DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
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Класс ParticleSource

Entity which has the particle instance as an ObjectComponent. Подробнее...

+ Граф наследования:ParticleSource:

Защищенные члены

void ParticleInit ()
 Empty - Only needed for Particle.
proto native void SetParticleAutoDestroyFlags (ParticleAutoDestroyFlags flags)
 Enables the particle to automatically clean up itself when ending or stopping.
void DisableAutoDestroy ()
 Disables the particle automatically cleaning up itself when ending or stopping.
proto native int GetParticleAutoDestroyFlags ()
 Gets the currently set ParticleAutoDestroyFlags flags set on this ParticleSource.

ParticleBase events For ParticleSource, these are handed on C++ side For more information, read ParticleEvents

void OnParticleParented (IEntity parent)
 Event when the particle receives a parent.
void OnParticleUnParented (IEntity parent)
 Event when the particle is orphaned.
void OnParticleStop ()
 Event when the particle stops.
Misc backwards compatibility helpers

Helpers for misc backwards compatibility functionality

override void AddAsChild (Object parent, vector local_pos="0 0 0", vector local_ori="0 0 0", bool force_rotation_to_world=false)
 Attaches this particle onto some object. If null value is provided then the particle will be detached from the current parent.
Parameter API

Helpful methods for getting or setting parameters

override void SetParticleParam (int parameter_id, float value)
 Set the value of a parameter of all emitors in the particle.
override void SetParameter (int emitter, int parameter, float value)
 Set the value of a parameter of an emitor in the particle.
override void GetParameter (int emitter, int parameter, out float value)
 Get the value of a parameter of an emitor in the particle.
override float GetParameterEx (int emitter, int parameter)
 Get the value of a parameter of an emitor in the particle.
override void ScaleParticleParamFromOriginal (int parameter_id, float coef)
 Scales the given parameter on all emitors relatively to their ORIGINAL value.
override void ScaleParticleParam (int parameter_id, float coef)
 Scales the given parameter on all emitors relatively to their CURRENT value.
override void IncrementParticleParamFromOriginal (int parameter_id, float value)
 Increments the value of the given parameter relatively from the ORIGINAL value.
override void IncrementParticleParam (int parameter_id, float value)
 Increments the value of the given parameter relatively from the CURRENT value.

Защищенные статические члены

Create a particle (static)

Helper static methods to create/attach/play a ParticleSource on one line

static ParticleSource CreateParticle (int id, vector pos, bool playOnCreation=false, Object parent=null, vector ori=vector.Zero, bool forceWorldRotation=false, Class owner=null)
 Create function.
static ParticleSource CreateParticleEx (int id, vector pos, int flags=ParticlePropertiesFlags.NONE, Object parent=null, vector ori=vector.Zero, Class owner=null)
 Master create function.
static override Particle CreateOnObject (int particle_id, Object parent_obj, vector local_pos="0 0 0", vector local_ori="0 0 0", bool force_world_rotation=false)
 Creates a particle emitter and attaches it on the given object.
static override Particle Create (int particle_id, Object parent_obj, vector local_pos="0 0 0", vector local_ori="0 0 0")
 Legacy function for backwards compatibility.
static override Particle CreateInWorld (int particle_id, vector global_pos, vector global_ori="0 0 0", bool force_world_rotation=false)
 Creates a particle emitter on the given position.
static override ParticleSource Create (int particle_id, vector global_pos, vector global_ori="0 0 0")
 Legacy function for backwards compatibility with 1.01 and below.
Static play on creation

You can use the following Play(...) functions to create and activate a particle in 1 line of your script.

static override Particle PlayOnObject (int particle_id, Object parent_obj, vector local_pos="0 0 0", vector local_ori="0 0 0", bool force_world_rotation=false)
 Creates a particle emitter, attaches it on the given object and activates it.
static override Particle Play (int particle_id, Object parent_obj, vector local_pos="0 0 0", vector local_ori="0 0 0")
 Legacy function for backwards compatibility with 1.01 and below.
static override Particle PlayInWorld (int particle_id, vector global_pos)
 Creates a particle emitter on the given position and activates it.
static override Particle Play (int particle_id, vector global_pos)
 Legacy function for backwards compatibility with 1.01 and below.

