DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
Не найдено
Класс InventoryItemSuper

Защищенные члены

proto native float GetRadius ()
 Returns current wheel radius.
proto native float GetWidth ()
 Returns wheel width.
override bool DisplayNameRuinAttach ()
override bool ShowZonesHealth ()
override void EEHealthLevelChanged (int oldLevel, int newLevel, string zone)
override int GetMeleeTargetType ()
override void SetActions ()
override void OnWasAttached (EntityAI parent, int slot_id)
override void OnWasDetached (EntityAI parent, int slot_id)
void ItemMap ()
void InitMapState ()
override void OnItemLocationChanged (EntityAI old_owner, EntityAI new_owner)
void SetMapStateOpen (bool state, PlayerBase player)
 displays open/closed selections; 1 == opened
bool GetMapStateAnimation ()
void SyncMapMarkers ()
override void OnRPC (PlayerIdentity sender, int rpc_type, ParamsReadContext ctx)
override bool OnStoreLoad (ParamsReadContext ctx, int version)
override void OnStoreSave (ParamsWriteContext ctx)
override bool NameOverride (out string output)
override bool DescriptionOverride (out string output)
void InsertMarker (vector pos, string text, int color, int idx)
array< ref MapMarkerGetMarkerArray ()

Защищенные данные

string m_AttachSound = "Offroad_Wheel_Attach_SoundSet"
string m_DetachSound = "Offroad_Wheel_Remove_SoundSet"
ref array< ref MapMarkerm_MapMarkerArray
string m_TextureClosed
string m_TextureOpened
string m_TextureLegend
string m_DisplayName
string m_Description

