Deprecated; 'PPEManager' used instead. Подробнее...
Закрытые статические члены | |
static void | Init () |
static void | ResetBlurEffects () |
static void | ResetRadialBlur () |
static void | SetBlurValue (int index, float value) |
static int | RegisterBlurEffect () |
static void | SetRadialBlur (float powerX, float powerY, float offsetX, float offsetY) |
sets blur effect to an absolute value between 0..1 | |
static void | SetBlur (float value) |
sets blur effect to an absolute value between 0..1 | |
static void | UpdateBlur () |
updates the blur post process effect where the resulting blur is an aggregate of all individual blur effect values | |
static void | SetBlurInventory (float value) |
Set blur inventory effect to a specified 'value' between 0..1. | |
static void | SetBlurDrunk (float value) |
Set blur drunk effect to a specified 'value' between 0..1. | |
static void | SetBlurFever (float value) |
Set blur drunk effect to a specified 'value' between 0..1. | |
static void | SetBlurMenu (float value) |
Set menu blur to a specified 'value' between 0..1. | |
static void | SetBlurOptics (float value) |
Set optics and ironsights blur to a specified 'value' between 0..1. | |
static void | SetBlurFlashbang (float value) |
Set blur flashbang hit effect to a specified 'value' between 0..1. | |
static void | SetBlurShock (float value) |
static int | RegisterChromAbbEffect () |
static void | ResetChromAbbEffects () |
static void | SetChromAbbValue (int index, float value) |
static void | SetChromAbb (float value) |
static void | UpdateChromAbb () |
updates the chromatic abberation post process effect where the resulting chromabb is an aggregate of all individual chromabb effect values | |
static void | SetChromAbbOptic (float value) |
static void | ResetColorEffects () |
static void | SetColorValue (int index, float r, float g, float b, float a, float overlay) |
static int | RegisterColorEffect () |
static void | UpdateColor () |
static void | SetLensEffect (float lens, float chromAbb, float centerX, float centerY) |
static void | PerformSetLensEffect (float lens, float chromAbb, float centerX, float centerY) |
added for convenience | |
static void | SetVignette (float intensity, float R, float G, float B, float A) |
static void | SetVignetteEffectValue (int index, float intensity, float r, float g, float b, float a) |
static int | RegisterVignetteEffect () |
static void | SetUnconsciousnessVignette (float value) |
static void | SetShockVignette (float value) |
static void | SetTunnelVignette (float value) |
static void | SetMenuVignette (float value) |
static void | ResetVignettes () |
static void | OverrideDOF (bool enable, float focusDistance, float focusLength, float focusLengthNear, float blur, float focusDepthOffset) |
static void | AddPPMask (float ndcX, float ndcY, float ndcRadius, float ndcBlur) |
static void | ResetPPMask () |
static void | ResetDOFOverride () |
static void | ResetLensEffect () |
static void | HitEffect (float value) |
static void | SetShockEffectColor (float value) |
static void | FlashbangEffect (float value) |
static void | EnableBurlapSackBlindness () |
static void | DisableBurlapSackBlindness () |
static void | SetDeathDarkening (float value) |
static void | UpdateSaturation () |
static void | UpdateVignette () |
static void | SetBloodSaturation (float value) |
static void | SetColorizationNV (float r, float g, float b) |
static void | UpdateColorize () |
static void | ResetColorize () |
static void | SetEVValuePP (float value) |
static void | SetNVParams (float light_mult, float noise_intensity, float sharpness, float grain_size) |
static void | SetBloom (float thres, float steep, float inten) |
static void | ResetAll () |
Закрытые статические данные | |
static const int | COLORIZE_NV = 100 |
static const float | COLOR_SHOCK = 0.1 |
static int | m_BlurInventory |
static int | m_BlurDrunk |
static int | m_BlurFever |
static int | m_BlurMenu |
static int | m_BlurOptics |
static int | m_BlurFlashbang |
static int | m_BlurShock |
static int | m_BurlapBlindness |
static int | m_DyingEffect |
static int | m_ShockEffect |
static int | m_ChromAbbOptic |
static int | m_VignetteUnconscious |
static int | m_VignetteShock |
static int | m_VignetteTunnel |
static int | m_VignetteMenu |
static float | m_BloodSaturation |
static ref array< float > | m_BlurValues |
static ref array< float > | m_ChromAbbValues |
static ref array< int > | m_VignetteEffects |
static ref map< int, ref array< float > > | m_VignetteValues |
static ref map< int, ref array< float > > | m_ColorValues |
static ref array< float > | m_ColorEffect |
static ref map< int, ref array< float > > | m_ColorizeEffects |
static float | m_ColorValueTotal [4] = {0,0,0,0} |
static float | m_ColorOverlayTotal |
static Material | m_MatColors |
static Material | m_RadialBlur |
Deprecated; 'PPEManager' used instead.
См. определение в файле PPEffects.c строка 2