DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
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Класс PPEffects

Deprecated; 'PPEManager' used instead. Подробнее...

Закрытые статические члены

static void Init ()
static void ResetBlurEffects ()
static void ResetRadialBlur ()
static void SetBlurValue (int index, float value)
static int RegisterBlurEffect ()
static void SetRadialBlur (float powerX, float powerY, float offsetX, float offsetY)
 sets blur effect to an absolute value between 0..1
static void SetBlur (float value)
 sets blur effect to an absolute value between 0..1
static void UpdateBlur ()
 updates the blur post process effect where the resulting blur is an aggregate of all individual blur effect values
static void SetBlurInventory (float value)
 Set blur inventory effect to a specified 'value' between 0..1.
static void SetBlurDrunk (float value)
 Set blur drunk effect to a specified 'value' between 0..1.
static void SetBlurFever (float value)
 Set blur drunk effect to a specified 'value' between 0..1.
static void SetBlurMenu (float value)
 Set menu blur to a specified 'value' between 0..1.
static void SetBlurOptics (float value)
 Set optics and ironsights blur to a specified 'value' between 0..1.
static void SetBlurFlashbang (float value)
 Set blur flashbang hit effect to a specified 'value' between 0..1.
static void SetBlurShock (float value)
static int RegisterChromAbbEffect ()
static void ResetChromAbbEffects ()
static void SetChromAbbValue (int index, float value)
static void SetChromAbb (float value)
static void UpdateChromAbb ()
 updates the chromatic abberation post process effect where the resulting chromabb is an aggregate of all individual chromabb effect values
static void SetChromAbbOptic (float value)
static void ResetColorEffects ()
static void SetColorValue (int index, float r, float g, float b, float a, float overlay)
static int RegisterColorEffect ()
static void UpdateColor ()
static void SetLensEffect (float lens, float chromAbb, float centerX, float centerY)
static void PerformSetLensEffect (float lens, float chromAbb, float centerX, float centerY)
 added for convenience
static void SetVignette (float intensity, float R, float G, float B, float A)
static void SetVignetteEffectValue (int index, float intensity, float r, float g, float b, float a)
static int RegisterVignetteEffect ()
static void SetUnconsciousnessVignette (float value)
static void SetShockVignette (float value)
static void SetTunnelVignette (float value)
static void SetMenuVignette (float value)
static void ResetVignettes ()
static void OverrideDOF (bool enable, float focusDistance, float focusLength, float focusLengthNear, float blur, float focusDepthOffset)
static void AddPPMask (float ndcX, float ndcY, float ndcRadius, float ndcBlur)
static void ResetPPMask ()
static void ResetDOFOverride ()
static void ResetLensEffect ()
static void HitEffect (float value)
static void SetShockEffectColor (float value)
static void FlashbangEffect (float value)
static void EnableBurlapSackBlindness ()
static void DisableBurlapSackBlindness ()
static void SetDeathDarkening (float value)
static void UpdateSaturation ()
static void UpdateVignette ()
static void SetBloodSaturation (float value)
static void SetColorizationNV (float r, float g, float b)
static void UpdateColorize ()
static void ResetColorize ()
static void SetEVValuePP (float value)
static void SetNVParams (float light_mult, float noise_intensity, float sharpness, float grain_size)
static void SetBloom (float thres, float steep, float inten)
static void ResetAll ()

Закрытые статические данные

static const int COLORIZE_NV = 100
static const float COLOR_SHOCK = 0.1
static int m_BlurInventory
static int m_BlurDrunk
static int m_BlurFever
static int m_BlurMenu
static int m_BlurOptics
static int m_BlurFlashbang
static int m_BlurShock
static int m_BurlapBlindness
static int m_DyingEffect
static int m_ShockEffect
static int m_ChromAbbOptic
static int m_VignetteUnconscious
static int m_VignetteShock
static int m_VignetteTunnel
static int m_VignetteMenu
static float m_BloodSaturation
static ref array< floatm_BlurValues
static ref array< floatm_ChromAbbValues
static ref array< intm_VignetteEffects
static ref map< int, ref array< float > > m_VignetteValues
static ref map< int, ref array< float > > m_ColorValues
static ref array< floatm_ColorEffect
static ref map< int, ref array< float > > m_ColorizeEffects
static float m_ColorValueTotal [4] = {0,0,0,0}
static float m_ColorOverlayTotal
static Material m_MatColors
static Material m_RadialBlur

Подробное описание

Deprecated; 'PPEManager' used instead.

См. определение в файле PPEffects.c строка 2