Закрытые члены

void ParticleSource ()
void ~ParticleSource ()

Methods regarding playing/stopping of particle

proto bool PlayParticleNative (int flags)
 Method to tell the particle to start playing.
override bool PlayParticleEx (int particle_id=-1, int flags=0)
 Method to tell the particle to start playing.
proto bool StopParticleNative (int flags)
 Method to tell the particle to stop playing.
override bool StopParticle (int flags=0)
 Method to tell the particle to stop playing.
proto native bool ResetParticleNative ()
 Method to tell the particle to reset.
override bool ResetParticle ()
 Method to tell the particle to reset.
proto native bool RestartParticleNative ()
 Method to tell the particle to restart (reset + play)
override bool RestartParticle ()
 Method to tell the particle to restart (reset + play)
proto bool IsParticlePlayingNative ()
 Ask if the particle is still playing.
override bool IsParticlePlaying ()
 Ask if the particle is still playing.

Methods that set the particle to be used

proto native bool SetParticleNative (string path)
 Assigns a particle to the ParticleSource.
bool SetParticle (string path)
 Assigns a particle to the ParticleSource.
bool SetParticleByID (int id)
 Assigns a particle to the ParticleSource.
override void SetSource (int particle_id)
 Sets particle id.

Methods that get the particle assigned

proto bool GetParticleNative (out string path, EGetParticleMode mode)
 Gets the path to the currently assigned particle.
bool GetParticle (out string path, EGetParticleMode mode)
 Gets the path to the currently assigned particle.
override int GetParticleID ()
 Gets the ParticleList ID of the currently assigned particle.
int GetParticleIDLegacy ()
 Gets the ParticleList ID of the currently assigned particle.
Apply properties

Methods to apply properties to the particle

proto native bool ApplyPropertiesNative (ParticleProperties properties)
 Applies the properties given to the ParticleSource.
bool ApplyProperties (ParticleProperties properties)
 Applies the properties given to the ParticleSource.
Properties and state

Obtain information or set properties regarding the state of the Particle

override Object GetDirectParticleEffect ()
 Returns direct particle effect entity.
override Object GetParticleParent ()
 Returns the parent of this Particle if there is one.
proto bool HasActiveParticleNative ()
 Returns if there is any particle active.
override bool HasActiveParticle ()
 Returns if there is any particle active.
proto int GetParticleCountNative ()
 Returns the total count of active particles in all emitors.
override int GetParticleCount ()
 Returns the total count of active particles in all emitors.
proto bool IsRepeatNative ()
 Returns whether there is a repeating particle.
override bool IsRepeat ()
 Returns whether there is a repeating particle.
proto float GetMaxLifetimeNative ()
 Returns the approx. max lifetime.
override float GetMaxLifetime ()
 Returns the approx. max lifetime.
proto native Class GetOwner ()
 Get the owner of this ParticleSource.
proto native void SetOwner (Class owner)
 Set the owner of this ParticleSource.
proto native void Orphan ()
 null the owner of this ParticleSource
Owning ParticleManager

Methods regarding the owner

proto native ParticleManager GetParticleManager ()
 Get the ParticleManager the ParticleSource belongs to if any.
proto native int GetIndex ()
 Get the index of this ParticleSource in the owning ParticleManager.
- Закрытые члены унаследованные от Particle
override void PlayParticle (int particle_id=-1)
 Method to tell the particle to start playing.
override bool PlayParticleEx (int particle_id=-1, int flags=0)
 Method to tell the particle to start playing.
void Play (int particle_id=-1)
 Legacy function for backwards compatibility with 1.01 and below.
override bool StopParticle (int flags=0)
 Method to tell the particle to stop playing.
void Stop ()
 Legacy function for backwards compatibility with 1.14 and below.
void SetSource (int particle_id)
 Sets particle id.
int GetParticleID ()
 Gets particle id.
Object GetDirectParticleEffect ()
 Returns direct particle effect entity which is usually handled by this class 'Particle' if there is one.
Object GetParticleParent ()
 Returns the parent of this Particle if there is one.
bool HasActiveParticle ()
 Returns if there is any particle active.
int GetParticleCount ()
 Returns the total count of active particles in all emitors.
bool IsRepeat ()
 Returns whether there is a repeating particle.
float GetMaxLifetime ()
 Returns the approx. max lifetime.
void ParticleInit ()
 Purely here so that it can be emptied in ParticleSource.
vector RandWiggleVector ()
 Helper to get a randomized wiggle vector.
float RandWiggleFloat ()
 Helper to get a randomized wiggle float value.
void UpdateState ()
 Creates/Destroys ParticleEffect child according to current state.

