasting () |
proto native bool | IsReceiving () |
proto native int | GetTunedFrequencyIndex () |
proto native void | SetFrequencyByIndex (int index) |
proto native bool | CanSpeak () |
proto native void | SetCanSpeak (bool onOff) |
bool | IsTurnedOn () |
override void | OnInventoryEnter (Man player) |
override void | OnInventoryExit (Man player) |
override void | OnWasAttached (EntityAI parent, int slot_id) |
override void | OnWasDetached (EntityAI parent, int slot_id) |
override void | OnInventoryEnter (Man player) |
override void | OnInventoryExit (Man player) |
override void | OnWasAttached (EntityAI parent, int slot_id) |
override void | OnWasDetached (EntityAI parent, int slot_id) |
override bool | CanDetachAttachment (EntityAI parent) |
override int | GetMeleeTargetType () |
override void | EEHealthLevelChanged (int oldLevel, int newLevel, string zone) |
override bool | DisplayNameRuinAttach () |
override bool | ShowZonesHealth () |
override void | SetActions () |
override bool | DisplayNameRuinAttach () |
override bool | ShowZonesHealth () |
override void | EEKilled (Object killer) |
override void | SetActions () |
override void | SetActions () |
proto native bool | SetPinned () |
| sets grenade to state GR_PINNED (if the state transition is possible)
proto native bool | SetUnpinned () |
| sets grenade to state GR_UNPINNED (if the state transition is possible)
proto native bool | SetIgnited () |
| sets grenade to state GR_TRIGGERED (if the state transition is possible)
proto native bool | IsPinned () |
proto native bool | IsActivated () |
override bool | IsWeapon () |
proto native void | Synchronize () |
| Force synchronizes the weapon state from Server to Client. Use with caution.
proto native int | GetMuzzleCount () |
proto native int | GetSlotFromMuzzleIndex (int muzzleIndex) |
| conversion muzzleIndex -> slotId
proto native int | GetCurrentMuzzle () |
proto native void | SetCurrentMuzzle (int muzzleIndex) |
| sets index of active muzzle
proto native int | GetMuzzleModeCount (int muzzleIndex) |
proto native void | SetMuzzleMode (int muzzleIndex, int modeIndex) |
proto native void | SetNextMuzzleMode (int muzzleIndex) |
proto native int | GetCurrentModeBurstSize (int muzzleIndex) |
proto native bool | GetCurrentModeAutoFire (int muzzleIndex) |
proto native int | GetCurrentMode (int muzzleIndex) |
proto native void | SetCurrentMode (int muzzleIndex, int mode) |
proto native owned string | GetCurrentModeName (int muzzleIndex) |
proto native bool | CanFire (int muzzleIndex) |
| query whether the weapon can be fired or not
proto native bool | Fire (int muzzleIndex, vector pos, vector dir, vector speed) |
proto native bool | DryFire (int muzzleIndex) |
proto native bool | DryDryFire (int muzzleIndex) |
proto native bool | EjectCasing (int muzzleIndex) |
| ejects casing from chamber
proto native bool | CreateRound (int muzzleIndex) |
proto native bool | IsChamberEmpty (int muzzleIndex) |
| detects empty chamber
proto native bool | IsChamberFiredOut (int muzzleIndex) |
| detects presence of fired out casing in chamber
proto native bool | IsChamberJammed (int muzzleIndex) |
| detects presence of damaged cartridge in chamber
proto native bool | IsChamberEjectable (int muzzleIndex) |
| detects presence of ejectable cartridge in muzzle's chamber
proto native bool | IsChamberFull (int muzzleIndex) |
| maximum number of cartridges in chamber
bool | IsChamberFullEx (int muzzleIndex) |
proto native bool | HasInternalMagazine (int muzzleIndex) |
proto native int | GetInternalMagazineCartridgeCount (int muzzleIndex) |
proto native int | GetInternalMagazineMaxCartridgeCount (int muzzleIndex) |
bool | IsInternalMagazineFull (int muzzleIndex) |
| maximum number of cartridges in internal magazine
proto native int | GetTotalCartridgeCount (int muzzleIndex) |
proto native int | GetTotalMaxCartridgeCount (int muzzleIndex) |
proto native owned string | GetRandomChamberableAmmoTypeName (int muzzleIndex) |
proto native owned string | GetChamberAmmoTypeName (int muzzleIndex) |
proto bool | GetCartridgeInfo (int muzzleIndex, out float ammoDamage, out string ammoTypeName) |
| get info about the cartridge in the chamber of a muzzle
proto bool | GetInternalMagazineCartridgeInfo (int muzzleIndex, int cartridgeIndex, out float ammoDamage, out string ammoTypeName) |
| get info about the cartridge in the internal magazine of a muzzle
proto bool | PopCartridgeFromChamber (int muzzleIndex, out float ammoDamage, out string ammoTypeName) |
| removes cartridge from chamber
proto native bool | PushCartridgeToChamber (int muzzleIndex, float ammoDamage, string ammoTypeName) |
| push cartridge to chamber
proto native void | EffectBulletShow (int muzzleIndex, float dmg, string type) |
| push effect cartridge to Weapon
proto native void | EffectBulletHide (int muzzleIndex) |
| reset effect cartridge in weapon
