DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
Не найдено
Класс EffBulletImpactBase
+ Граф наследования:EffBulletImpactBase:

Закрытые члены

void EffBulletImpactBase ()
override void OnCheckUpdate ()
void SetEnterParticle (int id)
void SetExitParticle (int id)
void SetRicochetParticle (int id)
void SetSingleParticle (int id)
void SetAngledEnterValue (float f)
void EvaluateEffect (Object directHit, int componentIndex, vector pos, int impact_type, vector surfNormal, vector exitPos, vector inSpeed, vector outSpeed, string ammoType)
float CalculateStoppingForce (float in_speedf, float out_speedf, string ammoType, float weight)
void OnEnterCalculations (Particle p)
void OnExitCalculations (Particle p, float outSpeedf)
void OnRicochetCalculations (Particle p, float outspeedf)
void OnEnterAngledCalculations (Particle p)
override void Event_OnStarted ()
- Закрытые члены унаследованные от EffectParticle
override EffectType GetEffectType ()
 Get what type of effect the Effect is.
override bool IsParticle ()
 Check whether the Effect is EffectParticle without casting.
void SetParticle (Particle p)
 Sets the main particle which this Effect will manage.
Particle GetParticle ()
 Gets the main particle which this Effect is managing.
override void Start ()
 Plays all elements this effect consists of.
override void Stop ()
 Stops all elements this effect consists of.
void AttachTo (Object obj, vector local_pos="0 0 0", vector local_ori="0 0 0", bool force_rotation_to_world=false)
 Read Particle.AddAsChild.
void ReAttach ()
 Helper method to attach to parent using stored settings.
void AddAsChild (Object obj, vector local_pos, vector local_ori, bool force_rotation_to_world)
 Helper method to attach to parent.
void Event_OnPlayStart ()
 Event which just simply exists (DEPRECATED)
void Event_OnPlayStarted ()
 Event which just simply exists (DEPRECATED)
void SetParticleID (int id)
 Sets the id of the particle to be used.
int GetParticleID ()
 Gets the id of the particle to be used.
void SetCurrentParticleID (int id)
 Sets the id of the particle to be used.
int GetCurrentParticleID ()
 Gets the current id of the managed Particle.
override void SetCurrentParent (Object parent_obj, bool updateCached=true)
 Set current parent of the managed Particle.
override Object GetCurrentParent ()
 Get the current parent of the managed Particle.
override void SetCurrentPosition (vector pos, bool updateCached=true)
 Set the current world position of the managed Particle.
override vector GetCurrentPosition ()
 Get the current world position of the managed Particle.
override void SetCurrentLocalPosition (vector pos, bool updateCached=true)
 Set the current local position of the managed Particle.
override vector GetCurrentLocalPosition ()
 Get the current local position of the managed Particle.
void SetOrientation (vector ori)
 Set orientation of the EffectParticle.
vector GetOrientation ()
 Get the orientation of the EffectParticle.
void SetCurrentOrientation (vector ori, bool updateCached=true)
 Set the current orientation of the managed Particle.
vector GetCurrentOrientation ()
 Get the current orientation of the managed Particle.
void ForceParticleRotationRelativeToWorld (bool state)
 Set orientation setting to be used by the effect when the Effect starts.
bool IsParticleRotationRelativeToWorld ()
 Get the orientation setting to be used by the effect when the Effect starts.
bool IsParticleCurrentRotationRelativeToWorld ()
 Get the current orientation setting to be used by the managed Particle.
void EffectParticle ()
void ~EffectParticle ()
override void InitEffect ()
override string GetDebugName ()
 Override when getting debug information.
override void ValidateStart ()
 Validation whether an effect truly started playing or if the Effect should stop as none is present.
void CheckLifeSpan ()
 Was never called and probably should never be called.
void SetDecalOwner (Object o)

Закрытые данные

Object m_DirectHit
float m_StoppingForce
float m_Weight
int m_ImpactType
int m_ComponentIndex
vector m_Pos
vector m_SurfNormal
vector m_ExitPos
vector m_InSpeed
vector m_OutSpeed
string m_AmmoType
int m_ParticleEnter = -1
int m_ParticleExit = -1
int m_ParticleRicochet = -1
float m_EnterSplashCoef = 0.003
float m_ExitSplashCoef = 0.002
float m_RicochetSplashCoef = 0.002
float m_EnterAngledSplashCoef = 0.01
float m_AngledEnter = 0.40
- Закрытые данные унаследованные от EffectParticle
Particle m_ParticleObj
 The main Particle effect that this Effect wrapper manages.
int m_ParticleID
 The ID in the ParticleList to create Particle from.
vector m_Orientation
 Orientation set by SetOrientation.
bool m_ForceRotationRelativeToWorld
 Orientation setting to be used by the effect when the Effect starts.
vector m_ParticleOrientation
Object m_Object

Закрытые статические данные

static const int SURVIVOR_HEAD = 0
static const int INFECTED_HEAD = 3
static float DEFAULT_PROJECTILE_WEIGHT = 0.015
static vector INVALID = "0 0 0"

Подробное описание

См. определение в файле BulletImpactBase.c строка 1