Закрытые члены

proto native void SetNextChannel ()
proto native void SetPrevChannel ()
proto native float GetTunedFrequency ()
proto native void EnableBroadcast (bool state)
proto native void EnableReceive (bool state)
proto native bool IsBroadcasting ()
proto native bool IsReceiving ()
proto native int GetTunedFrequencyIndex ()
proto native void SetFrequencyByIndex (int index)
proto native bool CanSpeak ()
proto native void SetCanSpeak (bool onOff)
bool IsTurnedOn ()
override void OnInventoryEnter (Man player)
override void OnInventoryExit (Man player)
override void OnWasAttached (EntityAI parent, int slot_id)
override void OnWasDetached (EntityAI parent, int slot_id)
override void OnInventoryEnter (Man player)
override void OnInventoryExit (Man player)
override void OnWasAttached (EntityAI parent, int slot_id)
override void OnWasDetached (EntityAI parent, int slot_id)
override bool CanDetachAttachment (EntityAI parent)
override int GetMeleeTargetType ()
override void EEHealthLevelChanged (int oldLevel, int newLevel, string zone)
override bool DisplayNameRuinAttach ()
override bool ShowZonesHealth ()
override void SetActions ()
override bool DisplayNameRuinAttach ()
override bool ShowZonesHealth ()
override void EEKilled (Object killer)
override void SetActions ()
override void SetActions ()
proto native bool SetPinned ()
 sets grenade to state GR_PINNED (if the state transition is possible)
proto native bool SetUnpinned ()
 sets grenade to state GR_UNPINNED (if the state transition is possible)
proto native bool SetIgnited ()
 sets grenade to state GR_TRIGGERED (if the state transition is possible)
proto native bool IsPinned ()
proto native bool IsActivated ()
override bool IsWeapon ()
proto native void Synchronize ()
 Force synchronizes the weapon state from Server to Client. Use with caution.
proto native int GetMuzzleCount ()
proto native int GetSlotFromMuzzleIndex (int muzzleIndex)
 conversion muzzleIndex -> slotId
proto native int GetCurrentMuzzle ()
proto native void SetCurrentMuzzle (int muzzleIndex)
 sets index of active muzzle
proto native int GetMuzzleModeCount (int muzzleIndex)
proto native void SetMuzzleMode (int muzzleIndex, int modeIndex)
proto native void SetNextMuzzleMode (int muzzleIndex)
proto native int GetCurrentModeBurstSize (int muzzleIndex)
proto native bool GetCurrentModeAutoFire (int muzzleIndex)
proto native int GetCurrentMode (int muzzleIndex)
proto native void SetCurrentMode (int muzzleIndex, int mode)
proto native owned string GetCurrentModeName (int muzzleIndex)
proto native bool CanFire (int muzzleIndex)
 query whether the weapon can be fired or not
proto native bool Fire (int muzzleIndex, vector pos, vector dir, vector speed)
proto native bool DryFire (int muzzleIndex)
proto native bool DryDryFire (int muzzleIndex)
proto native bool EjectCasing (int muzzleIndex)
 ejects casing from chamber
proto native bool CreateRound (int muzzleIndex)
proto native bool IsChamberEmpty (int muzzleIndex)
 detects empty chamber
proto native bool IsChamberFiredOut (int muzzleIndex)
 detects presence of fired out casing in chamber
proto native bool IsChamberJammed (int muzzleIndex)
 detects presence of damaged cartridge in chamber
proto native bool IsChamberEjectable (int muzzleIndex)
 detects presence of ejectable cartridge in muzzle's chamber
proto native bool IsChamberFull (int muzzleIndex)
 maximum number of cartridges in chamber
bool IsChamberFullEx (int muzzleIndex)
proto native bool HasInternalMagazine (int muzzleIndex)
proto native int GetInternalMagazineCartridgeCount (int muzzleIndex)
proto native int GetInternalMagazineMaxCartridgeCount (int muzzleIndex)
bool IsInternalMagazineFull (int muzzleIndex)
 maximum number of cartridges in internal magazine
proto native int GetTotalCartridgeCount (int muzzleIndex)
proto native int GetTotalMaxCartridgeCount (int muzzleIndex)
proto native owned string GetRandomChamberableAmmoTypeName (int muzzleIndex)
proto native owned string GetChamberAmmoTypeName (int muzzleIndex)
proto bool GetCartridgeInfo (int muzzleIndex, out float ammoDamage, out string ammoTypeName)
 get info about the cartridge in the chamber of a muzzle
proto bool GetInternalMagazineCartridgeInfo (int muzzleIndex, int cartridgeIndex, out float ammoDamage, out string ammoTypeName)
 get info about the cartridge in the internal magazine of a muzzle
proto bool PopCartridgeFromChamber (int muzzleIndex, out float ammoDamage, out string ammoTypeName)
 removes cartridge from chamber
proto native bool PushCartridgeToChamber (int muzzleIndex, float ammoDamage, string ammoTypeName)
 push cartridge to chamber
proto native void EffectBulletShow (int muzzleIndex, float dmg, string type)
 push effect cartridge to Weapon
proto native void EffectBulletHide (int muzzleIndex)
