DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
Не найдено
Класс array< ref TSelectableActionInfo >

Защищенные члены

void KeybindingsContainer (int index, Input input, Widget parent, KeybindingsMenu menu)
string GetLayoutName ()
void OnSelectKBPreset (int index)
void ReloadElements ()
void AddSubgroup (int sort_index, Widget parent, Input input)
void CreateSubgroups (Widget parent, Input input)
void AddElement (int index, Widget parent, Input input)
bool IsEnteringKeyBind ()
void ClearKeybind (int key_index)
void ClearAlternativeKeybind (int key_index)
void StartEnteringKeybind (int key_index)
void CancelEnteringKeybind ()
void StartEnteringAlternateKeybind (int key_index)
void CancelEnteringAlternateKeybind ()
bool IsChanged ()
 is anything changed?
void Apply ()
void Reset (bool forced=false)
void Update (float timeslice)
void SwitchSubgroup (int index)

Защищенные данные

const int NO_SORTING
Widget m_Root
KeybindingsMenu m_Menu
ScrollWidget m_Scroll
ref map< int, ref ElementArray > m_KeyWidgetElements
int m_CurrentSettingKeyIndex
int m_CurrentSettingAlternateKeyIndex
ref array< Widgetm_Subgroups

Закрытые члены

bool IsSameAs (TSelectableActionInfoArray other)
void ParticleProperties (vector localPos, int flags, Object parent=null, vector localOri=vector.Zero, Class owner=null)
 Constructor (ctor)
void ~ParticleProperties ()
void TFCaller (Class instance, string test, TFResult result)
TFResult Run (float dt)
string GetTest ()
string GetTestEx ()
Data access

Methods to retrieve the data in script

proto Object GetParent ()
proto Class GetOwner ()
proto vector GetLocalPos ()
proto vector GetLocalOri ()
proto int GetPPFlags ()
proto bool IsPlayOnCreation ()
proto bool IsForceWorldRotation ()
proto bool IsKeepParentOnEnd ()

Закрытые данные

Object obj
 Object inside of box.
Object parent
 Parent of proxy object.
int hierLevel
 How deep in the proxy hierarchy are we.
int geomLevel
 What geometry was the object found in (will either be primaryType or secondaryType)
ref ComponentInfoArray componentInfo
 Either the first component found or all of them depending on "fullComponentInfo".
ref ProxyInfoArray proxyInfo
 Either the first proxy found or all of them depending on "fullComponentInfo".
Class m_Instance
string m_Test
ref TFResult m_Result

Подробное описание

См. определение в файле ActionManagerBase.c строка 1