DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
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Класс HumanInventoryWithFSM

HumanInventory... with FSM (synchronous, no anims) Подробнее...

+ Граф наследования:HumanInventoryWithFSM:

Защищенные члены

void HumanInventoryWithFSM ()
void CreateStableStates ()
override void Init ()
bool CanProcessHandEvents ()
override bool ProcessHandEvent (HandEventBase e)
 hand's fsm handling of events @NOTE: warning: ProcessHandEvent can be called only within DayZPlayer::HandleInventory (or CommandHandler)
bool ProcessHandAbortEvent (HandEventBase e)
void CheckFSMState ()
override bool OnStoreLoad (ParamsReadContext ctx, int version)
override void OnStoreSave (ParamsWriteContext ctx)
int GetCurrentStateID ()
bool IsIdle ()
void NetSyncCurrentStateID (int id)
 Engine callback - network synchronization of FSM's state. not intended to direct use.

Защищенные данные

ref HandFSM m_FSM
ref HandStateBase m_Empty
 hand slot state machine
ref HandStateBase m_Equipped

Дополнительные унаследованные члены

- Закрытые члены унаследованные от HumanInventory
bool ReplaceItemInElsewhereWithNewinHandsImpl (InventoryMode mode, HandEventBase e)
bool ReplaceItemInHandsWithNewImpl (InventoryMode mode, HandEventBase e)
bool ReplaceItemInHandsWithNew (InventoryMode mode, ReplaceItemWithNewLambdaBase lambda)
bool ReplaceItemInHandsWithNewElsewhere (InventoryMode mode, ReplaceItemWithNewLambdaBase lambda)
bool SwappingToPreviousLocation (EntityAI item1, EntityAI item2, out InventoryLocation dst)
void HandleInventoryManipulation ()
void Update (float delta_time)
bool ValidateUserReservationCancel (inout Serializer ctx, InventoryValidation validation)
bool PostDeferredEventTakeToDst (InventoryMode mode, notnull InventoryLocation src, notnull InventoryLocation dst)
bool PostDeferredForceSwapEntities (InventoryMode mode, notnull EntityAI item1, notnull EntityAI item2, notnull InventoryLocation dst1, notnull InventoryLocation dst2)

Подробное описание

HumanInventory... with FSM (synchronous, no anims)

См. определение в файле HumanInventoryWithFSM.c строка 5