 reset effect cartridge in weapon
proto native void SetGroundAnimFrameIndex (int groundAnimFrameIndex)
 sets animation frame for ground state when animation is specified in config
proto bool PopCartridgeFromInternalMagazine (int muzzleIndex, out float ammoDamage, out string ammoTypeName)
 removes top-most cartridge from internal magazine
proto native bool PushCartridgeToInternalMagazine (int muzzleIndex, float ammoDamage, string ammoTypeName)
 push cartridge into internal magazine
proto native bool CanAttachMagazine (int muzzleIndex, Magazine mag)
 query if a magazine can be attached to weapon
proto native bool TestAttachMagazine (int muzzleIndex, Magazine mag, bool do_occupancy_test, bool do_script_check)
 query if a magazine can be attached to weapon
proto native bool AttachMagazine (int muzzleIndex, Magazine mag)
 perform attachment of a magazine to weapon
proto native Magazine GetMagazine (int muzzleIndex)
proto native float GetReloadTime (int muzzleIndex)
 defines time from one shot to another
proto native bool CanChamberFromMag (int muzzleIndex, Magazine mag)
 query if a bullet from magazine can be loaded into chamber
proto native owned string GetChamberedCartridgeMagazineTypeName (int muzzleIndex)
 query the type of magazine the cartridge can be unloaded to
proto native owned string GetRandomMagazineTypeName (int muzzleIndex)
proto native owned string GetMaxMagazineTypeName (int muzzleIndex)
proto native int GetMagazineTypeCount (int muzzleIndex)
proto native bool EnterOptics ()
 switches to optics mode if possible
proto native bool IsInOptics ()
 is weapon in optics mode or not
proto native bool ExitOptics ()
 switches out of optics mode (if possible)
proto native float GetZoom ()
 returns current percentage of zoom
proto native bool SetZoom (float percent)
 sets current zoom (in %)
proto native bool ZoomIn ()
 moves current zoom by 1% up
proto native bool ZoomOut ()
 moves current zoom by 1% down
proto native int GetStepZoom ()
 returns position of currently used value in zoom config array
proto native bool SetStepZoom (int step)
 sets zoom to fov value defined at given position in zoom fov config array
proto native bool StepZoomIn ()
 sets zoom to next defined (respective to current) value in zoom fov config array
proto native bool StepZoomOut ()
 sets zoom to previous (respective to current) defined value in zoom fov config array
proto native int GetStepZeroing (int muzzleIndex=0)
 returns position of currently used value in zeroing config array
proto native bool SetStepZeroing (int muzzleIndex, int step)
proto native bool StepZeroingUp (int muzzleIndex=0)
 sets zeroing to next defined (respective to current) value in zeroing config array
proto native bool StepZeroingDown (int muzzleIndex=0)
 sets zeroing to previous (respective to current) defined value in zeroing config array
proto native float GetCurrentZeroing (int muzzleIndex=0)
 returns currently used value of zeroing in config array of weapon or attached optics
proto native float GetZeroingClamp (int muzzleIndex=0)
 returns maximum allowed discrete distance for the muzzle. Limits attached optics zeroing only! '0' if unclamped
proto native bool FlashlightOn ()
 attempt to turn on flashlight
proto native bool FlashlightOff ()
 attempt to turn off flashlight
proto native bool IsFlashlightOn ()
 query state of flashlight
proto native UnderSlugLauncher GetAttachedLauncher ()
proto native ItemOptics GetAttachedOptics ()
proto native ItemSuppressor GetAttachedSuppressor ()
proto native void GetCameraPoint (int muzzleIndex, out vector pos, out vector dir)
 gets camera position & direction in model space of weapon entity
proto native float GetZoomInit (int muzzleIndex)
 gets FOV value, when entering optics
proto native float GetZoomMin (int muzzleIndex)
 gets FOV minimum
proto native float GetZoomMax (int muzzleIndex)
 gets FOV maximum
proto native float GetZeroingDistanceZoomMin (int muzzleIndex)
 Gets Zeroing distance at opticsZoomMin.
proto native float GetZeroingDistanceZoomMax (int muzzleIndex)
 Gets Zeroing distance at opticsZoomMax.
proto native void SelectionBulletShow ()
proto native void SelectionBulletHide ()
proto native void SelectionMagazineShow ()
proto native void SelectionMagazineHide ()
void StepZeroingUpAllMuzzles ()
void StepZeroingDownAllMuzzles ()
override event bool OnUseFromInventory (Man owner)
override bool HasFlammableMaterial ()
override bool CanBeIgnitedBy (EntityAI igniter=NULL)
override bool CanIgniteItem (EntityAI ignite_target=NULL)
override void OnIgnitedTarget (EntityAI target_item)
override void OnIgnitedThis (EntityAI fire_source)
override bool IsThisIgnitionSuccessful (EntityAI item_source=NULL)

Подробное описание

См. определение в файле InventoryItem.c строка 3