DayZ 1.26
DayZ Explorer by KGB
Applies the option value if the value has changed and forgets the old value. This function has no effect on internal options, see OptionsAccess::Test.
Current option controller type. OA_CT_NUMERIC = 0, OA_CT_SWITCH = 1, OA_CT_LIST = 2.
inlineprivate |
Get the events.
If there is any events set, this will return them so that additional functionality can be bound to them Перекрестные ссылки GetScriptEvents().
Используется в OnRevert().
Get the events.
If there is any events set, this will return them Используется в GetEvents().
If the option value is changed and not applied or reverted. Value can already be set internally if the value was changed immediately.
If the option value will take effect only after the game is restarted.
inlineprivate |
Перекрестные ссылки OptionsAccessEvents::Event_OnRevert и GetEvents().
Reverts the option value to old value if the value has changed and wasnt applied. This function has effect on internal options.
If the value is changed internally immediately upon change.
Set the events.
events | Managed The events to set |
Sets the option value internaly if the value has changed and wasnt set immediately upon change.