proto native void | SetGroundAnimFrameIndex (int groundAnimFrameIndex) |
| sets animation frame for ground state when animation is specified in config
proto bool | PopCartridgeFromInternalMagazine (int muzzleIndex, out float ammoDamage, out string ammoTypeName) |
| removes top-most cartridge from internal magazine
proto native bool | PushCartridgeToInternalMagazine (int muzzleIndex, float ammoDamage, string ammoTypeName) |
| push cartridge into internal magazine
proto native bool | CanAttachMagazine (int muzzleIndex, Magazine mag) |
| query if a magazine can be attached to weapon
proto native bool | TestAttachMagazine (int muzzleIndex, Magazine mag, bool do_occupancy_test, bool do_script_check) |
| query if a magazine can be attached to weapon
proto native bool | AttachMagazine (int muzzleIndex, Magazine mag) |
| perform attachment of a magazine to weapon
proto native Magazine | GetMagazine (int muzzleIndex) |
proto native float | GetReloadTime (int muzzleIndex) |
| defines time from one shot to another
proto native bool | CanChamberFromMag (int muzzleIndex, Magazine mag) |
| query if a bullet from magazine can be loaded into chamber
proto native owned string | GetChamberedCartridgeMagazineTypeName (int muzzleIndex) |
| query the type of magazine the cartridge can be unloaded to
proto native owned string | GetRandomMagazineTypeName (int muzzleIndex) |
proto native owned string | GetMaxMagazineTypeName (int muzzleIndex) |
proto native int | GetMagazineTypeCount (int muzzleIndex) |
proto native bool | EnterOptics () |
| switches to optics mode if possible
proto native bool | IsInOptics () |
| is weapon in optics mode or not
proto native bool | ExitOptics () |
| switches out of optics mode (if possible)
proto native float | GetZoom () |
| returns current percentage of zoom
proto native bool | SetZoom (float percent) |
| sets current zoom (in %)
proto native bool | ZoomIn () |
| moves current zoom by 1% up
proto native bool | ZoomOut () |
| moves current zoom by 1% down
proto native int | GetStepZoom () |
| returns position of currently used value in zoom config array
proto native bool | SetStepZoom (int step) |
| sets zoom to fov value defined at given position in zoom fov config array
proto native bool | StepZoomIn () |
| sets zoom to next defined (respective to current) value in zoom fov config array
proto native bool | StepZoomOut () |
| sets zoom to previous (respective to current) defined value in zoom fov config array
proto native int | GetStepZeroing (int muzzleIndex=0) |
| returns position of currently used value in zeroing config array
proto native bool | SetStepZeroing (int muzzleIndex, int step) |
proto native bool | StepZeroingUp (int muzzleIndex=0) |
| sets zeroing to next defined (respective to current) value in zeroing config array
proto native bool | StepZeroingDown (int muzzleIndex=0) |
| sets zeroing to previous (respective to current) defined value in zeroing config array
proto native float | GetCurrentZeroing (int muzzleIndex=0) |
| returns currently used value of zeroing in config array of weapon or attached optics
proto native float | GetZeroingClamp (int muzzleIndex=0) |
| returns maximum allowed discrete distance for the muzzle. Limits attached optics zeroing only! '0' if unclamped
proto native bool | FlashlightOn () |
| attempt to turn on flashlight
proto native bool | FlashlightOff () |
| attempt to turn off flashlight
proto native bool | IsFlashlightOn () |
| query state of flashlight
proto native UnderSlugLauncher | GetAttachedLauncher () |
proto native ItemOptics | GetAttachedOptics () |
proto native ItemSuppressor | GetAttachedSuppressor () |
proto native void | GetCameraPoint (int muzzleIndex, out vector pos, out vector dir) |
| gets camera position & direction in model space of weapon entity
proto native float | GetZoomInit (int muzzleIndex) |
| gets FOV value, when entering optics
proto native float | GetZoomMin (int muzzleIndex) |
| gets FOV minimum
proto native float | GetZoomMax (int muzzleIndex) |
| gets FOV maximum
proto native float | GetZeroingDistanceZoomMin (int muzzleIndex) |
| Gets Zeroing distance at opticsZoomMin.
proto native float | GetZeroingDistanceZoomMax (int muzzleIndex) |
| Gets Zeroing distance at opticsZoomMax.
proto native void | SelectionBulletShow () |
proto native void | SelectionBulletHide () |
proto native void | SelectionMagazineShow () |
proto native void | SelectionMagazineHide () |
void | StepZeroingUpAllMuzzles () |
void | StepZeroingDownAllMuzzles () |
override event bool | OnUseFromInventory (Man owner) |
override bool | HasFlammableMaterial () |
override bool | CanBeIgnitedBy (EntityAI igniter=NULL) |
override bool | CanIgniteItem (EntityAI ignite_target=NULL) |
override void | OnIgnitedTarget (EntityAI target_item) |
override void | OnIgnitedThis (EntityAI fire_source) |
override bool | IsThisIgnitionSuccessful (EntityAI item_source=NULL) |