base class for transformation operations (creating one item from another) Подробнее...
Защищенные члены | |
bool | WantCreateNewEntity () |
bool | CanExecuteLambda () |
bool | PrepareLocations () |
Step A. - prepare inventory locations. | |
void | RemoveOldItemFromLocation () |
Step B. - free location for new item @NOTE this operation does not delete the object, only removes it from inventory location. | |
void | UndoRemoveOldItemFromLocation () |
void | RemoveNetworkObjectInfo () |
Step C. - remove network part of the object @NOTE this operation does not delete the object, only removes its network part (and deletes it on client) | |
void | UndoRemoveNetworkObjectInfo () |
EntityAI | CreateNewEntity () |
Step D. - create new entity (LOCAL) with specified type. | |
void | CopyOldPropertiesToNew (notnull EntityAI old_item, EntityAI new_item) |
Step E. copy properties from old object to the created one. | |
void | DeleteOldEntity () |
Step F. - deletes physically old item. | |
void | CreateNetworkObjectInfo (EntityAI new_item) |
Step G. - create NetworkObjectInfo for new item. | |
void | OnSuccess (EntityAI new_item) |
Step H. - notification on finish. | |
void | OnAbort () |
Step Out - notification on abort. | |
void | Execute (HumanInventoryWithFSM fsm_to_notify=null) |
string | DumpToString () |
Защищенные данные | |
ref InventoryLocation | m_OldLocation |
ref InventoryLocation | m_NewLocation |
bool | m_RemoveFromLocationPassed = false |
Закрытые члены | |
void | ReplaceItemWithNewLambdaBase (EntityAI old_item, string new_item_type) |
void | OverrideNewLocation (InventoryLocation newLocation) |
void | VerifyItemTypeBySlotType () |
Закрытые данные | |
EntityAI | m_OldItem |
string | m_NewItemType |
bool | m_RemoveNetworkObjectInfoPassed = false |
base class for transformation operations (creating one item from another)
См. определение в файле ReplaceItemWithNewLambdaBase.c строка 4