Static counter API

Gives counter information for the class

proto int GetCountID ()
 Gets the ID for the ParticleSource.
proto static native int GetStaticCount ()
 Gets the amount of ParticleSource that have been created since the start of the program.
proto static native int GetStaticActiveCount ()
 Gets the amount of ParticleSource that are currently existing.

Wiggle API

Settings to make the Particle wiggle

void RandomizeOrientation ()
 Randomizes a new orientation and applies it.
override void SetWiggle (float random_angle, float random_interval)
 Makes the particle change direction by random_angle every random_interval seconds.
override void StopWiggle ()
 Stops randomized wiggle.

Misc Particle specific helpers

Functionality specific for Particle, so we empty them here

void UpdateState ()
void DestroyParticleEffect ()
void CreateParticleEffect ()
void OnCheckAutoDelete ()
void OnToDelete ()
void EOnFrame (IEntity other, float timeSlice)

Дополнительные унаследованные члены

- Закрытые статические члены унаследованные от Particle
static Particle CreateOnObject (int particle_id, Object parent_obj, vector local_pos="0 0 0", vector local_ori="0 0 0", bool force_world_rotation=false)
 Creates a particle emitter and attaches it on the given object.
static Particle Create (int particle_id, Object parent_obj, vector local_pos="0 0 0", vector local_ori="0 0 0")
 Legacy function for backwards compatibility.
static Particle CreateInWorld (int particle_id, vector global_pos, vector global_ori="0 0 0", bool force_world_rotation=false)
 Creates a particle emitter on the given position.
static Particle Create (int particle_id, vector global_pos, vector global_ori="0 0 0")
 Legacy function for backwards compatibility with 1.01 and below.
static Particle PlayOnObject (int particle_id, Object parent_obj, vector local_pos="0 0 0", vector local_ori="0 0 0", bool force_world_rotation=false)
 Creates a particle emitter, attaches it on the given object and activates it.
static Particle Play (int particle_id, Object parent_obj, vector local_pos="0 0 0", vector local_ori="0 0 0")
 Legacy function for backwards compatibility with 1.01 and below.
static Particle PlayInWorld (int particle_id, vector global_pos)
 Creates a particle emitter on the given position and activates it.
static Particle Play (int particle_id, vector global_pos)
 Legacy function for backwards compatibility with 1.01 and below.
int m_ParticleID
 ID from ParticleList if assigned.
float m_Lifetime
 Approx. remaining lifetime of particle.
bool m_IsRepeat
 Whether this particle repeats.
Object m_ParentObject
 Parent Object the Particle is child of.
Object m_ParticleEffect
 The child object which contains the actual particle.
int m_PreviousFrame

Подробное описание

Entity which has the particle instance as an ObjectComponent.

Unfortunately the native methods are private and have a script wrapper This is because of backwards compatibility with the old Particle and to avoid confusion As we should continue to use Particle for consistency, as it is too deeply rooted in script Which means switching is no longer possible due to it being harmful for already existing mods Even though using the ParticleSource directly would be preferred
Some variables from Particle are invalid on this level, those marked DEPRECATED by Particle are still DEPRECATED here m_ParticleID; //!< INVALID - Use GetParticleID() instead m_Lifetime; //!< INVALID - No EOnFrame, so no use for it m_IsPlaying; //!< VALID - Set through events - IsParticlePlaying() is still better m_IsRepeat; //!< INVALID - Use IsRepeat() instead m_MarkedForDeletion; //!< INVALID - No EOnFrame, so no use for it Wiggle API variables are still used for Wiggle API m_ParentObject; //!< VALID - Set through events - Or use GetParticleParent() or GetParent() m_ParticleEffect; //!< VALID - Not in the same usage as Particle, as it will always be 'this', never null

См. определение в файле ParticleSource.c строка 123